Scene 1
The morning light shines through the window of Kevin Fisher and Jana Hawkes Fisher’s bedroom. Only, this morning, it’s Jana and Scott Grainger, Jr. who are sharing the bed after innocently spending the night together. Scott begins to wake up. Still in a fog, he stretches and rubs his eyes. As he becomes conscious, he feels something heavy on his chest. He lifts his head up and sees that Jana, in her sleep, must have moved onto him. She’s still fast asleep and is using him as a pillow.
He puts his head back down, and stays in bed, letting Jana lay on top of him while she sleeps. Suddenly, Jana begins to stir. She opens her eyes, and realizes what she’s done. She springs up off of Scott. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she apologizes, “I must have moved in the middle of the night…”
Scene 2
Paul Williams, Jill Abbott, and Jack Abbott are all in New York, waiting at the airport together to take the same flight back to Genoa City. Jill has to get back in time for Lily Winters’ baby shower and Paul and Jack have to get back to discipline their teenaged sons who lied to them and threw a party while they were away.
“Well, this is a coincidence,” Jack says, realizing they’re all waiting for the same flight. “Where’s Traci?” Jill asks Jack, “Katherine told me she’s going to Lily’s baby shower.” “She had to take a later flight,” Jack responds, “She’ll be there, though.”
Jill puts down her luggage in the airport and breathes a sigh of relief. “I cannot wait to get home, and put this trip out of my mind,” she says. “Now don’t go home all disappointed that it was a waste of time,” Paul tells her, knowing that Lena Griffin (formerly Eileen Ramsey) is really Jill’s birth mother, although she denied it to Jill. “I have a feeling we’ll be finding your mother real soon,” Paul continues. “Wait – you’re trying to locate your birth mother… again?” Jack asks. “For all the good it’s doing,” Jill replies sarcastically. She’s clearly disappointed. “Yeah, well, like I said, I have a hunch that you’ll get the answers you’re looking for,” Paul repeats, “sooner than you think.” “At this point, I just want to get home and forget all my troubles,” Jill says.
“I wish we could say the same,” Jack comments. “Yeah, we’re going home to two kids who are in some major trouble,” Paul states. “So I guess it was a bad idea for us to leave Kyle and Ricky alone like we did,” Jack adds. “Yeah, I guess it was,” Paul agrees, “We were testing them to see if they could be trusted on their own, and they obviously can’t be.”
Scene 3
Neil Winters is leaving the Athletic Club when Alex Perez comes down the stairs and sees him in the lobby. “Neil!” she calls out. Neil turns back. “I know – that report you gave me,” he says, realizing that he never called Alex back after she gave him a proposal for the merging of Chancellor Industries with Tucker McCall, Unlimited. “You told me you would call me back,” Alex reminds him. “I’ve been busy,” Neil responds, “I’m not trying to avoid it… or you, for that matter.” “It’s starting to feel that way,” Alex admits. “No, you know what? I’ll tell you what -- I’m heading over to my daughter’s baby shower,” Neil informs her, “So if you’d like to join me…?” Alex considers the invitation. “Will Malcolm be there?” she asks, already knowing the answer. “Mmhmm,” Neil replies, “but you don’t have to talk to him.” “Okay,” Alex agrees, “I have a quick meeting with a client first, but then I’m all yours.”
Scene 4
Lily Winters Ashby arrives at Chancellor Estate and the Chancellors’ live-in maid Esther Valentine answers the door. “Hi Lily!” she greets her politely, “You’re early!” “I know!” Lily says, “I’m sorry… I hope it’s not a problem… I was just so excited to get over here.” “Oh, I’m just teasing you,” Esther tells her, “Come on in.” “Thank you,” Lily replies as she heads inside. Katherine Chancellor Murphy and her husband Patrick Murphy are the next to come to the door. “There’s the mother to be,” Murphy says. “Hi!” Lily greets them. “Lily, darling, how are you?” Katherine asks her as she gives her a hug. “Feeling so much better,” Lily reveals. “Glad to hear it,” Murphy replies.
“Um, darling, would you mind just waiting upstairs for a few minutes?” Katherine suggests, “There’s something we need to set up down here.” “Okay, sure,” Lily agrees, unsure of what to expect.
Scene 5
Alex is now at JT Hellstrom’s Apartment to prepare him for his upcoming visit with Roseanne Ryerson, the Guardian Ad Litem who will be evaluating his parenting skills. “Whatever you do, make sure you’re engaging with Reed,” Alex suggests, “The evaluator will be watching to see if you actively play with and interact with him.” “Of course I’m gonna interact with him,” JT insists, “I love doing things with Reed. That’s what I’m like with him all the time. I’m not gonna fake things just because someone’s watching for a few hours. No… I’m gonna get my son by being my true self. That’s how I’m gonna win this case. And Victoria, she can try to hide being a Newman. But her family’ll come back to bite her in the end… you can count on that.”
