Monday, October 18, 2010
Sorry for the delay. I am still writing the next set of episodes. I've written little bits and pieces of Episodes 33, 34, 35, and even 36 and 37. The story will still go on. Please use the time to catch up on past episodes if you need to, and continue to check back soon for a firm schedule as to when new episodes will go up. Again, my apologies. I'm hoping to write again soon...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Episode 32 – Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Scene 1
Lily Winters’ baby shower continues at the Chancellor Estate. Lily, Neil Winters, Devon Hamilton Winters, Roxanne Porter, Malcolm Winters, Alex Perez, Katherine Chancellor Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Jill Abbott, Mackenzie Browning, and Esther Valentine are all gathered in the living room. Lily holds up the presents that she received from her husband Cane, who is deported to Australia: a stuffed koala, a stuffed kangaroo and little Australian Outback outfits.
“Those outfits are so cool,” Devon comments, “I know I would’ve loved one of those when I was little.” Lily turns to him and Roxanne. “I’ll remember that for when you two have kids,” she says. “Hey, we’re a long way from that point,” Devon quickly answers. Roxanne looks unsettled by this comment.
“Well, I think the twins will look adorable in those,” Mackenzie suddenly says. “Yeah, like two little Crocodile Dundees,” Murphy adds. “Every time I look at them, I’ll remember that their daddy’s thinking about all of us,” Lily remarks.
Scene 2
Paul Williams returns home to his apartment. He opens the door and the apartment looks empty. “Ricky?” he calls out for his teenaged son, “I’m home… Are you here?” Suddenly, Paul’s daughter Heather Stevens emerges from Ricky’s bedroom. “He left,” she announces, “I left the room for one second, and he slipped out. Paul sighs. “He probably went to Jack’s…,” he realizes, “Come on… let’s go.”
Scene 3
Ricky Williams arrives at the Genoa City Chronicle office. He approaches the receptionist. “Hi… I called earlier about taking a look at the archives,” he informs her.
Scene 4
Abby Carlton comes downstairs to join her mother Ashley Abbott in the living room of the former Carlton Mansion. Abby slept in after going to her cousin Kyle’s pool party without permission. Ashley had discovered her there and brought her home.
“It was really late when we got home last night, so I let you go right to bed, but honey, we have to talk about what happened at that party sooner or later,” Ashley tells her daughter. Abby seems to be ignoring her. “Am I living here again?” she asks suddenly, “I was just starting to get used to the Ranch.” “No, you haven’t moved back here,” Ashley answers, “I just didn’t want to take you back to the Ranch so late.” “So have you told Dad?” Abby inquires. “Yes,” Ashley replies promptly. “That I went to Kyle’s party or that I spent the night with you?” Abby clarifies. “Both,” Ashley says, “but now it’s time for you to go and see your father. He’s gonna deal with you.” “Why? Where are you going?” Abby demands. “I have to go pick up Aunt Traci at the airport so that we can go to Lily’s baby shower,” Ashley explains. “That’s today!?” Abby reacts, “I completely forgot. I’ve been so preoccupied with…, well, other things that it slipped my mind. I’ll go with you to pick up Aunt Traci.” “No, you’re going back to the Ranch,” Ashley stands her ground. “I can’t deal with Dad right now, please,” Abby pleads, “Tomorrow’s the anniversary of Colleen’s death. I should be able to see Aunt Traci… and Lily.” Ashley considers Abby’s request and decides to go easy on Abby. She nods. “Alright, sweetie,” she agrees, “Go upstairs and get ready.”
Scene 5
At the Abbott Manor, Billy Abbott walks into his nephew Kyle Abbott’s bedroom. Kyle’s sitting at his computer. “Go to,” Billy instructs, “All the photos you wanted from your party are there.” “You still crashed my party,” Kyle replies, not caring about the pictures. “So what does that mean?” Billy asks fearfully. “It means that you broke our deal,” Kyle says loudly.
Jack Abbott returns home to the Abbott Manor. He throws his bags down on the floor of the foyer. “Kyle!?” he shouts, “Where are you? Get down here this instant!”
“Crap,” Kyle utters, realizing that Jack came home a day early, “So you told him…” “Yeah, I told him,” Billy confirms. “I thought, out of everyone here, you’d be the one who understood me,” Kyle snaps.
Scene 6
At the Main House on the Newman Ranch, Sharon Newman is dressed up, ready to head over to Lily Winters’ baby shower. She’s checking messages on her cell phone when she comes across a forwarded email containing the photos from Kyle’s pool party. Sharon’s teenaged son Noah Newman enters the room.
“Restless Style strikes again,” Sharon comments. Noah is confused. “What do you mean?” he asks. “Billy posted pictures from Kyle’s party on his Web site,” Sharon informs him, “And let me tell you… Victor and Ashley won’t be very happy when they see this one of Abby and some boy.” “That’s Ricky, Paul’s son,” Noah realizes…
Scene 7
The receptionist at the Genoa City Chronicle takes Ricky back to the archive room, which is full of numerous dusty filing cabinets. “Wow,” Ricky comments, “That’s a lot of records.” “What are you looking for, specifically?” the receptionist asks. “Articles about an Isabella Williams,” Ricky answers, “or Isabella Brana…” “From what year?” The receptionist follows up. “I don’t know, 15-20 years ago, probably,” Ricky tells her. “Hmmm, well, unfortunately the place is a mess,” the receptionist observes, “We don’t get too many like you around here… What’s this for again?” “Um… school project,” Ricky lies, “Family tree.” “Hope you find what you’re looking for, kid,” the receptionist comments as she heads to the door to leave. “Me too,” Ricky mutters under his breath.
Scene 8
Sharon and Noah are in the living room of the Main House on the Newman Ranch. “Okay, I’m heading over to the [baby] shower now,” Sharon informs Noah. She’s holding wrapped presents in her hands. “Alright, have fun,” Noah says as Sharon heads out the door.
Noah remains in the living room and continues to look at the photos from Kyle’s party on his cell phone. He reads the comments posted on the photo of Abby and Ricky. One surprising comment catches his attention. “At least they didn’t go all the way like Kyle and Eden…?” he reads aloud, his eyes widening with fear, “What the…?” He scrolls down further. “I saw them too,” Noah reads another comment, “No wonder Kyle locked the Pool House door…” And another… “I guess Eden and Noah don’t have quite the perfect relationship anymore…” “What the hell is all this?” Noah asks himself, “Kyle, you better have posted all these lies just to p*** me off.”
Scene 9
Neil and Katherine are talking out in the foyer of the Chancellor Mansion. “Who are we still waiting for?” Neil asks. “Sharon, um, Daniel, and the Abbotts,” Katherine replies. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. “Well, there’s someone,” Neil states. “I’ll get it!” Katherine shouts to Esther. She and Neil answer the door. It’s Sharon.
“Hi!” Sharon greets them, “Thank you so much for inviting me!” “Well, of course you would be invited,” Neil replies, “After all, you were Dru’s best friend.” “Yeah… it’s days like these that I really think of Drucilla,” Sharon informs Neil. Neil nods. “Me too,” he agrees, “I mean, there’s always something that reminds me of her. But on a day like today, it’s hard not to think about her… more than usual.” “Of course,” Sharon says. “You know… I know what it’s like to lose a best friend too,” Neil reminds Sharon, “Sometimes I can’t believe how long it’s been since Ryan [McNeil]’s been gone.” “Sometimes I still expect to see Dru in the halls when I go to Newman,” Sharon admits. “So I’m not the only one, huh?” Neil replies. “Definitely not,” Sharon says, “Well, I should go pick these presents with the others.” “Okay, sure,” Neil agrees,
“Hey -- I still owe you dinner… don’t forget.”
Scene 10
The Abbotts (Ashley, Traci, Abby, and Billy) arrive at Lily’s baby shower. “Grandma,” Billy greets Katherine with a hug and then moves onto Jill. “Mom…” He hugs he rand gives her a kiss on the cheek. He peaks into the living room and shouts, “Hey, Winters clan” as he waves at them.
Neil approaches Traci and Ashley. “Traci, so good to see you,” he greets her, “Listen… how are you holding up?” “I’m alright. Thanks,” Traci replies softly. “So… are you here alone?” Ashley inquires. “No, actually, I invited Alex Perez to come with me,” Neil answers. Ashley smiles. “It’s not serious,” Neil clarifies, “I just don’t like the way my brother’s treated her. I think she’s lonely since returning to Genoa City.” Ashley glances over at Alex and Malcolm, who are talking by the refreshment table. “Well, I think the two of you would look very good together,” she tells Neil. “So I have your approval?” Neil asks. “Not that you need it, but yes,” Ashley states.
Scene 11
Inside the living room of the Chancellor Estate, the Chancellors, Winters, and Abbotts, along with Sharon and Daniel, gather for Lily’s baby shower. “Is it gift time yet?” Malcolm asks. Lily stands up. “Before we get to the other presents, I’d like to make an announcement,” she says, “Cane and I have talked a lot about this and when we wanted to announce our babies’ names… and having all of you here today, it seems like the right time.”
“We wanted to honor two very special people who are no longer with us today. One: my mother, and two, my best friend Colleen. So, for our son, we decided to name him Drew Ethan Ashby. And our daughter will be Colleen Jill Ashby…” “Jill… for me?” Jill asks quietly. “Yes, because you stood by Cane despite knowing that he’s not really your son,” Lily explains. “He’ll always be my son,” Jill maintains.
“Lily, I know Dru would be so honored that you’re naming your son after her,” Sharon says. “Yeah, she would,” Neil agrees. “And Colleen too,” Traci adds, “I’m touched that my baby girl will live on through your daughter. Thank you.” “No, thank you,” Lily says, “for bringing the most wonderful friend I could ever ask for into this world… Let’s have a moment of silence to remember Colleen, and to reflect on the ways that she touched each of our lives and made them better…”
Scene 12
Back at the Chancellor Estate, Sharon quietly excuses herself after the moment of silence for Colleen. Daniel notices and follows from a distance. “Um, are you okay?” he asks softly. Sharon turns around to face him. “This is a happy occasion…,” she says, “I don’t know why I’m crying. But I just couldn’t help but think of Cassie. And Faith… how, what if I had never gotten her back?” “Well, you did get her back, so you don’t ever have to think about that again,” Daniel tells her gently.
Scene 13
Billy sees Mackenzie getting a refreshment. He approaches her. “Hello,” he greets her from behind. Mackenzie turns around. “You look beautiful today, by the way,” Billy compliments her. “Thank you, Billy,” Mackenzie replies. “And hello, you two. Drew and Colleen,” Billy says, bending down towards her stomach. “It’ll be strange calling them that, instead of just the twins,” Mackenzie comments. Billy nods. “Yeah, but nice names, though,” he replies, “Very fitting…”
“Mmhmm,” Mackenzie nods, “Um, that was a nice moment of silence for Colleen.” “Yeah, it was,” Billy agrees, avoiding eye contact. “I’m sorry…,” Mackenzie apologizes, “I know it must be a rough day for you.” “Yeah, but you know, I’m getting’ through it,” Billy replies. “We used to be able to talk about things like this… and your feelings,” Mackenzie reminds Billy, “I hope that, if you need someone to talk to, you would still feel comfortable coming to me, Billy.” “Thanks, but I’m fine,” Billy assures her, “Truly, I am.” “Keep the offer in mind,” Mackenzie tells him, “In case something ever changes.” Billy smiles. “You… stop trying to take care of me,” he says with a grin on his face, “The only people you should be worried about are yourself and those two little guys in there. Because Lily has already lost so much, and if anything ever happened to either of the twins, I don’t think she could take it.”
Scene 14
Across the room, Ashley and Traci are talking. “I had this strange nightmare about Dad a few nights ago,” Ashley confides, “Actually, it was more like a flashback… of when I found Dad in that alleyway after he had just killed Tom Fisher.” “What do you think it means?” Traci inquires. “I don’t know, but at the time, I had kind of been going between Paul and Tom,” Ashley recalls, “And now my daughter is in the same situation. She had this huge crush on Ryder, Tom Fisher’s son, and now it looks like she’s developing an interest in Paul’s son, Ricky. So I guess, maybe I’m just worried that something bad is gonna happen again.” “That history is somehow gonna repeat itself?” Traci follows up.
Scene 15
Sharon and Daniel talk, away from the other guests at the shower. “You really are sweet,” Sharon tells Daniel as she wipes her eyes, “You know, it’s so funny… I was just talking to Neil about what it’s like to lose your best friend. I haven’t really had anyone that I was really close to since Dru… and Brad died. But sometimes, friends come along when you least expect it… Thank you for knowing the right things to say.” Daniel smiles. “Hey – that goes both ways,” he replies, “Plenty of times, I’ve been feeling sorry for myself ‘cause of Amber or finding out about my father, but you’ve helped me just as much as I’ve helped you.” “Well, then, I’m glad that we’ve managed to find each other,” Sharon says. “Yeah… so am I,” Daniel agrees.
Scene 16
Ricky’s cell phone rings. He takes it out and checks the caller ID. It’s Noah calling. Ricky rolls his eyes.
“Come on – pick up,” Noah says aloud as he waits for his call to be answered. Finally, Ricky says something: “I shouldn’t be talking to you,” he immediately tells Noah. “Why? ‘Cause of Kyle?” Noah clarifies. “Kyle doesn’t like you,” Ricky states. “Believe me… the feeling is entirely mutual,” Noah replies, “But that shouldn’t have anything to do with us. I think you’re pretty cool when you’re not with that bully.” “Kyle can be nice too,” Ricky defends his friend. “The only person Kyle cares about is himself,” Noah insists, “And he doesn’t care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants.” Ricky gets frustrated. He flips through a few more newspaper. “Look… what are you calling about?” he demands. “I need a favor,” Noah reveals, “Everybody’s saying things about Kyle and Eden at the party. I need to know if it’s true or if it’s something that Kyle just made up to stir up trouble.” “Are you asking me to ask him?” Ricky wants to know, “because he hasn’t told me anything about it one way or the other.” “Well, did you see Eden at the party?” Noah inquires. “No, I didn’t,” Ricky admits, “But, you know, the place was packed. And I had my eyes… and my lips on another girl.” “Yeah, I saw those pictures of you and Abby,” Noah replies, “I don’t know what’s up with that, but you better not hurt her.” “That’s cute that you’re protective of your cousin or your aunt or whatever she is,” Ricky says, “but you have nothing to worry about. Now I’m kinda busy here, so if you’re finished…”
“Not until you tell me anything that you know about Kyle and Eden,” Noah repeats, “’cause I have a feeling you’re holding out on me.” Ricky becomes frustrated. He takes a deep breath. “Look… you didn’t hear this from me, but Kyle keeps a book in the Pool House, where he keeps track of all the girls he’s slept with,” he discloses to Noah. “So if Eden’s name is in that book…?” Noah replies tentatively, not completing his thought. “Yeah,” Ricky says, “If her name’s in the book, then I guess it’s true…”
Scene 17
Daniel approaches Lily at the refreshment table. “Hey!” he exclaims, “Congratulations.” “Thank you,” Lily replies softly, “Thanks for coming…” “There’s no where else I’d rather be,” Daniel says. “I’m so glad we’ve stayed friends,” Lily tells him, “and that things aren’t awkward, in any way, between us.” “I guess things worked out the way they were supposed to,” Daniel responds, “because this is what you were meant to have – two beautiful babies -- and I could never have given you this kind of life. The fight that you went through in order to have your own children… it was incredible, and I would have just held you back.” “Stop it,” Lily tells him. “No, I’m serious,” Daniel insists, “You were never this happy when you were with me… because you needed more than just me. But where you are right now, you’re glowing… you’re so happy. And I’m truly, truly happy for you…”
Scene 18
Ricky continues to look through the newspapers in the Genoa City Chronicle archives, for any information about his mother or why his family is so secretive about her. “Nothing,” he says in an annoyed and disappointed tone as he tosses a newspaper down. He picks up the next one, browses through it for a few moments and then throws it down too.
He picks up the next paper and a story on the front page catches his eye. “Crazed housewife fakes death, tries to murder husband’s ex,” Ricky reads the headline, “Freakin’ psycho…” But then he glances down and notices that the woman in the picture looks familiar. He reads the caption. “Isabella Brana Williams, pictured here,” he whispers aloud, “Mom?”
Scene 19
At Lily’s baby shower, Ashley approaches her younger half-brother Billy and pulls him to the side. She holds up her cell phone. “What’s all this about?” she demands. Billy asks clueless. “All what about?” he asks. “Why did I get a bunch of people from work e-mailing me, saying that there’s a photo of Abby kissing Ricky Williams posted on Restless Style’s Web site?” Ashley clarifies. “Maybe… because there is?” Billy says, offering his toothy smile and trying to squirm his way out of it. Ashley scoffs. “Take them down immediately!” Ashley orders. She storms off to see Abby across the room.
“Honey, I thought you should know that your uncle Billy has published some photos from the party,” she informs her daughter, “I don’t know why he would do something like that, and I told him to take them down… You don’t seem upset. Did you know about this?” “No. No, I didn’t,” Abby tells Ashley, “but it’s not like we did anything to be ashamed of. So we kissed. Big deal.” “So is Ryder out of the picture now?” Ashley asks. Abby chooses her words carefully. “You said it yourself -- it would never have worked,” she replies. “On one hand, I’m relieved,” Ashley says, “But on the other hand, you’re still making irresponsible choices, and that worries me…”
Lily overhears this conversation.
Scene 20
Lily approaches Abby. “Hey,” Abby greets her. “Hey,” Lily replies, “Thanks for coming…” “No problem,” Abby tells her. “So, I saw those pictures of you and Ricky on Restless Style’s Web site,” Lily reveals, “I thought you were interested in Ryder.” “Well, I was, but I’m over him,” Abby replies matter-of-factly, “Now that I’ve met Ricky, that is.” Lily isn’t buying it: “This is me you’re talking to,” she says knowingly, “I’ve been where you are… Let’s just say I know all the tricks. When Daniel and I were dating, we had to pretend to be broken up to fool our parents. You know, Daniel even pretended to date Colleen so that nobody knew we were still together. Now, that wouldn’t be what’s happening here, would it?” Abby rolls her eyes. “No, it wouldn’t,” she replies, “I’m not dating Ryder.” “Is that your choice or his?” Lily asks. “Okay, do you promise you won’t tell anyone else if I tell you this?” Abby requests. “Um, okay, yes, I promise,” Lily responds after some initial hesitation. “Okay, well… Ryder and I aren’t together,” Abby informs Lily, “But I was hoping that if Ryder saw the pictures of me and Ricky together, it would make him jealous and he’d admit how much he cares about me.”
Scene 21
Paul, Heather, Jack, and Kyle are all in the living room of the Abbott Manor when suddenly someone enters the front door. It’s Ricky. “Kyle!” he shouts out, “I need to talk to… you.” He stops in his tracks when he sees that Paul and Jack are both home early and are in the living room.
“Well, look who it is,” Paul states, surprisingly calmly, “Why don’t you join us?” “Make me!” Ricky snaps. “Don’t tempt me, son,” Paul replies, “Where is this attitude coming from?” “I want to talk to Kyle,” Ricky repeats. “You talk to me!” Paul orders, “I’m your father.” “Yeah, well, at least Kyle’s never lied to me… Unlike you,” Ricky says, “Yeah, that’s right… Not only do I know about Aunt Patty, but now, thanks to the Chronicle archives, I know that my mother was just as crazy as she was. I know what she did, how she almost killed your ex-wife Christine.” “I never lied to you about anything related to your mother,” Paul defends himself, “What I told you was true – she’s in no position to raise you.” “It was a lie of omission!” Ricky fires back. “Um, do you want us to leave the room?” Jack offers. “No,” Paul replies, turning back to Ricky, “This is not the time or place to discuss this. We’re here to talk about the party you two thought you could throw while we were away.” “Yeah, we are so disappointed right now,” Jack adds, “In both of you.” “And that’s why this friendship is over,” Paul demands, “You guys are no longer allowed to see each other outside of school.” “Paul, is that necessary?” Jack jumps in. “Yes,” Paul answers immediately, “Kyle’s influence is having too much of an effect on Ricky’s behaviour. It’s almost like the kind of hold you had over Patty.” Jack scoffs. “The situation’s completely different,” he replies, “Come on, Paul. We fathers should stick together.” “Not this time,” Paul stands his ground, “I’m starting to believe that the Williams and the Abbotts just don’t fit…”
Scene 22
Lily continues to warn Abby about her behavior with Ricky. ”When Colleen was pretending to date Daniel, she was in on it. She wanted me and Daniel to be together, so she didn’t mind helping out,” Lily explains, “But with Ricky, you’re using him. What if this guy actually develops real feelings for you? You wouldn’t want to hurt him, right?” “No, of course not,” Abby responds. “Then you need to tell him that you’re not interested before things go any further between you two,” Lily advises, “I’m sure that, if Colleen were here, she would tell you the same thing.” Abby lets out a deep breath, and begins to tear up. “I need my big sister,” she says, “Who am I supposed to talk to about all this boy stuff?” “I know it’s not the same, but you can come to me,” Lily offers, “I’m about to become a mother and my mom isn’t here to give me all the tips and tricks that she learned. So Sharon has been helping me out a lot. You know, if I have a question or I’m really worried about something, I just call her and she makes it all go away. That’s what I wanna do for you…”
Scene 23
Noah sneaks into the Abbott Pool House and heads right for the nightstand by the bed. Just like Ricky said, there’s a notebook inside an otherwise-empty drawer. “Okay, here it is,” Noah says nervously. He grabs the book, puts it down on the bed, and begins flipping through it. “Wow, you’ve been busy,” Noah comments upon seeing how many pages of the book are filled. He’s nearing the last page that Kyle has written on. “Sully…, Diana,” he reads aloud the names as he flips through pages. Suddenly, he stops and his worst fears are realized: “Eden…,” he whispers as he reaches the last page.
Scene 24
In the living room of the Chancellor Estate, Lily is now opening presents from the guests at the shower (Neil, Devon, Roxanne, Malcolm, Alex, Katherine, Jill, Murphy, Esther, Mackenzie, Sharon, Daniel, Ashley, Traci, and Billy). Lily unwraps a tiny quilt of Australian animals. “I sense a theme here,” she jokes, “but this is great. Thank you, Esther. I love it.” “You’re very welcome, sweetie,” Esther replies. Lily places the quilt beside a pile of diapers and bath products.
The next gift is a new state-of-the-art digital camera. “Oh my gosh! This is so expensive…,” Lily comments, “Uncle Malcolm, this is too much…” “It’s combined… from all of us,” Malcolm clarifies, pointing at himself, Devon, and Roxanne. “Yeah, you need the best camera out there so you can take the best baby pictures of the twins,” Devon explains. “But there’s something else to go along with it too,” Roxanne says as she hands Lily another gift. Lily unwraps it to reveal a scrapbook. “Oh, a scrapbook!” she exclaims, “Of course! Thank you, all of you. This is perfect.”
Scene 25
Back at the Abbott Manor, Heather stands up to interrupt Jack and Paul who have been lecturing Kyle and Ricky. “Could you just excuse us for a moment?” she requests as she gently grabs Ricky’s arm and pulls her towards him. “Sure… take the dining room,” Jack offers them.
They head into the dining room. “I’m not here to bite your head off anymore,” Heather assures him, “but I just want you to think about what was said about the Abbotts and the Williams.” “I thought you were seeing Billy,” Ricky says, implying that she’s a hypocrite. “Never officially,” Heather clarifies, “and it’s gone absolutely nowhere. Because Billy is a player. He’s selfish, just like his nephew Kyle…” Ricky rolls his eyes. “And I’m not only talking about you and Kyle being friends…,” Heather continues, “I’m more concerned about what I saw between you and Abby. Now you know what happened between our Aunt Patty and Jack. The way that his actions, his betrayal, drove her to do some horrible things. Don’t forget that Abby is also a Newman. Nikki Newman broke our father’s heart when she walked out on him the day before their wedding. Victor Newman brought Patty back to town knowing full well that she was unstable. And Adam Newman was the worst of all… using me the way he did.” “That doesn’t mean Abby’s anything like them,” Ricky defends her. “That’s what I thought about Adam, and I was wrong. Dead wrong,” Heather warns, “Save yourself while you can. Stay away from Abby and Kyle…”
Scene 26
Lily picks up the last gift and reveals some additional baby clothes. “Look at that – these are so adorable,” Lily comments, “Sharon, thank you.” “I was trying to channel Dru’s tastes when I picked them out,” Sharon explains. “You definitely did that,” Lily compliments her, “Thank you.”
“Um, Lily, I just want you to know that I’m gonna offer my legal services to Michael to help bring your husband home,” Alex offers. “Are you kidding?” Neil responds, “Alex, that would be great.” “Thank you!” Lily echoes, “That’s the one gift I need more than anything.” Neil leans over and whispers to Malcolm: “Looks like I brought the right woman with me.” Malcolm suddenly does not look pleased.
Lily addresses all the guests: “You guys! Thank you,” she begins, “Thank you so much for coming and sharing in this joyous occasion with me. I can tell you all, I was excited to be a mother before today, but I am so much more excited right now. I can’t wait for the experience of being a parent…”
Next Time on The Young and The Restless
Date: TBA (Please check back soon for a firm posting date)
In this special episode, Victoria’s concerns about the impending custody case are manifested through a strange nightmare that takes her on a journey to a faraway but wonderful “merry ‘ol land.”
DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
Scene 1
Lily Winters’ baby shower continues at the Chancellor Estate. Lily, Neil Winters, Devon Hamilton Winters, Roxanne Porter, Malcolm Winters, Alex Perez, Katherine Chancellor Murphy, Patrick Murphy, Jill Abbott, Mackenzie Browning, and Esther Valentine are all gathered in the living room. Lily holds up the presents that she received from her husband Cane, who is deported to Australia: a stuffed koala, a stuffed kangaroo and little Australian Outback outfits.
“Those outfits are so cool,” Devon comments, “I know I would’ve loved one of those when I was little.” Lily turns to him and Roxanne. “I’ll remember that for when you two have kids,” she says. “Hey, we’re a long way from that point,” Devon quickly answers. Roxanne looks unsettled by this comment.
“Well, I think the twins will look adorable in those,” Mackenzie suddenly says. “Yeah, like two little Crocodile Dundees,” Murphy adds. “Every time I look at them, I’ll remember that their daddy’s thinking about all of us,” Lily remarks.
Scene 2
Paul Williams returns home to his apartment. He opens the door and the apartment looks empty. “Ricky?” he calls out for his teenaged son, “I’m home… Are you here?” Suddenly, Paul’s daughter Heather Stevens emerges from Ricky’s bedroom. “He left,” she announces, “I left the room for one second, and he slipped out. Paul sighs. “He probably went to Jack’s…,” he realizes, “Come on… let’s go.”
Scene 3
Ricky Williams arrives at the Genoa City Chronicle office. He approaches the receptionist. “Hi… I called earlier about taking a look at the archives,” he informs her.
Scene 4
Abby Carlton comes downstairs to join her mother Ashley Abbott in the living room of the former Carlton Mansion. Abby slept in after going to her cousin Kyle’s pool party without permission. Ashley had discovered her there and brought her home.
“It was really late when we got home last night, so I let you go right to bed, but honey, we have to talk about what happened at that party sooner or later,” Ashley tells her daughter. Abby seems to be ignoring her. “Am I living here again?” she asks suddenly, “I was just starting to get used to the Ranch.” “No, you haven’t moved back here,” Ashley answers, “I just didn’t want to take you back to the Ranch so late.” “So have you told Dad?” Abby inquires. “Yes,” Ashley replies promptly. “That I went to Kyle’s party or that I spent the night with you?” Abby clarifies. “Both,” Ashley says, “but now it’s time for you to go and see your father. He’s gonna deal with you.” “Why? Where are you going?” Abby demands. “I have to go pick up Aunt Traci at the airport so that we can go to Lily’s baby shower,” Ashley explains. “That’s today!?” Abby reacts, “I completely forgot. I’ve been so preoccupied with…, well, other things that it slipped my mind. I’ll go with you to pick up Aunt Traci.” “No, you’re going back to the Ranch,” Ashley stands her ground. “I can’t deal with Dad right now, please,” Abby pleads, “Tomorrow’s the anniversary of Colleen’s death. I should be able to see Aunt Traci… and Lily.” Ashley considers Abby’s request and decides to go easy on Abby. She nods. “Alright, sweetie,” she agrees, “Go upstairs and get ready.”
Scene 5
At the Abbott Manor, Billy Abbott walks into his nephew Kyle Abbott’s bedroom. Kyle’s sitting at his computer. “Go to,” Billy instructs, “All the photos you wanted from your party are there.” “You still crashed my party,” Kyle replies, not caring about the pictures. “So what does that mean?” Billy asks fearfully. “It means that you broke our deal,” Kyle says loudly.
Jack Abbott returns home to the Abbott Manor. He throws his bags down on the floor of the foyer. “Kyle!?” he shouts, “Where are you? Get down here this instant!”
“Crap,” Kyle utters, realizing that Jack came home a day early, “So you told him…” “Yeah, I told him,” Billy confirms. “I thought, out of everyone here, you’d be the one who understood me,” Kyle snaps.
Scene 6
At the Main House on the Newman Ranch, Sharon Newman is dressed up, ready to head over to Lily Winters’ baby shower. She’s checking messages on her cell phone when she comes across a forwarded email containing the photos from Kyle’s pool party. Sharon’s teenaged son Noah Newman enters the room.
“Restless Style strikes again,” Sharon comments. Noah is confused. “What do you mean?” he asks. “Billy posted pictures from Kyle’s party on his Web site,” Sharon informs him, “And let me tell you… Victor and Ashley won’t be very happy when they see this one of Abby and some boy.” “That’s Ricky, Paul’s son,” Noah realizes…
Scene 7
The receptionist at the Genoa City Chronicle takes Ricky back to the archive room, which is full of numerous dusty filing cabinets. “Wow,” Ricky comments, “That’s a lot of records.” “What are you looking for, specifically?” the receptionist asks. “Articles about an Isabella Williams,” Ricky answers, “or Isabella Brana…” “From what year?” The receptionist follows up. “I don’t know, 15-20 years ago, probably,” Ricky tells her. “Hmmm, well, unfortunately the place is a mess,” the receptionist observes, “We don’t get too many like you around here… What’s this for again?” “Um… school project,” Ricky lies, “Family tree.” “Hope you find what you’re looking for, kid,” the receptionist comments as she heads to the door to leave. “Me too,” Ricky mutters under his breath.