Scene 6
Back at the Fishers’ Apartment, Scott stands in front of the fridge eating a bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast. Jana, now fully dressed, joins him.
“Are you hungry?” he asks. “I am,” Jana confirms, “That fruit bowl looks scrumptious right about now.” “Ooh, then let me get you some,” Scott offers, “Which one would you like?” “Maybe I could start with a strawberry,” Jana says, “I remember what those taste like…” Scott carefully picks a ripe strawberry out of the bowl of fruit he’s eating. He holds it in two fingers close to Jana’s mouth and she bites it out of his hand. “Mmm, so fresh,” Jana comments, “and which one would you like?” “I’ll have a grape,” Scott answers, and Jana returns the favor, holding a grape in front of him with and allowing him to bite it out of her two fingers. “How was it?” Jana asks. “Nice and juicy,” Scott replies with a smile.
“What’s that one?” Jana inquires, pointing to an orange-colored fruit. “Cantaloupe,” Scott answers, “It’s got a very strong taste…” “The old Jana probably wouldn’t have liked that,” Jana admits, “But my preferences have changed since the aneurism. I don’t like the same things anymore. I like things that are strong.” Scott smiles. “Well, then here… try it,” he encourages her. Jana takes a bite of the piece of cantaloupe. “Mmm, delicious,” she decides. “You, um, have some on your lip,” Scott informs her as he wipes her mouth with a napkin. “Did you get it?” Jana asks. They stare into each other’s eyes and Scott suddenly leans in and kisses Jana. Jana doesn’t respond at first, but after a few seconds, she kisses Scott back.
Scene 7
Alex continues to offer JT advice about the upcoming custody visit. “As you already know, the evaluator will also be reviewing the home environment. Is it clean? Is it safe? That sort of thing…” “Yes – all of the above,” JT answers, “I just tidied up around the place, emptied the garbage can… so yeah, everything’s in order.” “Okay, good,” Alex nods, “Now, about discipline… this is very important in case it comes up during the visit… but the Guardian Ad Litem is also watching to see what kind of discipline you use.” “It’s not like I beat my son,” JT replies defensively. “No… of course not,” Alex continues, “But if you do have to punish him, time-outs and deprivation of activities are viewed favorably. Don’t shout or use inappropriate language at any point, ever.” “Alex, I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” JT tells her, “But you’re kind of stating the obvious here.” “I’m aware of that, believe me,” Alex replies, “But sometimes people get nervous and they do some things that wouldn’t normally do. So it’s best just to cover all the bases upfront here.” “Alright, then what else you got?” JT asks. “Finally, how Reed reacts to you will be very important,” Alex reveals, “The guardian will also try to make an assessment of the emotional bond between parent and child, and what she determines will be the key to her decision as to who should be awarded custody of Reed...”
Scene 8
Paul, Jill, and Jack are all seated together on a plane from New York to Genoa City. Paul and Jack are still arguing about the party that their sons threw without permission while they were both away. “This is all Kyle’s fault,” Paul says. “Hold on a minute,” Jack responds angrily, “Are you blaming my son for this?” “Oh, would you two shut up already?” Jill snaps, “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. They both went along with it… they are equally responsible, now please be quiet.” “No… Ricky never would have lied to me like that,” Paul continues, “Until he started hanging around with Kyle.” “It’s not like Kyle held a gun to his head,” Jack states. “No, but he’s obviously the ringleader,” Paul insists, “Sometimes your son gets in with the wrong crowd, and sometimes, Jack, your son is the wrong crowd. And I’m not letting Kyle have any influence over my son anymore.”
Scene 9
Mackenzie Browning returns to JT’s Apartment with his son Reed Hellstrom. They had gone out for a morning walk. “I saw Alex leaving on my way back,” Mackenzie tells JT. “Yeah, she came to give me some last-minute advice for today’s visit,” JT confirms. “Is someone coming over?” Reed asks excitedly. “Yes, buddy…,” JT nods. “Mommy?” Reed follows up. JT shakes his head. “No, it’s not Mommy,” he answers, “You remember that woman who came over to your house when you were with Mommy?” Reed nods. “Well, she’s gonna be coming over here, um, really soon, actually. So you be a good boy for me while she’s here. Be on your best behavior for me, and we’ll do some fun things together. We’ll have a blast.” “Alright, well, I’m gonna head back to my grandmother’s,” Mackenzie announces, “I want to get ready before the baby shower.” JT gives Mackenzie a quick kiss. “Have fun,” he wishes her. “Thanks,” Mackenzie says before bending down to hug Reed, “I’ll call you tonight to say good night, and you can tell me all about what you and daddy did today, okay?” Reed nods.