Scene 8
Sharon and Noah are in the living room of the Main House on the Newman Ranch. “Okay, I’m heading over to the [baby] shower now,” Sharon informs Noah. She’s holding wrapped presents in her hands. “Alright, have fun,” Noah says as Sharon heads out the door.
Noah remains in the living room and continues to look at the photos from Kyle’s party on his cell phone. He reads the comments posted on the photo of Abby and Ricky. One surprising comment catches his attention. “At least they didn’t go all the way like Kyle and Eden…?” he reads aloud, his eyes widening with fear, “What the…?” He scrolls down further. “I saw them too,” Noah reads another comment, “No wonder Kyle locked the Pool House door…” And another… “I guess Eden and Noah don’t have quite the perfect relationship anymore…” “What the hell is all this?” Noah asks himself, “Kyle, you better have posted all these lies just to p*** me off.”
Scene 9
Neil and Katherine are talking out in the foyer of the Chancellor Mansion. “Who are we still waiting for?” Neil asks. “Sharon, um, Daniel, and the Abbotts,” Katherine replies. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. “Well, there’s someone,” Neil states. “I’ll get it!” Katherine shouts to Esther. She and Neil answer the door. It’s Sharon.
“Hi!” Sharon greets them, “Thank you so much for inviting me!” “Well, of course you would be invited,” Neil replies, “After all, you were Dru’s best friend.” “Yeah… it’s days like these that I really think of Drucilla,” Sharon informs Neil. Neil nods. “Me too,” he agrees, “I mean, there’s always something that reminds me of her. But on a day like today, it’s hard not to think about her… more than usual.” “Of course,” Sharon says. “You know… I know what it’s like to lose a best friend too,” Neil reminds Sharon, “Sometimes I can’t believe how long it’s been since Ryan [McNeil]’s been gone.” “Sometimes I still expect to see Dru in the halls when I go to Newman,” Sharon admits. “So I’m not the only one, huh?” Neil replies. “Definitely not,” Sharon says, “Well, I should go pick these presents with the others.” “Okay, sure,” Neil agrees,
“Hey -- I still owe you dinner… don’t forget.”
Scene 10
The Abbotts (Ashley, Traci, Abby, and Billy) arrive at Lily’s baby shower. “Grandma,” Billy greets Katherine with a hug and then moves onto Jill. “Mom…” He hugs he rand gives her a kiss on the cheek. He peaks into the living room and shouts, “Hey, Winters clan” as he waves at them.
Neil approaches Traci and Ashley. “Traci, so good to see you,” he greets her, “Listen… how are you holding up?” “I’m alright. Thanks,” Traci replies softly. “So… are you here alone?” Ashley inquires. “No, actually, I invited Alex Perez to come with me,” Neil answers. Ashley smiles. “It’s not serious,” Neil clarifies, “I just don’t like the way my brother’s treated her. I think she’s lonely since returning to Genoa City.” Ashley glances over at Alex and Malcolm, who are talking by the refreshment table. “Well, I think the two of you would look very good together,” she tells Neil. “So I have your approval?” Neil asks. “Not that you need it, but yes,” Ashley states.
Scene 11
Inside the living room of the Chancellor Estate, the Chancellors, Winters, and Abbotts, along with Sharon and Daniel, gather for Lily’s baby shower. “Is it gift time yet?” Malcolm asks. Lily stands up. “Before we get to the other presents, I’d like to make an announcement,” she says, “Cane and I have talked a lot about this and when we wanted to announce our babies’ names… and having all of you here today, it seems like the right time.”
“We wanted to honor two very special people who are no longer with us today. One: my mother, and two, my best friend Colleen. So, for our son, we decided to name him Drew Ethan Ashby. And our daughter will be Colleen Jill Ashby…” “Jill… for me?” Jill asks quietly. “Yes, because you stood by Cane despite knowing that he’s not really your son,” Lily explains. “He’ll always be my son,” Jill maintains.
“Lily, I know Dru would be so honored that you’re naming your son after her,” Sharon says. “Yeah, she would,” Neil agrees. “And Colleen too,” Traci adds, “I’m touched that my baby girl will live on through your daughter. Thank you.” “No, thank you,” Lily says, “for bringing the most wonderful friend I could ever ask for into this world… Let’s have a moment of silence to remember Colleen, and to reflect on the ways that she touched each of our lives and made them better…”
Scene 12
Back at the Chancellor Estate, Sharon quietly excuses herself after the moment of silence for Colleen. Daniel notices and follows from a distance. “Um, are you okay?” he asks softly. Sharon turns around to face him. “This is a happy occasion…,” she says, “I don’t know why I’m crying. But I just couldn’t help but think of Cassie. And Faith… how, what if I had never gotten her back?” “Well, you did get her back, so you don’t ever have to think about that again,” Daniel tells her gently.
Scene 13
Billy sees Mackenzie getting a refreshment. He approaches her. “Hello,” he greets her from behind. Mackenzie turns around. “You look beautiful today, by the way,” Billy compliments her. “Thank you, Billy,” Mackenzie replies. “And hello, you two. Drew and Colleen,” Billy says, bending down towards her stomach. “It’ll be strange calling them that, instead of just the twins,” Mackenzie comments. Billy nods. “Yeah, but nice names, though,” he replies, “Very fitting…”
“Mmhmm,” Mackenzie nods, “Um, that was a nice moment of silence for Colleen.” “Yeah, it was,” Billy agrees, avoiding eye contact. “I’m sorry…,” Mackenzie apologizes, “I know it must be a rough day for you.” “Yeah, but you know, I’m getting’ through it,” Billy replies. “We used to be able to talk about things like this… and your feelings,” Mackenzie reminds Billy, “I hope that, if you need someone to talk to, you would still feel comfortable coming to me, Billy.” “Thanks, but I’m fine,” Billy assures her, “Truly, I am.” “Keep the offer in mind,” Mackenzie tells him, “In case something ever changes.” Billy smiles. “You… stop trying to take care of me,” he says with a grin on his face, “The only people you should be worried about are yourself and those two little guys in there. Because Lily has already lost so much, and if anything ever happened to either of the twins, I don’t think she could take it.”
Scene 14
Across the room, Ashley and Traci are talking. “I had this strange nightmare about Dad a few nights ago,” Ashley confides, “Actually, it was more like a flashback… of when I found Dad in that alleyway after he had just killed Tom Fisher.” “What do you think it means?” Traci inquires. “I don’t know, but at the time, I had kind of been going between Paul and Tom,” Ashley recalls, “And now my daughter is in the same situation. She had this huge crush on Ryder, Tom Fisher’s son, and now it looks like she’s developing an interest in Paul’s son, Ricky. So I guess, maybe I’m just worried that something bad is gonna happen again.” “That history is somehow gonna repeat itself?” Traci follows up.
Scene 15
Sharon and Daniel talk, away from the other guests at the shower. “You really are sweet,” Sharon tells Daniel as she wipes her eyes, “You know, it’s so funny… I was just talking to Neil about what it’s like to lose your best friend. I haven’t really had anyone that I was really close to since Dru… and Brad died. But sometimes, friends come along when you least expect it… Thank you for knowing the right things to say.” Daniel smiles. “Hey – that goes both ways,” he replies, “Plenty of times, I’ve been feeling sorry for myself ‘cause of Amber or finding out about my father, but you’ve helped me just as much as I’ve helped you.” “Well, then, I’m glad that we’ve managed to find each other,” Sharon says. “Yeah… so am I,” Daniel agrees.
Scene 16
Ricky’s cell phone rings. He takes it out and checks the caller ID. It’s Noah calling. Ricky rolls his eyes.
“Come on – pick up,” Noah says aloud as he waits for his call to be answered. Finally, Ricky says something: “I shouldn’t be talking to you,” he immediately tells Noah. “Why? ‘Cause of Kyle?” Noah clarifies. “Kyle doesn’t like you,” Ricky states. “Believe me… the feeling is entirely mutual,” Noah replies, “But that shouldn’t have anything to do with us. I think you’re pretty cool when you’re not with that bully.” “Kyle can be nice too,” Ricky defends his friend. “The only person Kyle cares about is himself,” Noah insists, “And he doesn’t care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants.” Ricky gets frustrated. He flips through a few more newspaper. “Look… what are you calling about?” he demands. “I need a favor,” Noah reveals, “Everybody’s saying things about Kyle and Eden at the party. I need to know if it’s true or if it’s something that Kyle just made up to stir up trouble.” “Are you asking me to ask him?” Ricky wants to know, “because he hasn’t told me anything about it one way or the other.” “Well, did you see Eden at the party?” Noah inquires. “No, I didn’t,” Ricky admits, “But, you know, the place was packed. And I had my eyes… and my lips on another girl.” “Yeah, I saw those pictures of you and Abby,” Noah replies, “I don’t know what’s up with that, but you better not hurt her.” “That’s cute that you’re protective of your cousin or your aunt or whatever she is,” Ricky says, “but you have nothing to worry about. Now I’m kinda busy here, so if you’re finished…”
“Not until you tell me anything that you know about Kyle and Eden,” Noah repeats, “’cause I have a feeling you’re holding out on me.” Ricky becomes frustrated. He takes a deep breath. “Look… you didn’t hear this from me, but Kyle keeps a book in the Pool House, where he keeps track of all the girls he’s slept with,” he discloses to Noah. “So if Eden’s name is in that book…?” Noah replies tentatively, not completing his thought. “Yeah,” Ricky says, “If her name’s in the book, then I guess it’s true…”
Scene 17
Daniel approaches Lily at the refreshment table. “Hey!” he exclaims, “Congratulations.” “Thank you,” Lily replies softly, “Thanks for coming…” “There’s no where else I’d rather be,” Daniel says. “I’m so glad we’ve stayed friends,” Lily tells him, “and that things aren’t awkward, in any way, between us.” “I guess things worked out the way they were supposed to,” Daniel responds, “because this is what you were meant to have – two beautiful babies -- and I could never have given you this kind of life. The fight that you went through in order to have your own children… it was incredible, and I would have just held you back.” “Stop it,” Lily tells him. “No, I’m serious,” Daniel insists, “You were never this happy when you were with me… because you needed more than just me. But where you are right now, you’re glowing… you’re so happy. And I’m truly, truly happy for you…”
Scene 18
Ricky continues to look through the newspapers in the Genoa City Chronicle archives, for any information about his mother or why his family is so secretive about her. “Nothing,” he says in an annoyed and disappointed tone as he tosses a newspaper down. He picks up the next one, browses through it for a few moments and then throws it down too.
He picks up the next paper and a story on the front page catches his eye. “Crazed housewife fakes death, tries to murder husband’s ex,” Ricky reads the headline, “Freakin’ psycho…” But then he glances down and notices that the woman in the picture looks familiar. He reads the caption. “Isabella Brana Williams, pictured here,” he whispers aloud, “Mom?”
Scene 19
At Lily’s baby shower, Ashley approaches her younger half-brother Billy and pulls him to the side. She holds up her cell phone. “What’s all this about?” she demands. Billy asks clueless. “All what about?” he asks. “Why did I get a bunch of people from work e-mailing me, saying that there’s a photo of Abby kissing Ricky Williams posted on Restless Style’s Web site?” Ashley clarifies. “Maybe… because there is?” Billy says, offering his toothy smile and trying to squirm his way out of it. Ashley scoffs. “Take them down immediately!” Ashley orders. She storms off to see Abby across the room.
“Honey, I thought you should know that your uncle Billy has published some photos from the party,” she informs her daughter, “I don’t know why he would do something like that, and I told him to take them down… You don’t seem upset. Did you know about this?” “No. No, I didn’t,” Abby tells Ashley, “but it’s not like we did anything to be ashamed of. So we kissed. Big deal.” “So is Ryder out of the picture now?” Ashley asks. Abby chooses her words carefully. “You said it yourself -- it would never have worked,” she replies. “On one hand, I’m relieved,” Ashley says, “But on the other hand, you’re still making irresponsible choices, and that worries me…”
Lily overhears this conversation.
Scene 20
Lily approaches Abby. “Hey,” Abby greets her. “Hey,” Lily replies, “Thanks for coming…” “No problem,” Abby tells her. “So, I saw those pictures of you and Ricky on Restless Style’s Web site,” Lily reveals, “I thought you were interested in Ryder.” “Well, I was, but I’m over him,” Abby replies matter-of-factly, “Now that I’ve met Ricky, that is.” Lily isn’t buying it: “This is me you’re talking to,” she says knowingly, “I’ve been where you are… Let’s just say I know all the tricks. When Daniel and I were dating, we had to pretend to be broken up to fool our parents. You know, Daniel even pretended to date Colleen so that nobody knew we were still together. Now, that wouldn’t be what’s happening here, would it?” Abby rolls her eyes. “No, it wouldn’t,” she replies, “I’m not dating Ryder.” “Is that your choice or his?” Lily asks. “Okay, do you promise you won’t tell anyone else if I tell you this?” Abby requests. “Um, okay, yes, I promise,” Lily responds after some initial hesitation. “Okay, well… Ryder and I aren’t together,” Abby informs Lily, “But I was hoping that if Ryder saw the pictures of me and Ricky together, it would make him jealous and he’d admit how much he cares about me.”
Scene 21
Paul, Heather, Jack, and Kyle are all in the living room of the Abbott Manor when suddenly someone enters the front door. It’s Ricky. “Kyle!” he shouts out, “I need to talk to… you.” He stops in his tracks when he sees that Paul and Jack are both home early and are in the living room.
“Well, look who it is,” Paul states, surprisingly calmly, “Why don’t you join us?” “Make me!” Ricky snaps. “Don’t tempt me, son,” Paul replies, “Where is this attitude coming from?” “I want to talk to Kyle,” Ricky repeats. “You talk to me!” Paul orders, “I’m your father.” “Yeah, well, at least Kyle’s never lied to me… Unlike you,” Ricky says, “Yeah, that’s right… Not only do I know about Aunt Patty, but now, thanks to the Chronicle archives, I know that my mother was just as crazy as she was. I know what she did, how she almost killed your ex-wife Christine.” “I never lied to you about anything related to your mother,” Paul defends himself, “What I told you was true – she’s in no position to raise you.” “It was a lie of omission!” Ricky fires back. “Um, do you want us to leave the room?” Jack offers. “No,” Paul replies, turning back to Ricky, “This is not the time or place to discuss this. We’re here to talk about the party you two thought you could throw while we were away.” “Yeah, we are so disappointed right now,” Jack adds, “In both of you.” “And that’s why this friendship is over,” Paul demands, “You guys are no longer allowed to see each other outside of school.” “Paul, is that necessary?” Jack jumps in. “Yes,” Paul answers immediately, “Kyle’s influence is having too much of an effect on Ricky’s behaviour. It’s almost like the kind of hold you had over Patty.” Jack scoffs. “The situation’s completely different,” he replies, “Come on, Paul. We fathers should stick together.” “Not this time,” Paul stands his ground, “I’m starting to believe that the Williams and the Abbotts just don’t fit…”
Scene 22
Lily continues to warn Abby about her behavior with Ricky. ”When Colleen was pretending to date Daniel, she was in on it. She wanted me and Daniel to be together, so she didn’t mind helping out,” Lily explains, “But with Ricky, you’re using him. What if this guy actually develops real feelings for you? You wouldn’t want to hurt him, right?” “No, of course not,” Abby responds. “Then you need to tell him that you’re not interested before things go any further between you two,” Lily advises, “I’m sure that, if Colleen were here, she would tell you the same thing.” Abby lets out a deep breath, and begins to tear up. “I need my big sister,” she says, “Who am I supposed to talk to about all this boy stuff?” “I know it’s not the same, but you can come to me,” Lily offers, “I’m about to become a mother and my mom isn’t here to give me all the tips and tricks that she learned. So Sharon has been helping me out a lot. You know, if I have a question or I’m really worried about something, I just call her and she makes it all go away. That’s what I wanna do for you…”
Scene 23
Noah sneaks into the Abbott Pool House and heads right for the nightstand by the bed. Just like Ricky said, there’s a notebook inside an otherwise-empty drawer. “Okay, here it is,” Noah says nervously. He grabs the book, puts it down on the bed, and begins flipping through it. “Wow, you’ve been busy,” Noah comments upon seeing how many pages of the book are filled. He’s nearing the last page that Kyle has written on. “Sully…, Diana,” he reads aloud the names as he flips through pages. Suddenly, he stops and his worst fears are realized: “Eden…,” he whispers as he reaches the last page.
Scene 24
In the living room of the Chancellor Estate, Lily is now opening presents from the guests at the shower (Neil, Devon, Roxanne, Malcolm, Alex, Katherine, Jill, Murphy, Esther, Mackenzie, Sharon, Daniel, Ashley, Traci, and Billy). Lily unwraps a tiny quilt of Australian animals. “I sense a theme here,” she jokes, “but this is great. Thank you, Esther. I love it.” “You’re very welcome, sweetie,” Esther replies. Lily places the quilt beside a pile of diapers and bath products.
The next gift is a new state-of-the-art digital camera. “Oh my gosh! This is so expensive…,” Lily comments, “Uncle Malcolm, this is too much…” “It’s combined… from all of us,” Malcolm clarifies, pointing at himself, Devon, and Roxanne. “Yeah, you need the best camera out there so you can take the best baby pictures of the twins,” Devon explains. “But there’s something else to go along with it too,” Roxanne says as she hands Lily another gift. Lily unwraps it to reveal a scrapbook. “Oh, a scrapbook!” she exclaims, “Of course! Thank you, all of you. This is perfect.”
Scene 25
Back at the Abbott Manor, Heather stands up to interrupt Jack and Paul who have been lecturing Kyle and Ricky. “Could you just excuse us for a moment?” she requests as she gently grabs Ricky’s arm and pulls her towards him. “Sure… take the dining room,” Jack offers them.
They head into the dining room. “I’m not here to bite your head off anymore,” Heather assures him, “but I just want you to think about what was said about the Abbotts and the Williams.” “I thought you were seeing Billy,” Ricky says, implying that she’s a hypocrite. “Never officially,” Heather clarifies, “and it’s gone absolutely nowhere. Because Billy is a player. He’s selfish, just like his nephew Kyle…” Ricky rolls his eyes. “And I’m not only talking about you and Kyle being friends…,” Heather continues, “I’m more concerned about what I saw between you and Abby. Now you know what happened between our Aunt Patty and Jack. The way that his actions, his betrayal, drove her to do some horrible things. Don’t forget that Abby is also a Newman. Nikki Newman broke our father’s heart when she walked out on him the day before their wedding. Victor Newman brought Patty back to town knowing full well that she was unstable. And Adam Newman was the worst of all… using me the way he did.” “That doesn’t mean Abby’s anything like them,” Ricky defends her. “That’s what I thought about Adam, and I was wrong. Dead wrong,” Heather warns, “Save yourself while you can. Stay away from Abby and Kyle…”
Scene 26
Lily picks up the last gift and reveals some additional baby clothes. “Look at that – these are so adorable,” Lily comments, “Sharon, thank you.” “I was trying to channel Dru’s tastes when I picked them out,” Sharon explains. “You definitely did that,” Lily compliments her, “Thank you.”
“Um, Lily, I just want you to know that I’m gonna offer my legal services to Michael to help bring your husband home,” Alex offers. “Are you kidding?” Neil responds, “Alex, that would be great.” “Thank you!” Lily echoes, “That’s the one gift I need more than anything.” Neil leans over and whispers to Malcolm: “Looks like I brought the right woman with me.” Malcolm suddenly does not look pleased.
Lily addresses all the guests: “You guys! Thank you,” she begins, “Thank you so much for coming and sharing in this joyous occasion with me. I can tell you all, I was excited to be a mother before today, but I am so much more excited right now. I can’t wait for the experience of being a parent…”
Next Time on The Young and The Restless
Date: TBA (Please check back soon for a firm posting date)
In this special episode, Victoria’s concerns about the impending custody case are manifested through a strange nightmare that takes her on a journey to a faraway but wonderful “merry ‘ol land.”
DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Episode 31 – Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Scene 1
The morning light shines through the window of Kevin Fisher and Jana Hawkes Fisher’s bedroom. Only, this morning, it’s Jana and Scott Grainger, Jr. who are sharing the bed after innocently spending the night together. Scott begins to wake up. Still in a fog, he stretches and rubs his eyes. As he becomes conscious, he feels something heavy on his chest. He lifts his head up and sees that Jana, in her sleep, must have moved onto him. She’s still fast asleep and is using him as a pillow.
He puts his head back down, and stays in bed, letting Jana lay on top of him while she sleeps. Suddenly, Jana begins to stir. She opens her eyes, and realizes what she’s done. She springs up off of Scott. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she apologizes, “I must have moved in the middle of the night…”
Scene 2
Paul Williams, Jill Abbott, and Jack Abbott are all in New York, waiting at the airport together to take the same flight back to Genoa City. Jill has to get back in time for Lily Winters’ baby shower and Paul and Jack have to get back to discipline their teenaged sons who lied to them and threw a party while they were away.
“Well, this is a coincidence,” Jack says, realizing they’re all waiting for the same flight. “Where’s Traci?” Jill asks Jack, “Katherine told me she’s going to Lily’s baby shower.” “She had to take a later flight,” Jack responds, “She’ll be there, though.”
Jill puts down her luggage in the airport and breathes a sigh of relief. “I cannot wait to get home, and put this trip out of my mind,” she says. “Now don’t go home all disappointed that it was a waste of time,” Paul tells her, knowing that Lena Griffin (formerly Eileen Ramsey) is really Jill’s birth mother, although she denied it to Jill. “I have a feeling we’ll be finding your mother real soon,” Paul continues. “Wait – you’re trying to locate your birth mother… again?” Jack asks. “For all the good it’s doing,” Jill replies sarcastically. She’s clearly disappointed. “Yeah, well, like I said, I have a hunch that you’ll get the answers you’re looking for,” Paul repeats, “sooner than you think.” “At this point, I just want to get home and forget all my troubles,” Jill says.
“I wish we could say the same,” Jack comments. “Yeah, we’re going home to two kids who are in some major trouble,” Paul states. “So I guess it was a bad idea for us to leave Kyle and Ricky alone like we did,” Jack adds. “Yeah, I guess it was,” Paul agrees, “We were testing them to see if they could be trusted on their own, and they obviously can’t be.”
Scene 3
Neil Winters is leaving the Athletic Club when Alex Perez comes down the stairs and sees him in the lobby. “Neil!” she calls out. Neil turns back. “I know – that report you gave me,” he says, realizing that he never called Alex back after she gave him a proposal for the merging of Chancellor Industries with Tucker McCall, Unlimited. “You told me you would call me back,” Alex reminds him. “I’ve been busy,” Neil responds, “I’m not trying to avoid it… or you, for that matter.” “It’s starting to feel that way,” Alex admits. “No, you know what? I’ll tell you what -- I’m heading over to my daughter’s baby shower,” Neil informs her, “So if you’d like to join me…?” Alex considers the invitation. “Will Malcolm be there?” she asks, already knowing the answer. “Mmhmm,” Neil replies, “but you don’t have to talk to him.” “Okay,” Alex agrees, “I have a quick meeting with a client first, but then I’m all yours.”
Scene 4
Lily Winters Ashby arrives at Chancellor Estate and the Chancellors’ live-in maid Esther Valentine answers the door. “Hi Lily!” she greets her politely, “You’re early!” “I know!” Lily says, “I’m sorry… I hope it’s not a problem… I was just so excited to get over here.” “Oh, I’m just teasing you,” Esther tells her, “Come on in.” “Thank you,” Lily replies as she heads inside. Katherine Chancellor Murphy and her husband Patrick Murphy are the next to come to the door. “There’s the mother to be,” Murphy says. “Hi!” Lily greets them. “Lily, darling, how are you?” Katherine asks her as she gives her a hug. “Feeling so much better,” Lily reveals. “Glad to hear it,” Murphy replies.
“Um, darling, would you mind just waiting upstairs for a few minutes?” Katherine suggests, “There’s something we need to set up down here.” “Okay, sure,” Lily agrees, unsure of what to expect.
Scene 5
Alex is now at JT Hellstrom’s Apartment to prepare him for his upcoming visit with Roseanne Ryerson, the Guardian Ad Litem who will be evaluating his parenting skills. “Whatever you do, make sure you’re engaging with Reed,” Alex suggests, “The evaluator will be watching to see if you actively play with and interact with him.” “Of course I’m gonna interact with him,” JT insists, “I love doing things with Reed. That’s what I’m like with him all the time. I’m not gonna fake things just because someone’s watching for a few hours. No… I’m gonna get my son by being my true self. That’s how I’m gonna win this case. And Victoria, she can try to hide being a Newman. But her family’ll come back to bite her in the end… you can count on that.”
Scene 6
Back at the Fishers’ Apartment, Scott stands in front of the fridge eating a bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast. Jana, now fully dressed, joins him.
“Are you hungry?” he asks. “I am,” Jana confirms, “That fruit bowl looks scrumptious right about now.” “Ooh, then let me get you some,” Scott offers, “Which one would you like?” “Maybe I could start with a strawberry,” Jana says, “I remember what those taste like…” Scott carefully picks a ripe strawberry out of the bowl of fruit he’s eating. He holds it in two fingers close to Jana’s mouth and she bites it out of his hand. “Mmm, so fresh,” Jana comments, “and which one would you like?” “I’ll have a grape,” Scott answers, and Jana returns the favor, holding a grape in front of him with and allowing him to bite it out of her two fingers. “How was it?” Jana asks. “Nice and juicy,” Scott replies with a smile.
“What’s that one?” Jana inquires, pointing to an orange-colored fruit. “Cantaloupe,” Scott answers, “It’s got a very strong taste…” “The old Jana probably wouldn’t have liked that,” Jana admits, “But my preferences have changed since the aneurism. I don’t like the same things anymore. I like things that are strong.” Scott smiles. “Well, then here… try it,” he encourages her. Jana takes a bite of the piece of cantaloupe. “Mmm, delicious,” she decides. “You, um, have some on your lip,” Scott informs her as he wipes her mouth with a napkin. “Did you get it?” Jana asks. They stare into each other’s eyes and Scott suddenly leans in and kisses Jana. Jana doesn’t respond at first, but after a few seconds, she kisses Scott back.
Scene 7
Alex continues to offer JT advice about the upcoming custody visit. “As you already know, the evaluator will also be reviewing the home environment. Is it clean? Is it safe? That sort of thing…” “Yes – all of the above,” JT answers, “I just tidied up around the place, emptied the garbage can… so yeah, everything’s in order.” “Okay, good,” Alex nods, “Now, about discipline… this is very important in case it comes up during the visit… but the Guardian Ad Litem is also watching to see what kind of discipline you use.” “It’s not like I beat my son,” JT replies defensively. “No… of course not,” Alex continues, “But if you do have to punish him, time-outs and deprivation of activities are viewed favorably. Don’t shout or use inappropriate language at any point, ever.” “Alex, I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” JT tells her, “But you’re kind of stating the obvious here.” “I’m aware of that, believe me,” Alex replies, “But sometimes people get nervous and they do some things that wouldn’t normally do. So it’s best just to cover all the bases upfront here.” “Alright, then what else you got?” JT asks. “Finally, how Reed reacts to you will be very important,” Alex reveals, “The guardian will also try to make an assessment of the emotional bond between parent and child, and what she determines will be the key to her decision as to who should be awarded custody of Reed...”
Scene 8
Paul, Jill, and Jack are all seated together on a plane from New York to Genoa City. Paul and Jack are still arguing about the party that their sons threw without permission while they were both away. “This is all Kyle’s fault,” Paul says. “Hold on a minute,” Jack responds angrily, “Are you blaming my son for this?” “Oh, would you two shut up already?” Jill snaps, “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. They both went along with it… they are equally responsible, now please be quiet.” “No… Ricky never would have lied to me like that,” Paul continues, “Until he started hanging around with Kyle.” “It’s not like Kyle held a gun to his head,” Jack states. “No, but he’s obviously the ringleader,” Paul insists, “Sometimes your son gets in with the wrong crowd, and sometimes, Jack, your son is the wrong crowd. And I’m not letting Kyle have any influence over my son anymore.”
Scene 9
Mackenzie Browning returns to JT’s Apartment with his son Reed Hellstrom. They had gone out for a morning walk. “I saw Alex leaving on my way back,” Mackenzie tells JT. “Yeah, she came to give me some last-minute advice for today’s visit,” JT confirms. “Is someone coming over?” Reed asks excitedly. “Yes, buddy…,” JT nods. “Mommy?” Reed follows up. JT shakes his head. “No, it’s not Mommy,” he answers, “You remember that woman who came over to your house when you were with Mommy?” Reed nods. “Well, she’s gonna be coming over here, um, really soon, actually. So you be a good boy for me while she’s here. Be on your best behavior for me, and we’ll do some fun things together. We’ll have a blast.” “Alright, well, I’m gonna head back to my grandmother’s,” Mackenzie announces, “I want to get ready before the baby shower.” JT gives Mackenzie a quick kiss. “Have fun,” he wishes her. “Thanks,” Mackenzie says before bending down to hug Reed, “I’ll call you tonight to say good night, and you can tell me all about what you and daddy did today, okay?” Reed nods.
As Mackenzie leaves JT’s apartment, Roseanne Ryerson is just arriving.