As Mackenzie leaves JT’s apartment, Roseanne Ryerson is just arriving.
Scene 10
Neil and Alex arrive together at the Chancellor Estate for Lily’s baby shower. They join Katherine in the foyer. “Alex Perez,” Neil re-introduces Alex to Katherine, “You remember Alex, don’t you?” “Yes, of course,” Katherine answers, “You used to work for Victor. That was years ago. And you work for my son now… Tucker McCall.” “That’s right,” Alex confirms, “Can I expect to see him here?” “No, you cannot,” Katherine responds, “Because knowing him, he would use the occasion to talk business… and mergers with me. And this is a family gathering, not a business meeting.” “I see,” Alex nods. “And that means you too,” Katherine informs Alex, “There is a time and a place, and we are not at the office.” “Point taken,” Alex says, “Believe me, business is the last thing on my mind.” “You heard the woman,” Neil tells Katherine. “I did, indeed,” Katherine replies, “In that case, welcome to my home and please… enjoy yourself.” “Thank you, Mrs. Chancellor,” Alex responds, “And by the way, this place is absolutely breathtaking.” “Yes, it sure is.,” Neil agrees, “Katherine, thank you for opening up your home to us.” “Neil, Neil, Neil…,” Katherine says with a smile, “What have I told you over and over again? You are family…”
Scene 11
Jill arrives back at Chancellor Estate, just in time for Lily’s baby shower. Katherine and Murphy see her heading upstairs. “I was wondering when you’d get back,” she states, “Do you have any idea what’s going on right now?” “I know… Lily’s baby shower,” Jill answers. “Then where were you?” Katherine demands, “and why did you leave without telling me where you were going?” “I was in New York,” Jill confesses. “Now what in the hell were you doing in New York?” Katherine asks. “I had some personal business to take care of,” Jill responds vaguely, “And you’ll never guess who I ran into while I was there… or maybe you would.” “Well, do tell, Jill. I don’t have time to play games,” Katherine tells her. “Paul,” Jill states. “Paul Williams?” Katherine questions, despite already knowing the answer, “Curious.” “Oh, don’t play dumb with me. I know that you’ve been looking for my birth mother,” Jill reveals. “That was supposed to be a birthday surprise,” Katherine says, admitting what Jill already knows. “Well, it’s almost my birthday, and it’s no surprise that we haven’t found the woman yet,” Jill says, “I’m never gonna find her. And the sad part is… I actually thought there was some hope that I would be able to track her down… even after all these years. I’d given up hope of ever finding my real father, but I thought… my mother, there was some hope there… But obviously neither of them wanted me if they’re this hard to find…” “Jill, don’t go telling yourself that when you don’t know the circumstances,” Murphy advises, suddenly jumping into the conversation, “I mean… maybe your father never even knew about you. Maybe he’d have liked to have a daughter. I know I would want to know… if you were mine.”
Scene 12
Lily and Mackenzie catch up with one another at Lily’s baby shower at the Chancellor Estate. “I think they’re coming soon… the twins,” Mackenzie tells Lily, “I feel it more and more every day that it’s almost time. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see them… hold them for the first time.” “And when that moment comes, I will finally be complete,” Lily reveals. “Except for Cane,” Mackenzie deduces. “Except for Cane,” Lily nods, “Of course, but I won’t let that ruin my day today.” “I’m glad,” Mackenzie says. “Speaking of our significant others, where’s JT?” “JT wishes he could be here, but he has his evaluation for the custody case today,” Mackenzie informs Lily. “Oh, that’s okay,” Lily replies, “I understand… but it’s kind of sad, isn’t it? Here I am celebrating the two children that I’m about to receive, and at the same time, either JT or Victoria is about to lose their son…”
Scene 13
Roseanne observes JT and Reed playing a round of the game Guess Who. “Is your person a woman?” JT asks. Reed nods silently. On his gameboard, JT puts down all the cards featuring men, leaving only the women visible. “Does your person have yellow hair?” Reed now asks JT. “Blond hair,” JT gently corrects him, “Yes, my person has blond hair.” Reed puts down all those who don’t have blond hair. “Okay, um, does your person have earrings?” JT inquires. “Yep,” Reed confirms. JT puts down all the women who don’t have earrings, narrowing his choice even more. “Does your person have a big moustache, like Grandpa?” Reed now asks JT. “Yeah, yeah… he sure does, buddy,” JT replies. With that answer, Reed also narrows his options significantly. “Does your person have red hair?” JT asks and Reed shakes his head ‘no.’ “Is your person named Jake?” Reed inquires, ending the game if he’s correct. “My person is named Jake,” JT says, revealing his card, “Good job, buddy! You got me.” Reed smiles, and Roseanne jots down a few notes from afar.