Scene 10
Neil and Alex arrive together at the Chancellor Estate for Lily’s baby shower. They join Katherine in the foyer. “Alex Perez,” Neil re-introduces Alex to Katherine, “You remember Alex, don’t you?” “Yes, of course,” Katherine answers, “You used to work for Victor. That was years ago. And you work for my son now… Tucker McCall.” “That’s right,” Alex confirms, “Can I expect to see him here?” “No, you cannot,” Katherine responds, “Because knowing him, he would use the occasion to talk business… and mergers with me. And this is a family gathering, not a business meeting.” “I see,” Alex nods. “And that means you too,” Katherine informs Alex, “There is a time and a place, and we are not at the office.” “Point taken,” Alex says, “Believe me, business is the last thing on my mind.” “You heard the woman,” Neil tells Katherine. “I did, indeed,” Katherine replies, “In that case, welcome to my home and please… enjoy yourself.” “Thank you, Mrs. Chancellor,” Alex responds, “And by the way, this place is absolutely breathtaking.” “Yes, it sure is.,” Neil agrees, “Katherine, thank you for opening up your home to us.” “Neil, Neil, Neil…,” Katherine says with a smile, “What have I told you over and over again? You are family…”
Scene 11
Jill arrives back at Chancellor Estate, just in time for Lily’s baby shower. Katherine and Murphy see her heading upstairs. “I was wondering when you’d get back,” she states, “Do you have any idea what’s going on right now?” “I know… Lily’s baby shower,” Jill answers. “Then where were you?” Katherine demands, “and why did you leave without telling me where you were going?” “I was in New York,” Jill confesses. “Now what in the hell were you doing in New York?” Katherine asks. “I had some personal business to take care of,” Jill responds vaguely, “And you’ll never guess who I ran into while I was there… or maybe you would.” “Well, do tell, Jill. I don’t have time to play games,” Katherine tells her. “Paul,” Jill states. “Paul Williams?” Katherine questions, despite already knowing the answer, “Curious.” “Oh, don’t play dumb with me. I know that you’ve been looking for my birth mother,” Jill reveals. “That was supposed to be a birthday surprise,” Katherine says, admitting what Jill already knows. “Well, it’s almost my birthday, and it’s no surprise that we haven’t found the woman yet,” Jill says, “I’m never gonna find her. And the sad part is… I actually thought there was some hope that I would be able to track her down… even after all these years. I’d given up hope of ever finding my real father, but I thought… my mother, there was some hope there… But obviously neither of them wanted me if they’re this hard to find…” “Jill, don’t go telling yourself that when you don’t know the circumstances,” Murphy advises, suddenly jumping into the conversation, “I mean… maybe your father never even knew about you. Maybe he’d have liked to have a daughter. I know I would want to know… if you were mine.”
Scene 12
Lily and Mackenzie catch up with one another at Lily’s baby shower at the Chancellor Estate. “I think they’re coming soon… the twins,” Mackenzie tells Lily, “I feel it more and more every day that it’s almost time. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see them… hold them for the first time.” “And when that moment comes, I will finally be complete,” Lily reveals. “Except for Cane,” Mackenzie deduces. “Except for Cane,” Lily nods, “Of course, but I won’t let that ruin my day today.” “I’m glad,” Mackenzie says. “Speaking of our significant others, where’s JT?” “JT wishes he could be here, but he has his evaluation for the custody case today,” Mackenzie informs Lily. “Oh, that’s okay,” Lily replies, “I understand… but it’s kind of sad, isn’t it? Here I am celebrating the two children that I’m about to receive, and at the same time, either JT or Victoria is about to lose their son…”
Scene 13
Roseanne observes JT and Reed playing a round of the game Guess Who. “Is your person a woman?” JT asks. Reed nods silently. On his gameboard, JT puts down all the cards featuring men, leaving only the women visible. “Does your person have yellow hair?” Reed now asks JT. “Blond hair,” JT gently corrects him, “Yes, my person has blond hair.” Reed puts down all those who don’t have blond hair. “Okay, um, does your person have earrings?” JT inquires. “Yep,” Reed confirms. JT puts down all the women who don’t have earrings, narrowing his choice even more. “Does your person have a big moustache, like Grandpa?” Reed now asks JT. “Yeah, yeah… he sure does, buddy,” JT replies. With that answer, Reed also narrows his options significantly. “Does your person have red hair?” JT asks and Reed shakes his head ‘no.’ “Is your person named Jake?” Reed inquires, ending the game if he’s correct. “My person is named Jake,” JT says, revealing his card, “Good job, buddy! You got me.” Reed smiles, and Roseanne jots down a few notes from afar.
Scene 14
Lily and Mackenzie come downstairs to join Katherine, Murphy, Jill, Esther, Neil, Alex, Devon, Roxanne, and Malcolm in the foyer of the Chancellor Estate. “I have a surprise for everyone!” Lily happily announces, “Cane might be able to come home soon…” “That’s great, Lily!” Devon says, and the others echo the sentiment. “Yeah, Michael is still trying to work out the details. He says it was a long shot, but he thinks it’ll end up panning out.” “Wow… that sure is a wonderful surprise to come home to,” Jill comments. “I knew you’d think so,” Lily replies.
“Oh, darling, I think you’re the one who’s going to be surprised,” Katherine teases. “What do you mean?” Lily asks. Katherine motions towards the living room. “Well, speaking of Cane, I had the techies from Chancellor Industries set this up,” she explains, “so that Cane could be here with us today.” Katherine leads Lily to the living room where a huge video monitor is set up and Ethan “Cane” Ashby is visible on the screen.
Scene 15
At Lily’s baby shower at the Chancellor Estate, Alex approaches Malcolm. “So, you never told me she [Lily] was your daughter,” Alex informs her former fiancé. “I never found out until I came back to Genoa City,” Malcolm explains. “You mean after… when you ‘came from the dead?’” Alex asks. “That’s right,” Malcolm says, “Believe me. If I had known when we were still engaged, I wouldn’t have kept that from you.”
Suddenly, Lily approaches them. “Uncle Malcolm!” she calls out. “Alex, thanks so much for coming,” Lily says, “Are you two here together?” “Actually, no, it was your father… well, Neil, that invited me,” Alex replies, not sure how to refer to Neil. “Well, I’m glad you could come,” Lily tells her, “and that you two are getting some time to catch up.”
As Lily leaves them, Malcolm turns back to Alex. “You see what she called me? Her Uncle Malcolm,” he says, “and that’s all I’ll ever be to her…”
Scene 16
Jana and Scott are kissing in the kitchen of the Fishers’ Apartment. Jana suddenly pulls away. “Wait,” she says, coming to her senses, “We can’t do this…” “Why not?” Scott asks. “What do you mean – why not?” Jana fires back, “You know why not!” “I’m sorry… I –,” Scott apologizes. Jana interrupts him. “I’d like you to leave,” she decides. “Now? Just give me a second to explain,” Scott pleads. “No, there’s nothing you can say right now,” Jana replies, “Please leave. Just go…” Scott reluctantly obeys. As he’s heading out the door, he looks back at Jana. “I’m sorry,” he mutters. Jana closes the front door without saying anything.
Scene 17
At the Chancellor Estate, Lily and Roxanne are talking to one another. “See, what did I tell you?” Lily says, “You had nothing to worry about when Devon went away…” Roxanne smiles nervously, realizing that Devon never told Lily about her cheating on Devon while he was in Seattle…
Across the room, Malcolm and Devon are discussing the same situation. “Is everything okay between you two?” Malcolm inquires. Devon stares ahead at Roxanne and Lily. “Yeah, we’re working through it,” he replies, “Trying to rebuild…” Neil approaches them. “Hey son… [and] Malcolm,” he greets them, saying Malcolm’s name with much less enthusiasm, “What are you two talkin’ about?” Devon takes a moment to think. “Lily, of course,” he lies, “and how happy we are for her.” Neil smiles. “Yeah, it is truly amazing, isn’t it?” he agrees, “Last year, at this time, we had no idea how things would turn out, but now Lily is happy and healthy again, and she has two beautiful babies on the way. Dru was definitely looking out for her from above…”
Scene 18
At the Chancellor Estate, Lily is in disbelief that Cane is able to join them for the baby shower via video conference. “I can’t believe this right now!” she exclaims. “Believe it,” Cane replies, “and before you know it, I’ll be back at your side in-person. We won’t need this video equipment to see one another.” “I pray every night for that day to come,” Lily says softly, forgetting for a moment about all the spectators in the room.
“I’ve got some other people who’d like to say hello,” Cane suddenly informs Lily. He moves the webcam and sitting off to the side are Nina Webster, Phillip Chancellor III, Phillip “Chance” Chancellor IV, and Chloe Mitchell.
“Look, I know that you probably don’t wanna hear from me, but I just wanted to say that I think you’ll be an awesome mom,” Chloe tells Lily, “Motherhood changes you… or at least it did for me – not that you need to change or anything, but you know what I mean… Okay, I’m rambling… but I just wanted to say, Congratulations.” “Thanks… I think,” Lily replies.
“Congratulations from me too,” Chance chimes in, “I know we haven’t really gotten to know each other, but one thing I can know about you is how much you already love the twins. And I know you’re gonna be a great mom.”
Scene 19
Roseanne continues to observe JT and Reed. “Hey, buddy – why don’t you go in your room and pick out a book for us to read together?” JT suggests. As Reed does so, Roseanne takes the opportunity to approach JT. “You have a wonderful son, Mr. Hellstrom,” she begins. “Thanks… I know that,” JT nods. “He seems so bright and well-adjusted, despite what’s going on,” Roseanne comments, “Well, I’ll leave you two and get back to the office to finish my report. My findings will be communicated through your attorney as soon as possible…” “Alright, sounds good,” JT tells her, “Thank you…” As Roseanne leaves, JT whispers aloud to himself: “Sorry, Victoria, but it looks like I won,” he decides, “Reed is staying right where he is… with me.”
Scene 20
Jana goes to Scott’s room at the Athletic Club. She knocks on the door and Scott opens it a few moments later. “Hi,” Jana says tentatively. “Hi,” he replies back. “I didn’t like the way we ended things,” Jana states. “Neither did I,” Scott agrees, letting her inside, “Just let me explain…” Jana cuts him off. “No, it was my fault,” she insists, taking the blame for what happened between them, “Because I’ve been giving you mixed signals, and kind of encouraging it. I mean, I suggested that we sleep in the same bed, which was bloody stupid of me.” “That’s not what this was about,” Scott tells Jana, “I’ve been feeling this way… about you, for a long time. And I feel like we’ve both holding back, but I don’t know… so is it a mutual thing, or is it only on my end?” Jana doesn’t know what to say…
Scene 21
Jack returns home to the Abbott Mansion. He throws his bags down on the floor of the foyer. “Kyle!?” he shouts, “Where are you? Get down here this instant!”
Scene 22
Meanwhile, Paul returns home to his apartment. He opens the door and the apartment looks empty. “Ricky?” he calls out, “I’m home… Are you here?”
Scene 23
In the living room of the Chancellor Estate, Lily continues her ‘video conference’ with Cane, Chloe, Chance, Nina, and Phillip III. “Lily, being a mother is truly the best gift you could ever ask for in life, and you are about to have two beautiful, precious babies,” Nina says, “We really wish you all the luck in the world, and we’re sorry we can’t all be there with you in person.”
“One, two, three,” Cane counts down, “Ready?” “Congratulations, Lily, from all of us down under!” the five of them shout. “Thank you so much!” Lily replies, a huge smile on her face. “Now there’s some presents from all of us too that I want you to open up,” Cane informs her. “But it’s not time for presents yet,” Lily protests. “Oh, nonsense,” Katherine comments, “Just a few won’t hurt.” “Okay,” Lily agrees, a huge grin on her face.
Scene 24
Jana and Scott continue to talk in his suite at the Athletic Club. “Scott, I really have enjoyed our time together,” Jana begins, “but the things that we’ve been sharing together… um, these are things I want to share with my husband… with Kevin.” “You don’t even remember him,” Scott says. “I owe it to him to try!” Jana says with conviction. “You have been,” Scott replies, “and I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt Kevin either, but I couldn’t not tell you how I feel anymore. When you find the right person, sometimes you just can’t help it.” “Stop it!” Jana orders, “I cannot be the right person… not when I’m married to Kevin.” “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel the same way,” Scott demands. Jana is clearly tempted. “Um, I’m gonna leave now before I do something I’ll regret,” she tells him. “So you do feel something for me,” Scott realizes. “I feel that it’s best if I leave,” Jana repeats and she hurries towards the door. “Jana!” Scott calls. “Goodbye, Scott,” Jana whispers and she leaves his suite. Scott sits down on the bed and runs his hands through his hair. He’s not sure what’s going to happen now that Jana knows about his feelings for her…
Next Time on The Young and The Restless:
Click here to watch a video promo of the upcoming custody battle between Victoria Newman and JT Hellstrom!

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DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
Scene 1
The morning light shines through the window of Kevin Fisher and Jana Hawkes Fisher’s bedroom. Only, this morning, it’s Jana and Scott Grainger, Jr. who are sharing the bed after innocently spending the night together. Scott begins to wake up. Still in a fog, he stretches and rubs his eyes. As he becomes conscious, he feels something heavy on his chest. He lifts his head up and sees that Jana, in her sleep, must have moved onto him. She’s still fast asleep and is using him as a pillow.
He puts his head back down, and stays in bed, letting Jana lay on top of him while she sleeps. Suddenly, Jana begins to stir. She opens her eyes, and realizes what she’s done. She springs up off of Scott. “Oh, I’m so sorry!” she apologizes, “I must have moved in the middle of the night…”
Scene 2
Paul Williams, Jill Abbott, and Jack Abbott are all in New York, waiting at the airport together to take the same flight back to Genoa City. Jill has to get back in time for Lily Winters’ baby shower and Paul and Jack have to get back to discipline their teenaged sons who lied to them and threw a party while they were away.
“Well, this is a coincidence,” Jack says, realizing they’re all waiting for the same flight. “Where’s Traci?” Jill asks Jack, “Katherine told me she’s going to Lily’s baby shower.” “She had to take a later flight,” Jack responds, “She’ll be there, though.”
Jill puts down her luggage in the airport and breathes a sigh of relief. “I cannot wait to get home, and put this trip out of my mind,” she says. “Now don’t go home all disappointed that it was a waste of time,” Paul tells her, knowing that Lena Griffin (formerly Eileen Ramsey) is really Jill’s birth mother, although she denied it to Jill. “I have a feeling we’ll be finding your mother real soon,” Paul continues. “Wait – you’re trying to locate your birth mother… again?” Jack asks. “For all the good it’s doing,” Jill replies sarcastically. She’s clearly disappointed. “Yeah, well, like I said, I have a hunch that you’ll get the answers you’re looking for,” Paul repeats, “sooner than you think.” “At this point, I just want to get home and forget all my troubles,” Jill says.
“I wish we could say the same,” Jack comments. “Yeah, we’re going home to two kids who are in some major trouble,” Paul states. “So I guess it was a bad idea for us to leave Kyle and Ricky alone like we did,” Jack adds. “Yeah, I guess it was,” Paul agrees, “We were testing them to see if they could be trusted on their own, and they obviously can’t be.”
Scene 3
Neil Winters is leaving the Athletic Club when Alex Perez comes down the stairs and sees him in the lobby. “Neil!” she calls out. Neil turns back. “I know – that report you gave me,” he says, realizing that he never called Alex back after she gave him a proposal for the merging of Chancellor Industries with Tucker McCall, Unlimited. “You told me you would call me back,” Alex reminds him. “I’ve been busy,” Neil responds, “I’m not trying to avoid it… or you, for that matter.” “It’s starting to feel that way,” Alex admits. “No, you know what? I’ll tell you what -- I’m heading over to my daughter’s baby shower,” Neil informs her, “So if you’d like to join me…?” Alex considers the invitation. “Will Malcolm be there?” she asks, already knowing the answer. “Mmhmm,” Neil replies, “but you don’t have to talk to him.” “Okay,” Alex agrees, “I have a quick meeting with a client first, but then I’m all yours.”
Scene 4
Lily Winters Ashby arrives at Chancellor Estate and the Chancellors’ live-in maid Esther Valentine answers the door. “Hi Lily!” she greets her politely, “You’re early!” “I know!” Lily says, “I’m sorry… I hope it’s not a problem… I was just so excited to get over here.” “Oh, I’m just teasing you,” Esther tells her, “Come on in.” “Thank you,” Lily replies as she heads inside. Katherine Chancellor Murphy and her husband Patrick Murphy are the next to come to the door. “There’s the mother to be,” Murphy says. “Hi!” Lily greets them. “Lily, darling, how are you?” Katherine asks her as she gives her a hug. “Feeling so much better,” Lily reveals. “Glad to hear it,” Murphy replies.
“Um, darling, would you mind just waiting upstairs for a few minutes?” Katherine suggests, “There’s something we need to set up down here.” “Okay, sure,” Lily agrees, unsure of what to expect.
Scene 5
Alex is now at JT Hellstrom’s Apartment to prepare him for his upcoming visit with Roseanne Ryerson, the Guardian Ad Litem who will be evaluating his parenting skills. “Whatever you do, make sure you’re engaging with Reed,” Alex suggests, “The evaluator will be watching to see if you actively play with and interact with him.” “Of course I’m gonna interact with him,” JT insists, “I love doing things with Reed. That’s what I’m like with him all the time. I’m not gonna fake things just because someone’s watching for a few hours. No… I’m gonna get my son by being my true self. That’s how I’m gonna win this case. And Victoria, she can try to hide being a Newman. But her family’ll come back to bite her in the end… you can count on that.”
Scene 6
Back at the Fishers’ Apartment, Scott stands in front of the fridge eating a bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast. Jana, now fully dressed, joins him.
“Are you hungry?” he asks. “I am,” Jana confirms, “That fruit bowl looks scrumptious right about now.” “Ooh, then let me get you some,” Scott offers, “Which one would you like?” “Maybe I could start with a strawberry,” Jana says, “I remember what those taste like…” Scott carefully picks a ripe strawberry out of the bowl of fruit he’s eating. He holds it in two fingers close to Jana’s mouth and she bites it out of his hand. “Mmm, so fresh,” Jana comments, “and which one would you like?” “I’ll have a grape,” Scott answers, and Jana returns the favor, holding a grape in front of him with and allowing him to bite it out of her two fingers. “How was it?” Jana asks. “Nice and juicy,” Scott replies with a smile.
“What’s that one?” Jana inquires, pointing to an orange-colored fruit. “Cantaloupe,” Scott answers, “It’s got a very strong taste…” “The old Jana probably wouldn’t have liked that,” Jana admits, “But my preferences have changed since the aneurism. I don’t like the same things anymore. I like things that are strong.” Scott smiles. “Well, then here… try it,” he encourages her. Jana takes a bite of the piece of cantaloupe. “Mmm, delicious,” she decides. “You, um, have some on your lip,” Scott informs her as he wipes her mouth with a napkin. “Did you get it?” Jana asks. They stare into each other’s eyes and Scott suddenly leans in and kisses Jana. Jana doesn’t respond at first, but after a few seconds, she kisses Scott back.
Scene 7
Alex continues to offer JT advice about the upcoming custody visit. “As you already know, the evaluator will also be reviewing the home environment. Is it clean? Is it safe? That sort of thing…” “Yes – all of the above,” JT answers, “I just tidied up around the place, emptied the garbage can… so yeah, everything’s in order.” “Okay, good,” Alex nods, “Now, about discipline… this is very important in case it comes up during the visit… but the Guardian Ad Litem is also watching to see what kind of discipline you use.” “It’s not like I beat my son,” JT replies defensively. “No… of course not,” Alex continues, “But if you do have to punish him, time-outs and deprivation of activities are viewed favorably. Don’t shout or use inappropriate language at any point, ever.” “Alex, I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” JT tells her, “But you’re kind of stating the obvious here.” “I’m aware of that, believe me,” Alex replies, “But sometimes people get nervous and they do some things that wouldn’t normally do. So it’s best just to cover all the bases upfront here.” “Alright, then what else you got?” JT asks. “Finally, how Reed reacts to you will be very important,” Alex reveals, “The guardian will also try to make an assessment of the emotional bond between parent and child, and what she determines will be the key to her decision as to who should be awarded custody of Reed...”
Scene 8
Paul, Jill, and Jack are all seated together on a plane from New York to Genoa City. Paul and Jack are still arguing about the party that their sons threw without permission while they were both away. “This is all Kyle’s fault,” Paul says. “Hold on a minute,” Jack responds angrily, “Are you blaming my son for this?” “Oh, would you two shut up already?” Jill snaps, “It doesn’t matter whose idea it was. They both went along with it… they are equally responsible, now please be quiet.” “No… Ricky never would have lied to me like that,” Paul continues, “Until he started hanging around with Kyle.” “It’s not like Kyle held a gun to his head,” Jack states. “No, but he’s obviously the ringleader,” Paul insists, “Sometimes your son gets in with the wrong crowd, and sometimes, Jack, your son is the wrong crowd. And I’m not letting Kyle have any influence over my son anymore.”
Scene 9
Mackenzie Browning returns to JT’s Apartment with his son Reed Hellstrom. They had gone out for a morning walk. “I saw Alex leaving on my way back,” Mackenzie tells JT. “Yeah, she came to give me some last-minute advice for today’s visit,” JT confirms. “Is someone coming over?” Reed asks excitedly. “Yes, buddy…,” JT nods. “Mommy?” Reed follows up. JT shakes his head. “No, it’s not Mommy,” he answers, “You remember that woman who came over to your house when you were with Mommy?” Reed nods. “Well, she’s gonna be coming over here, um, really soon, actually. So you be a good boy for me while she’s here. Be on your best behavior for me, and we’ll do some fun things together. We’ll have a blast.” “Alright, well, I’m gonna head back to my grandmother’s,” Mackenzie announces, “I want to get ready before the baby shower.” JT gives Mackenzie a quick kiss. “Have fun,” he wishes her. “Thanks,” Mackenzie says before bending down to hug Reed, “I’ll call you tonight to say good night, and you can tell me all about what you and daddy did today, okay?” Reed nods.
As Mackenzie leaves JT’s apartment, Roseanne Ryerson is just arriving.
Scene 10
Neil and Alex arrive together at the Chancellor Estate for Lily’s baby shower. They join Katherine in the foyer. “Alex Perez,” Neil re-introduces Alex to Katherine, “You remember Alex, don’t you?” “Yes, of course,” Katherine answers, “You used to work for Victor. That was years ago. And you work for my son now… Tucker McCall.” “That’s right,” Alex confirms, “Can I expect to see him here?” “No, you cannot,” Katherine responds, “Because knowing him, he would use the occasion to talk business… and mergers with me. And this is a family gathering, not a business meeting.” “I see,” Alex nods. “And that means you too,” Katherine informs Alex, “There is a time and a place, and we are not at the office.” “Point taken,” Alex says, “Believe me, business is the last thing on my mind.” “You heard the woman,” Neil tells Katherine. “I did, indeed,” Katherine replies, “In that case, welcome to my home and please… enjoy yourself.” “Thank you, Mrs. Chancellor,” Alex responds, “And by the way, this place is absolutely breathtaking.” “Yes, it sure is.,” Neil agrees, “Katherine, thank you for opening up your home to us.” “Neil, Neil, Neil…,” Katherine says with a smile, “What have I told you over and over again? You are family…”
Scene 11
Jill arrives back at Chancellor Estate, just in time for Lily’s baby shower. Katherine and Murphy see her heading upstairs. “I was wondering when you’d get back,” she states, “Do you have any idea what’s going on right now?” “I know… Lily’s baby shower,” Jill answers. “Then where were you?” Katherine demands, “and why did you leave without telling me where you were going?” “I was in New York,” Jill confesses. “Now what in the hell were you doing in New York?” Katherine asks. “I had some personal business to take care of,” Jill responds vaguely, “And you’ll never guess who I ran into while I was there… or maybe you would.” “Well, do tell, Jill. I don’t have time to play games,” Katherine tells her. “Paul,” Jill states. “Paul Williams?” Katherine questions, despite already knowing the answer, “Curious.” “Oh, don’t play dumb with me. I know that you’ve been looking for my birth mother,” Jill reveals. “That was supposed to be a birthday surprise,” Katherine says, admitting what Jill already knows. “Well, it’s almost my birthday, and it’s no surprise that we haven’t found the woman yet,” Jill says, “I’m never gonna find her. And the sad part is… I actually thought there was some hope that I would be able to track her down… even after all these years. I’d given up hope of ever finding my real father, but I thought… my mother, there was some hope there… But obviously neither of them wanted me if they’re this hard to find…” “Jill, don’t go telling yourself that when you don’t know the circumstances,” Murphy advises, suddenly jumping into the conversation, “I mean… maybe your father never even knew about you. Maybe he’d have liked to have a daughter. I know I would want to know… if you were mine.”
Scene 12
Lily and Mackenzie catch up with one another at Lily’s baby shower at the Chancellor Estate. “I think they’re coming soon… the twins,” Mackenzie tells Lily, “I feel it more and more every day that it’s almost time. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you see them… hold them for the first time.” “And when that moment comes, I will finally be complete,” Lily reveals. “Except for Cane,” Mackenzie deduces. “Except for Cane,” Lily nods, “Of course, but I won’t let that ruin my day today.” “I’m glad,” Mackenzie says. “Speaking of our significant others, where’s JT?” “JT wishes he could be here, but he has his evaluation for the custody case today,” Mackenzie informs Lily. “Oh, that’s okay,” Lily replies, “I understand… but it’s kind of sad, isn’t it? Here I am celebrating the two children that I’m about to receive, and at the same time, either JT or Victoria is about to lose their son…”
Scene 13
Roseanne observes JT and Reed playing a round of the game Guess Who. “Is your person a woman?” JT asks. Reed nods silently. On his gameboard, JT puts down all the cards featuring men, leaving only the women visible. “Does your person have yellow hair?” Reed now asks JT. “Blond hair,” JT gently corrects him, “Yes, my person has blond hair.” Reed puts down all those who don’t have blond hair. “Okay, um, does your person have earrings?” JT inquires. “Yep,” Reed confirms. JT puts down all the women who don’t have earrings, narrowing his choice even more. “Does your person have a big moustache, like Grandpa?” Reed now asks JT. “Yeah, yeah… he sure does, buddy,” JT replies. With that answer, Reed also narrows his options significantly. “Does your person have red hair?” JT asks and Reed shakes his head ‘no.’ “Is your person named Jake?” Reed inquires, ending the game if he’s correct. “My person is named Jake,” JT says, revealing his card, “Good job, buddy! You got me.” Reed smiles, and Roseanne jots down a few notes from afar.
Scene 14
Lily and Mackenzie come downstairs to join Katherine, Murphy, Jill, Esther, Neil, Alex, Devon, Roxanne, and Malcolm in the foyer of the Chancellor Estate. “I have a surprise for everyone!” Lily happily announces, “Cane might be able to come home soon…” “That’s great, Lily!” Devon says, and the others echo the sentiment. “Yeah, Michael is still trying to work out the details. He says it was a long shot, but he thinks it’ll end up panning out.” “Wow… that sure is a wonderful surprise to come home to,” Jill comments. “I knew you’d think so,” Lily replies.
“Oh, darling, I think you’re the one who’s going to be surprised,” Katherine teases. “What do you mean?” Lily asks. Katherine motions towards the living room. “Well, speaking of Cane, I had the techies from Chancellor Industries set this up,” she explains, “so that Cane could be here with us today.” Katherine leads Lily to the living room where a huge video monitor is set up and Ethan “Cane” Ashby is visible on the screen.
Scene 15
At Lily’s baby shower at the Chancellor Estate, Alex approaches Malcolm. “So, you never told me she [Lily] was your daughter,” Alex informs her former fiancé. “I never found out until I came back to Genoa City,” Malcolm explains. “You mean after… when you ‘came from the dead?’” Alex asks. “That’s right,” Malcolm says, “Believe me. If I had known when we were still engaged, I wouldn’t have kept that from you.”
Suddenly, Lily approaches them. “Uncle Malcolm!” she calls out. “Alex, thanks so much for coming,” Lily says, “Are you two here together?” “Actually, no, it was your father… well, Neil, that invited me,” Alex replies, not sure how to refer to Neil. “Well, I’m glad you could come,” Lily tells her, “and that you two are getting some time to catch up.”
As Lily leaves them, Malcolm turns back to Alex. “You see what she called me? Her Uncle Malcolm,” he says, “and that’s all I’ll ever be to her…”
Scene 16
Jana and Scott are kissing in the kitchen of the Fishers’ Apartment. Jana suddenly pulls away. “Wait,” she says, coming to her senses, “We can’t do this…” “Why not?” Scott asks. “What do you mean – why not?” Jana fires back, “You know why not!” “I’m sorry… I –,” Scott apologizes. Jana interrupts him. “I’d like you to leave,” she decides. “Now? Just give me a second to explain,” Scott pleads. “No, there’s nothing you can say right now,” Jana replies, “Please leave. Just go…” Scott reluctantly obeys. As he’s heading out the door, he looks back at Jana. “I’m sorry,” he mutters. Jana closes the front door without saying anything.
Scene 17
At the Chancellor Estate, Lily and Roxanne are talking to one another. “See, what did I tell you?” Lily says, “You had nothing to worry about when Devon went away…” Roxanne smiles nervously, realizing that Devon never told Lily about her cheating on Devon while he was in Seattle…
Across the room, Malcolm and Devon are discussing the same situation. “Is everything okay between you two?” Malcolm inquires. Devon stares ahead at Roxanne and Lily. “Yeah, we’re working through it,” he replies, “Trying to rebuild…” Neil approaches them. “Hey son… [and] Malcolm,” he greets them, saying Malcolm’s name with much less enthusiasm, “What are you two talkin’ about?” Devon takes a moment to think. “Lily, of course,” he lies, “and how happy we are for her.” Neil smiles. “Yeah, it is truly amazing, isn’t it?” he agrees, “Last year, at this time, we had no idea how things would turn out, but now Lily is happy and healthy again, and she has two beautiful babies on the way. Dru was definitely looking out for her from above…”
Scene 18
At the Chancellor Estate, Lily is in disbelief that Cane is able to join them for the baby shower via video conference. “I can’t believe this right now!” she exclaims. “Believe it,” Cane replies, “and before you know it, I’ll be back at your side in-person. We won’t need this video equipment to see one another.” “I pray every night for that day to come,” Lily says softly, forgetting for a moment about all the spectators in the room.
“I’ve got some other people who’d like to say hello,” Cane suddenly informs Lily. He moves the webcam and sitting off to the side are Nina Webster, Phillip Chancellor III, Phillip “Chance” Chancellor IV, and Chloe Mitchell.
“Look, I know that you probably don’t wanna hear from me, but I just wanted to say that I think you’ll be an awesome mom,” Chloe tells Lily, “Motherhood changes you… or at least it did for me – not that you need to change or anything, but you know what I mean… Okay, I’m rambling… but I just wanted to say, Congratulations.” “Thanks… I think,” Lily replies.
“Congratulations from me too,” Chance chimes in, “I know we haven’t really gotten to know each other, but one thing I can know about you is how much you already love the twins. And I know you’re gonna be a great mom.”