Scene 14
Lily and Mackenzie come downstairs to join Katherine, Murphy, Jill, Esther, Neil, Alex, Devon, Roxanne, and Malcolm in the foyer of the Chancellor Estate. “I have a surprise for everyone!” Lily happily announces, “Cane might be able to come home soon…” “That’s great, Lily!” Devon says, and the others echo the sentiment. “Yeah, Michael is still trying to work out the details. He says it was a long shot, but he thinks it’ll end up panning out.” “Wow… that sure is a wonderful surprise to come home to,” Jill comments. “I knew you’d think so,” Lily replies.
“Oh, darling, I think you’re the one who’s going to be surprised,” Katherine teases. “What do you mean?” Lily asks. Katherine motions towards the living room. “Well, speaking of Cane, I had the techies from Chancellor Industries set this up,” she explains, “so that Cane could be here with us today.” Katherine leads Lily to the living room where a huge video monitor is set up and Ethan “Cane” Ashby is visible on the screen.
Scene 15
At Lily’s baby shower at the Chancellor Estate, Alex approaches Malcolm. “So, you never told me she [Lily] was your daughter,” Alex informs her former fiancé. “I never found out until I came back to Genoa City,” Malcolm explains. “You mean after… when you ‘came from the dead?’” Alex asks. “That’s right,” Malcolm says, “Believe me. If I had known when we were still engaged, I wouldn’t have kept that from you.”
Suddenly, Lily approaches them. “Uncle Malcolm!” she calls out. “Alex, thanks so much for coming,” Lily says, “Are you two here together?” “Actually, no, it was your father… well, Neil, that invited me,” Alex replies, not sure how to refer to Neil. “Well, I’m glad you could come,” Lily tells her, “and that you two are getting some time to catch up.”
As Lily leaves them, Malcolm turns back to Alex. “You see what she called me? Her Uncle Malcolm,” he says, “and that’s all I’ll ever be to her…”
Scene 16
Jana and Scott are kissing in the kitchen of the Fishers’ Apartment. Jana suddenly pulls away. “Wait,” she says, coming to her senses, “We can’t do this…” “Why not?” Scott asks. “What do you mean – why not?” Jana fires back, “You know why not!” “I’m sorry… I –,” Scott apologizes. Jana interrupts him. “I’d like you to leave,” she decides. “Now? Just give me a second to explain,” Scott pleads. “No, there’s nothing you can say right now,” Jana replies, “Please leave. Just go…” Scott reluctantly obeys. As he’s heading out the door, he looks back at Jana. “I’m sorry,” he mutters. Jana closes the front door without saying anything.
Scene 17
At the Chancellor Estate, Lily and Roxanne are talking to one another. “See, what did I tell you?” Lily says, “You had nothing to worry about when Devon went away…” Roxanne smiles nervously, realizing that Devon never told Lily about her cheating on Devon while he was in Seattle…
Across the room, Malcolm and Devon are discussing the same situation. “Is everything okay between you two?” Malcolm inquires. Devon stares ahead at Roxanne and Lily. “Yeah, we’re working through it,” he replies, “Trying to rebuild…” Neil approaches them. “Hey son… [and] Malcolm,” he greets them, saying Malcolm’s name with much less enthusiasm, “What are you two talkin’ about?” Devon takes a moment to think. “Lily, of course,” he lies, “and how happy we are for her.” Neil smiles. “Yeah, it is truly amazing, isn’t it?” he agrees, “Last year, at this time, we had no idea how things would turn out, but now Lily is happy and healthy again, and she has two beautiful babies on the way. Dru was definitely looking out for her from above…”
Scene 18
At the Chancellor Estate, Lily is in disbelief that Cane is able to join them for the baby shower via video conference. “I can’t believe this right now!” she exclaims. “Believe it,” Cane replies, “and before you know it, I’ll be back at your side in-person. We won’t need this video equipment to see one another.” “I pray every night for that day to come,” Lily says softly, forgetting for a moment about all the spectators in the room.