Scene 19
Roseanne continues to observe JT and Reed. “Hey, buddy – why don’t you go in your room and pick out a book for us to read together?” JT suggests. As Reed does so, Roseanne takes the opportunity to approach JT. “You have a wonderful son, Mr. Hellstrom,” she begins. “Thanks… I know that,” JT nods. “He seems so bright and well-adjusted, despite what’s going on,” Roseanne comments, “Well, I’ll leave you two and get back to the office to finish my report. My findings will be communicated through your attorney as soon as possible…” “Alright, sounds good,” JT tells her, “Thank you…” As Roseanne leaves, JT whispers aloud to himself: “Sorry, Victoria, but it looks like I won,” he decides, “Reed is staying right where he is… with me.”
Scene 20
Jana goes to Scott’s room at the Athletic Club. She knocks on the door and Scott opens it a few moments later. “Hi,” Jana says tentatively. “Hi,” he replies back. “I didn’t like the way we ended things,” Jana states. “Neither did I,” Scott agrees, letting her inside, “Just let me explain…” Jana cuts him off. “No, it was my fault,” she insists, taking the blame for what happened between them, “Because I’ve been giving you mixed signals, and kind of encouraging it. I mean, I suggested that we sleep in the same bed, which was bloody stupid of me.” “That’s not what this was about,” Scott tells Jana, “I’ve been feeling this way… about you, for a long time. And I feel like we’ve both holding back, but I don’t know… so is it a mutual thing, or is it only on my end?” Jana doesn’t know what to say…
Scene 21
Jack returns home to the Abbott Mansion. He throws his bags down on the floor of the foyer. “Kyle!?” he shouts, “Where are you? Get down here this instant!”
Scene 22
Meanwhile, Paul returns home to his apartment. He opens the door and the apartment looks empty. “Ricky?” he calls out, “I’m home… Are you here?”
Scene 23
In the living room of the Chancellor Estate, Lily continues her ‘video conference’ with Cane, Chloe, Chance, Nina, and Phillip III. “Lily, being a mother is truly the best gift you could ever ask for in life, and you are about to have two beautiful, precious babies,” Nina says, “We really wish you all the luck in the world, and we’re sorry we can’t all be there with you in person.”
“One, two, three,” Cane counts down, “Ready?” “Congratulations, Lily, from all of us down under!” the five of them shout. “Thank you so much!” Lily replies, a huge smile on her face. “Now there’s some presents from all of us too that I want you to open up,” Cane informs her. “But it’s not time for presents yet,” Lily protests. “Oh, nonsense,” Katherine comments, “Just a few won’t hurt.” “Okay,” Lily agrees, a huge grin on her face.
Scene 24
Jana and Scott continue to talk in his suite at the Athletic Club. “Scott, I really have enjoyed our time together,” Jana begins, “but the things that we’ve been sharing together… um, these are things I want to share with my husband… with Kevin.” “You don’t even remember him,” Scott says. “I owe it to him to try!” Jana says with conviction. “You have been,” Scott replies, “and I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt Kevin either, but I couldn’t not tell you how I feel anymore. When you find the right person, sometimes you just can’t help it.” “Stop it!” Jana orders, “I cannot be the right person… not when I’m married to Kevin.” “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel the same way,” Scott demands. Jana is clearly tempted. “Um, I’m gonna leave now before I do something I’ll regret,” she tells him. “So you do feel something for me,” Scott realizes. “I feel that it’s best if I leave,” Jana repeats and she hurries towards the door. “Jana!” Scott calls. “Goodbye, Scott,” Jana whispers and she leaves his suite. Scott sits down on the bed and runs his hands through his hair. He’s not sure what’s going to happen now that Jana knows about his feelings for her…
Next Time on The Young and The Restless:
Click here to watch a video promo of the upcoming custody battle between Victoria Newman and JT Hellstrom!

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DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Click here to watch a video promo of the next 5 episodes of Y&R Fanfic:


Friday, October 1, 2010
Episode 7 – Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Scene 1
It’s evening time in Genoa City. At the Fishers’ Apartment, Kevin Fisher and his amnesiac wife Jana Hawkes Fisher are discussing Jana’s past. Jana reacts after the revelation that she is a murderer. “I still can’t believe it… that I took someone’s life,” Jana confesses, her face full of horror. “Jana, listen to me. You had a brain tumor at the time,” Kevin tries to reassure her, “It made you act in certain ways, do things that you wouldn’t have normally done.” Jana isn’t listening. “Who was it? How did it happen?” she demands, “I need to know what I did, and why…” Kevin takes a deep breath. “Her name was Carmen Mesta,” he begins, “She worked at Jabot and then Newman. She was some PR consultant, or something.” “Why did I… um, you know… kill her?” Jana asks. “She was… a regular at the Coffee House,” Kevin states, “Your father, he was looking for a piece of art work. You stole Victoria Newman’s art portfolio, thinking it might hold some clues for you… you know, about how to find the artefact. It was called the Grugeon Reliquary. Does that name ring a bell?” “No,” Jana says softly. She changes the subject.
“You mentioned something… about a brain tumor…,” Jana says as a statement, although she means it as a question. “The tumor is what caused you to act that way,” Kevin assures her, “It’s the only reason you killed Carmen. You had no self-control because of it.” “How -- how did they know it was the tumor?” Jana stutters, “What if I really was a… I can’t even say it… a killer?” “You see! I told you you didn’t wanna know about that part of your life,” Kevin says, “This is what I was trying to protect you from. Damn it! Why did I tell you?” “Because I asked you to,” Jana tell, “I just didn’t expect… I couldn’t prepare myself for what you would tell me.” “Believe me, you have beaten yourself up over it enough. It’s all you could think about when you were in jail, how you killed an innocent person,” Kevin recalls, “You did everything you could to make up for it. You even, you wrote a letter to Carmen’s family apologizing for what you did.” “What I did. That’s right - I still did it. And an apology, that didn’t bring their daughter back,” Jana states, “Why am I even out of prison? My God, I should have been locked up for life.”
Scene 2
At Devon Hamilton’s Rent House, Devon and his girlfriend Roxanne Porter are lying in bed in Devon’s room. Devon plays with her hair. “You don’t have any regrets about staying in Genoa City, do you?” he asks. “None,” Roxanne answers confidently, “I’m right where I need to be. This is where I feel at home… I mean, the job at the Boutique, I know it wasn’t the most ideal choice. But it’ll help keep me occupied for now, and more importantly, earning some money. Then I’ll find something else close by.” “I could ask my dad if there’s anything open at Chancellor Industries,” Devon suggests, “You could be a personal assistant or… or something. “Thanks, but I do wanna feel like I earned whatever job I get,” Roxanne admits, “For now, I’m happy with Fenmore’s… because it means I get to spend every night here with you… I mean, next week’s our anniversary. Can you imagine if we had to spend the day apart?” “Well, thankfully, we don’t have to think about that, do we?” Devon replies, giving her a quick kiss. Suddenly, his cell phone rings. Devon reaches over to the night stand and picks it up. “I’ll take this out in the hall,” he tells Roxanne, as he hops out of bed, “Be right back.”
Scene 3
In the CEO’s Office at the Jabot Cosmetics Headquarters, Ashley Abbott and her former step-mother Gloria Bardwell continue their conversation. Gloria is confused by Ashley’s sudden interest in her former husband Tom Fisher and his son Ryder Callahan. “Why are you so curious about Tom and Ryder anyway?” she asks Ashley. “Let’s just say, I have a vested interest,” Ashley replies coyly, not answering the question. “Abby,” Gloria realizes, “I saw them together at the Newmans’ pool party. I think everyone did.” “And did you think it was appropriate for a 17 year-old girl to be pursuing someone who’s already out of college?” Ashley asks harshly, in a tone that suggests she would have wanted Gloria to stop Abby. “Relax, Ashley,” Gloria says, “I’m sure it’s just a meaningless crush… It’ll pass.” “I wish I could be that calm about it, Gloria,” Ashley expresses, “But you know as well as I do – better, actually – that Tom Fisher was a horrible, dangerous man. He terrorized my family and he’s the reason my father is dead.” “You don’t have to remind me of that, Ashley,” Gloria snaps, some anger in her voice, “But just because Tom was a horrible, abusive man doesn’t mean that Ryder is too. Look at Jack. He’s nothing like my kind and generous and loving John was. And Kevin, he may be Tom’s son, but he’s grown into a very handsome, very successful young man. Nothing like Tom.” Ashley is irritated at Gloria’ dig at Jack, but decides to ignore it.
“Maybe so, but Kevin, at one point, was very angry and destructive,” she says, “And he may have worked through those issues, but that doesn’t mean that Ryder doesn’t have his own problems that we don’t know about. If not from Tom, then from having Sheila as a mother and feeling abandoned. So do you understand why I don’t want him around my daughter?” “You have a point,” Gloria reluctantly admits. “Then, I’ll ask you again, Gloria,” Ashley repeats, “Tell me what you know about Ryder Callahan.”
Scene 4
At the Athletic Club, Alex Perez is stunned by Neil Winters’ revelation that her former fiancé Malcolm Winters is still alive. She doesn’t believe it. “Why would you say something like that?” an upset Alex asks. “Because it’s true.” Neil assures her, “My brother… Malcolm is alive.” “I need to sit down,” Alex announces. Neil helps her to a table. “You’ve actually seen him?” Alex inquires, her voice shaking. Neil remains calm. “Yes, he’s in Genoa City,” Neil tells her, “He survived the accident in Kenya. He came back a few years later after staying in Africa for a while…” Alex is suddenly very angry and confused. “Why didn’t you notify me?” she says loudly, “Why didn’t Malcolm?” “Oh, come on, Alex. It’s not like I knew how to get in touch with you after you left,” Neil defends himself, “You were the one who wanted to get away from here. I tried to convince you to stay, remember?” Alex feels light-headed. “Alex. Alex, are you okay?” Neil asks. “This is the last thing I expected to deal with when I came back to Genoa City,” she admits.
Scene 5
Abby Carlton is watching Fenmore’s Boutique while Lauren speaks to Ryder at the Coffee House. She overhears a trio of teen girls who are shopping for clothes. One girl asks her friends what they think of the top she’s holding. “I can totally help you out with that,” Abby butts in. She picks out a different colored shirt and hands it to the girl. “Try this shirt with those pants,” she says, “I’m telling you. They go perfectly together.”
“Hey, what do you think of this?” another one of the girls asks Abby, modeling an outfit that she tried on in the fitting room. Abby crinkles her nose and shakes her head. “Too old for you,” she decides, “You need to show a little more skin. Try a shorter skirt.” She pulls off a really short skirt from the clothes rack and hands it to the girl. The girl isn’t sure. “Isn’t that a bit too revealing?” she asks. “Definitely. But that’s the whole point,” Abby replies, “Trust me. This is the ‘in’ look right now.”
Then Abby turns to the third girl and looks at the top she’s holding. “And that’s not the right top for you either. Here, try this one,” she suggests, as she grabs a shirt from one of the display racks, “You’ll definitely turn heads in this.” “Thanks!” the girl replies enthusiastically. “No problem,” Abby replies with a smile. She realizes how much she’d enjoy her job at Fenmore’s.
Scene 6
Ryder Callahan is still at Crimson Lights Coffee House, nearing the end of an extra-long shift. He had agreed to watch the coffee house for his half-brother Kevin. Lauren Fenmore Baldwin arrives, hoping to ask Ryder about his twin sister Daisy’s whereabouts. “Lauren, hi,” Ryder greets her. “Ryder, listen. Do you have a minute?” Lauren asks, “I wanna talk to you about something.” “Yeah, sure,” Ryder says. He steps away from the front counter and joins Lauren at one of the side tables. “Have you been in contact with Daisy?” Lauren inquires. “No,” Ryder denies it immediately. “When’s the last time you’ve heard from her?” Lauren follows-up. “Not since that day at the amusement park. She got away, and I have no idea where she went,” Ryder explains. “Do you think it’s possible… do you think she would come back to Genoa City?” Lauren asks. She’s clearly unsettled. “I thought I saw her outside the Boutique. I mean, I saw someone with red hair. I don’t know if it was my mind just playing tricks on me… or if it really was her,” Lauren confesses. “No, there’s no way Daisy would come back here,” Ryder says confidently, “She knows I would turn her in if I saw her. She’s completely on her own. She’s running as far away from here as she can get.” Lauren is not convinced. “You don’t believe me?” Ryder asks. “I want to, but do you know how many times I wanted to believe that same thing about Sheila? About your mother…,” she says, “And Sheila always found a way to come back and wreak more havoc on my life.”
Scene 7
In the Jabot CEO’s Office, Gloria and Ashley continue talking about Ryder. “There’s not much to tell, really, Ashley,” Gloria begins to tell her, “I had no idea that Tom had another family somewhere else. I mean, he would leave for days at a time and it wouldn’t be unusual. Actually… we would wish sometimes that he wouldn’t come back. But he never mentioned Daisy and Ryder, or Sheila, or threatened that he would leave us for them, or anything like that.” “Maybe Tom never knew that he had these other children,” Ashley speculates. “No,” Gloria disagrees, “When Ryder first met Kevin, he told similar stories about being abused by Tom. That was what originally bonded them together. And he told me that Tom was his primary parent. That his mother had abandoned him… Of course, that was before we learned about Sarah… and Daisy, so I suppose his story about Tom could have been fabricated.”
“Or it could have been a complete lie,” Ashley suggests, “Either way, whatever happened during his upbringing doesn’t excuse what he’s done.” “I didn’t say it did,” Gloria replies, defensively. “It sounds like you’re making excuses for him…,” Ashley retorts, “just like you’ve always done.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Gloria demands. “It means that, except for Lauren, every one of your family members is a felon. He fits in with the Baldwin-Fishers…” Gloria finishes Ashley’s sentence for her: “Oh, so Ryder doesn’t fit in with the ‘perfect’ Abbotts, just like I didn’t fit in with your father. Is that what you’re saying?” she asks. “You said it, not me,” Ashley responds. “You didn’t have to,” Gloria replies, realizing what Ashley meant. Ashley elaborates: “You all use Michael as your personal ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card… to find some loophole to get away with all of your crimes. As far as I’m concerned, Ryder should be locked up right now where he can’t hurt anyone else, especially Abby.”
“Did you ever think that by interfering in her personal life, you’ll just drive your daughter further away?” Gloria asks. “No offense, Gloria, but I’m not gonna be taking parenting advice from you,” Ashley snaps back. “Fine. What do you want from me then?” Gloria asks, growing frustrated. “Obviously, I feel desperate. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be turning to you,” Ashley confesses, “I want you to talk to Ryder. You were married to Tom… It’s only natural that you’d be interested in his other son. I want to know what role Tom had in his upbringing, how involved Sheila Carter was in his life, if he ever got into trouble with the law before, everything there is to know about him.” “And how do you think I’m gonna find out everything there is to know about him?” Gloria asks, “I think you have me mistaken for Paul Williams. Why don’t you get him?” “A private investigator takes time,” Ashley states, “I don’t have time… I have you.” “And what makes you think Ryder would tell me any of this?” Gloria asks. “Well, he better,” Ashley threatens, “Because the minute you stop coming through for me, Gloria, you can say goodbye to your job at Jabot.”