“I’ve got some other people who’d like to say hello,” Cane suddenly informs Lily. He moves the webcam and sitting off to the side are Nina Webster, Phillip Chancellor III, Phillip “Chance” Chancellor IV, and Chloe Mitchell.
“Look, I know that you probably don’t wanna hear from me, but I just wanted to say that I think you’ll be an awesome mom,” Chloe tells Lily, “Motherhood changes you… or at least it did for me – not that you need to change or anything, but you know what I mean… Okay, I’m rambling… but I just wanted to say, Congratulations.” “Thanks… I think,” Lily replies.
“Congratulations from me too,” Chance chimes in, “I know we haven’t really gotten to know each other, but one thing I can know about you is how much you already love the twins. And I know you’re gonna be a great mom.”
Scene 19
Roseanne continues to observe JT and Reed. “Hey, buddy – why don’t you go in your room and pick out a book for us to read together?” JT suggests. As Reed does so, Roseanne takes the opportunity to approach JT. “You have a wonderful son, Mr. Hellstrom,” she begins. “Thanks… I know that,” JT nods. “He seems so bright and well-adjusted, despite what’s going on,” Roseanne comments, “Well, I’ll leave you two and get back to the office to finish my report. My findings will be communicated through your attorney as soon as possible…” “Alright, sounds good,” JT tells her, “Thank you…” As Roseanne leaves, JT whispers aloud to himself: “Sorry, Victoria, but it looks like I won,” he decides, “Reed is staying right where he is… with me.”
Scene 20
Jana goes to Scott’s room at the Athletic Club. She knocks on the door and Scott opens it a few moments later. “Hi,” Jana says tentatively. “Hi,” he replies back. “I didn’t like the way we ended things,” Jana states. “Neither did I,” Scott agrees, letting her inside, “Just let me explain…” Jana cuts him off. “No, it was my fault,” she insists, taking the blame for what happened between them, “Because I’ve been giving you mixed signals, and kind of encouraging it. I mean, I suggested that we sleep in the same bed, which was bloody stupid of me.” “That’s not what this was about,” Scott tells Jana, “I’ve been feeling this way… about you, for a long time. And I feel like we’ve both holding back, but I don’t know… so is it a mutual thing, or is it only on my end?” Jana doesn’t know what to say…
Scene 21
Jack returns home to the Abbott Mansion. He throws his bags down on the floor of the foyer. “Kyle!?” he shouts, “Where are you? Get down here this instant!”
Scene 22
Meanwhile, Paul returns home to his apartment. He opens the door and the apartment looks empty. “Ricky?” he calls out, “I’m home… Are you here?”
Scene 23
In the living room of the Chancellor Estate, Lily continues her ‘video conference’ with Cane, Chloe, Chance, Nina, and Phillip III. “Lily, being a mother is truly the best gift you could ever ask for in life, and you are about to have two beautiful, precious babies,” Nina says, “We really wish you all the luck in the world, and we’re sorry we can’t all be there with you in person.”
“One, two, three,” Cane counts down, “Ready?” “Congratulations, Lily, from all of us down under!” the five of them shout. “Thank you so much!” Lily replies, a huge smile on her face. “Now there’s some presents from all of us too that I want you to open up,” Cane informs her. “But it’s not time for presents yet,” Lily protests. “Oh, nonsense,” Katherine comments, “Just a few won’t hurt.” “Okay,” Lily agrees, a huge grin on her face.
Scene 24
Jana and Scott continue to talk in his suite at the Athletic Club. “Scott, I really have enjoyed our time together,” Jana begins, “but the things that we’ve been sharing together… um, these are things I want to share with my husband… with Kevin.” “You don’t even remember him,” Scott says. “I owe it to him to try!” Jana says with conviction. “You have been,” Scott replies, “and I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt Kevin either, but I couldn’t not tell you how I feel anymore. When you find the right person, sometimes you just can’t help it.” “Stop it!” Jana orders, “I cannot be the right person… not when I’m married to Kevin.” “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel the same way,” Scott demands. Jana is clearly tempted. “Um, I’m gonna leave now before I do something I’ll regret,” she tells him. “So you do feel something for me,” Scott realizes. “I feel that it’s best if I leave,” Jana repeats and she hurries towards the door. “Jana!” Scott calls. “Goodbye, Scott,” Jana whispers and she leaves his suite. Scott sits down on the bed and runs his hands through his hair. He’s not sure what’s going to happen now that Jana knows about his feelings for her…
Next Time on The Young and The Restless:
Click here to watch a video promo of the upcoming custody battle between Victoria Newman and JT Hellstrom!

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DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
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