Scene 8
In the Fishers’ Apartment, Jana continues to react to the revelation that she killed Carmen Mesta. Kevin tries to comfort her, but she turns away. “I need some fresh air,” Jana announces abruptly. “We can go for a walk.” Kevin suggests. “No, I can’t be around you right now. I’m sorry,” Jana tells him. “So, what? Now you wanna escape your past?” Kevin asks her. “I’m not escaping my past. I just need time to process it…,” Jana answers, “to understand the person who I was. And I need to talk to someone who doesn’t know me. Who isn’t blinded by some misguided love for me.” “It’s not ‘misguided’ love!” Kevin insists, “When are you gonna realize that I love you for who you are? Jana you are a beautiful, wonderful soul who would never intentionally harm another person.”
Jana picks up the phone in the apartment. “Who are you calling?” Kevin asks. “Scott,” Jana answers. Kevin is taken aback. “Scott? You barely know him,” he replies. “We made friends at the pool party,” Jana explains, “And I feel like I can trust him.” She hangs up the phone. “I just realized… I don’t know his number,” she says, “You have it, right?” “Yeah… in my phone,” Kevin says hesitantly. “Could I see it, please?” Jana asks politely. “The number or my phone?” Kevin inquires. “Your phone,” Jana answers. “Yeah… sure,” Kevin replies, still feeling confused.
Scott Grainger, Jr. answers his cell phone. “Kev, hey, what’s up, man?” he asks. “Actually, this is Jana calling,” Jana tells him. “Oh, Jana. Hey, how’s it goin’?” Scott says. Jana gets right to the point. “You remember what I said to you at the pool, about us maybe exploring Genoa City together. I was wondering, if you’re still up for that.”
Scene 9
Devon re-enters his bedroom after having taken a phone call from an unknown caller. “You’ll never guess who that was on the phone,” Devon tells his girlfriend Roxanne. Roxanne shrugs her shoulders. She’s stumped. “I don’t know,” she admits, “Surprise me.” “Tyra,” Devon reveals. The name strikes a chord with Roxanne. She gets a little uncomfortable. “Oh?” Roxanne replies, “What did she want?” “She wants me to visit Ana,” Devon announces, “Next week, after the long weekend.” “But you’ll miss our anniversary,” Roxanne realizes. “We’ll have all the time in the world to celebrate for that, now that you’ll be staying around,” Devon assures her, “I only have a few days to visit my sister. She’s going away to summer camp in a little over a week, and she wants to see me before she goes.” “So, you said yes?” Roxanne asks. “Of course, I said yes. She’s my sister,” Devon states, “I didn’t think you would have a problem with it.” “I don’t,” Roxanne states, “I just wish it wasn’t so out-of-the-blue.”
Scene 10
As Lauren is about to leave the Coffee House, her son Scott arrives to meet Jana. “Hey honey! This is a pleasant surprise,” Lauren says. “Mom, hey!” Scott calls, as he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, “What’re you doing here? I thought you’d be at the Boutique…” “Well, I was, but I needed to run out for a few minutes,” Lauren explains, “and I’m glad I did because now I get to spend some more time with you.” They take a seat at a table.
“How’s the suite?” Lauren asks. “It’s great. I feel like royalty,” Scott tells her, “Really, you didn’t have to pay for something so luxurious. Thank you.” “It’s my pleasure,” Lauren says, “So have you made any definite plans about staying in Genoa City?” She inquires after taking a sip of coffee. “No, I have to figure some things out still,” he admits, “If I want to get a full-time job as a teacher, then I should stay with the board in Toronto, where I at least have some connections. If I move here, I don’t even know if my degree translates. I mean, sure, I’d still have my Undergrad in English to fall back on, but that won’t get me a job in a school.” “No, it won’t,” Lauren agrees.
“You know who you should talk to is Billy Abbott, over at Restless Style,” Lauren suggests, “I’m sure he could use someone with your writing talent on his team.” “Restless Style,” Scott considers the suggestion, “Hmm. I never really thought about getting into the magazine world… if you can even call Restless Style a magazine.” “I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t been a supporter of some of Billy’s headlines and tactics, but honey, this could be a good opportunity for you,” Lauren tells her son, “And if Billy had an opening for you, I’d want you to take it.” “I’ll keep it in mind, Mom, but I think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself here,” Scott reminds her, “I don’t even know for sure that I’m staying.” “A mother can hope, can’t she?” Lauren replies.
Scene 11
At the Athletic Club, Neil continues to update Alex on Malcolm’s return from the dead and to Genoa City. “When he came back, Malcolm, he wanted nothing to do with me,” Neil informs her. “Because of what he thought he heard between us?” Alex asks, “He thought we were betraying him?” Neil nods. “He didn’t hear you telling me that you were committed to him, and only him,” he says, “I told Malcolm the whole thing was a misunderstanding, that he was holding a grudge for years… for no reason. He actually thought I left him for dead so that I could have you…”
“What? That’s crazy,” Alex insists. “I know it is,” Neil agrees, “but Malcolm spent three years in Kenya believing that. It made him so bitter, you have no idea.” “What’s he like now?” Alex inquires. Neil takes a deep breath. “We’ve still got our problems,” he answers without going into specific detail. “I need to see him,” Alex decides, “I need to see my fiancé.” “Did you hear that? You just referred to Malcolm as your fiancé,” Neil notices. Alex hadn’t meant to do so. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I did,” she realizes. She tries to rationalize the situation: “I mean, the only reason we didn’t get married is because he was presumed dead. But if you’re telling me he’s alive…” “Yeah, but a lot has changed in eight years, Alex,” Neil repeats, warning her again, “The man who came back from Africa is not the same man we both knew before the accident. “I guess, that’s for me to decide,” Alex announces, “What’s his room number, Neil?” Neil avoids her question: “Alex, I really think you should think this through a bit more before you…,” he warns. “The room number!” Alex demands. Neil sighs. “Fourteen,” he gives in. “That’s right next to mine,” Alex realizes, “What are the chances?”
Scene 12
After Lauren leaves Crimson Lights, Scott approaches Ryder at the front counter. “Hey, what can I get you?” Ryder asks. “Double espresso,” Scott orders. “Comin’ right up,” Ryder replies. He hands Scott the espresso. “How much do I owe you?” Scott asks. “It’s on me,” Ryder offers, “It’s the least I can do.” Scott thanks him. “You were at the Newmans’,” Ryder recalls, “for the pool party.” “That’s right,” Scott says, “But we never really got a chance to get acquainted… I’m Scott.” Ryder nods. “I know who you are,” he says, “You were Sheila’s first son… That’s how she thought of you anyway.”
“Yeah, she kidnapped me as a newborn,” Scott explains, “She tried to pass me off as her own baby.” “She referred to you as my brother,” Ryder adds. “I’m sure she did,” Scott replies, the tone in his voice suggesting that Sheila was crazy.
“Look, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what happened to your mother,” Ryder offers. “Sheila manipulated me into poisoning my mom,” Scott admits, “I gave her a necklace and I had no idea that Sheila laced it with poison… um, so if your aunt Sarah was anything like her sister, then I understand how you can easily become involved in some twisted scheme against your will… The way I see it, is if it wasn’t for you, my mother… and Jana wouldn’t be here right now.” Ryder feels slightly uneasy. “You’re giving me too much credit,” he says, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t have been kidnapped in the first place.”
Scene 13
Devon and Roxanne continue discussing Devon’s upcoming visit with Ana (and Tyra). “Why don’t I go with you?” Roxanne suggests. “No… you better not,” Devon dismisses the idea. “Why not?” Roxanne inquires, “Because of Tyra?” “Why are we ruining our evening talking about her?” Devon responds. “Because if the only reason you don’t want me to go is because you think I can’t handle being in the same room as Tyra, I can,” Roxanne insists, “I’m over what happened between the two of you…” “I know. Baby, that has nothing to do with it,” Devon insists, “You just got hired at the Boutique. How bad would it look if you go to your boss on your first day and ask for time-off?” “Yeah, that’s a good point…,” Roxanne concedes, “If I don’t have a job here, then I can’t afford to stay.” “And you know how much I want you to stay,” Devon tells her. “How much?” Roxanne asks, with a smile. “This much,” Devon replies, giving her a kiss on the lips.
“I’m gonna go take a quick shower,” Devon informs her, “If you wanna save water, you’re welcome to join me.” Roxanne smiles. “No, um, that’s okay. I think, I’m gonna go downstairs and get something to eat,” she replies. As Devon goes into the bathroom, Roxanne’s expression changes. She’s clearly uneasy about something.
Scene 14
Kevin and Jana arrive at the Coffee House, where Scott is already waiting for them. Jana excuses herself immediately to go “freshen up.” Kevin approaches Scott. “I don’t know how I feel about you taking my wife out on a date,” Kevin says as a joke, but his insecurities show through. Scott laughs a bit. “This is not a date,” he assures Kevin. “Then let me go with you,” Kevin suggests. “I don’t know, man. Three’s a crowd,” Scott jokes back, “Seriously, though, I think Jana just wants a little time away from everything that’s going on.” “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” Kevin agrees, “I don’t want her to feel like I’m suffocating her.” “Don’t worry. Jana is safe with me,” Scott tells Kevin, “And I will have her home by curfew, which is…?” Kevin manages a slight smile. “Just bring her home ready to go back to being my Jana. My wife,” he says. “I’ll do my best,” Scott promises. “Thanks, dude,” Kevin says, giving Scott a pat on the back, “Have I told you how glad I am to have you back in town?”
Scene 15
Neil runs into his boss and good friend Katherine Chancellor Murphy at the Athletic Club. “Katherine, I didn’t see you here,” Neil greets her. “Neil, how are you?” I was in the back, visiting with Gina,” Katherine tells him. She notices he seems frantic. “You seem rattled,” she observes. “I’m going through a bit of an unexpected family crisis,” Neil confides in her. “Nothing to do with Lily, is it?” Katherine asks, concerned. “No, Lily’s fine. She’s great,” Neil answers, “except for the fact that her husband is deported to Australia.” “Oh, I know, Neil, it’s terrible,” Katherine agrees, “But you know, Michael is still working on getting it reversed, and I’m confident he will come through for us all.” “Yeah, unfortunately, not soon enough though,” Neil states, “Every day Cane is away is too many for my Lily.” “Give it time,” Katherine says calmly, “We just have to be patient. Now, why don’t you tell me what else has gotten you so troubled?” “It has to do with my brother,” Neil begins, “Someone Malcolm was once very close to is back in town, and I have a feeling she’s about to get her heart broken. Again.”
Scene 16
At the Athletic Club, Alex knocks on Malcolm’s hotel room door. There’s no answer. A maid walks by. “Excuse me,” Alex calls out to her, “Have you seen the man who’s renting out this room?” “Sorry, I haven’t seen him all day,” the maid replies. “Thanks,” Alex says as the maid continues on her way. Alex goes into her own suite, plops down on the bed, and pulls out an old photo of Malcolm from her drawer. She smiles as she stares at it for a few moments.
Scene 17
Kevin joins Ryder at the front counter of Crimson Lights. “I just wanted to say I appreciate your help with the Coffee House,” Kevin thanks his half-brother, “It’s nice to have someone I can rely on while I need to… stay close to Jana.” “I’m glad you think you can count on me again,” Ryder replies as he wipes down the counter. “You’ve given me every reason to believe that I can,” Kevin responds. “Thanks,” Ryder says softly. “Yeah, no problem… Um, I’m taking off. Can you handle being here the rest of the night on your own?” “Yeah, of course,” Ryder agrees. “By the way, you’re rehired,” Kevin announces, “You can officially start tomorrow morning.” “Cool,” Ryder nods, “I’ll be here.
Scene 18
Scott and Jana are outside, in a park in the city. They stop for a minute to sit on a bench. “Do you like Chinese food?” Scott asks, “I found a great Chinese restaurant not too far from here.” “I… I don’t know,” Jana admits, “I suppose I do, but I can’t be sure. I mean, I haven’t tried any Chinese food since I’ve been out of the hospital. I’ve discovered… or rediscovered that I do like Italian food though. Gina’s lasagna is to die for!” “I know! That’s one of the things I was most looking forward to when I came back here,” Scott shares. “So let’s go then!” Jana decides. “I thought the point of our little excursion was to discover new things and places,” Scott reminds her. “Who says we can’t cheat a bit?” Jana asks, “You don’t have a problem cheating, do you?” Scott smirks. “No, no problem at all,” he tells her.
Scene 19
Roxanne walks downstairs. She stops for a moment at the end of the staircase and stares at the black leather couch in the living room. She flashes back to the night that she had come home to the Rent House and found Devon being unfaithful to her… with Tyra. She had peaked inside and seen them on the couch, kissing and removing each others’ clothing. The image is burned into her mind, and she focuses on it for a few seconds before shaking it off and continuing into the kitchen for a snack.
Scene 20
At his apartment in the city, Kevin talks on the phone to an unknown caller. “I really need you to do something for me…,” he requests. The caller answers, but the response can’t be heard. “You will? Drop everything and come to Genoa City on the first plane out,” Kevin demands, “I’ll explain when you get here.” Kevin hangs up.
Then, there’s a knock on the door. Kevin answers it. It’s Katherine. “Mrs. C, hi,” Kevin greets her. “I apologize for just dropping in like this without calling. I know it’s late,” Katherine says. “Oh, it’s no problem,” Kevin replies, motioning her inside. “Please… come in.” “Is Jana here?” Katherine inquires. Kevin shakes his head. “No, she’s out with Lauren’s son,” he answers. “She’s watching Fen?” Katherine asks. “No, Lauren’s other son,” Kevin clarifies, “Her grown son, Scott. He got back in town a few days ago.”
Scene 21
Scott and Jana are now at the Athletic Club for Gina’s lasagna. Over dinner, Jana confessed what she just learned from Kevin: that she had once killed someone. “This lasagna is delicious,” Scott remarks, ‘Exactly the way I remembered it.” Jana’s mind is elsewhere. She’s barely touched her lasagna. “What’s going on?” Scott inquires, “You’ve hardly eaten and you were the one who wanted to come here…” “Don’t you wanna run for the hills, or something?” Jana asks, “I just told you that I’m a murderer.” Scott stops eating and puts down his fork. “I don’t see a murderer staring back at me,” he reveals, as he puts his hand on top of hers, “I see a very beautiful, fun, unique woman who lives life to the fullest, and who cares too much about life to ever willingly take someone else’s… And the fact that you don’t even remember what happened, but you still feel remorse, that shows me that you’re a good person. You just got caught in a bad situation. One that you had no control over.”
“Well, I appreciate that,” Jana replies softly, “But maybe we should change the subject.” “Sure. You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you…,”Scott begins, “Your accent…” “I’m English,” Jana states the obvious. “No kidding,” Scott laughs, “I mean… where in England are you from? I had classmates from Cardiff and Hartfordshire, and Manchester, so I’m a little familiar with the area.” “I’m originally from Oxfordshire. That’s what my birth certificate says,” Jana answers, “But I grew up all over the world, really, according to Kevin.” “Me too. I went to boarding schools all over Europe, finally came back to North America and settled in Toronto. “And now here you are, back in your hometown of Genoa City,” Jana concludes his thought. “Yep. Here I am,” Scott nods. They spend a few moments lost in each others’ eyes before Jana snaps back to reality. She clears her throat.
“You know, I saw an advertisement for a drive-in a while back. Maybe we could catch a movie,” she suggests. “It’s getting a little late, don’t you think?” Scott replies, “I don’t want Kevin to worry if you’re out that late. Maybe next time, though.” “Next time?” Jana perks up, “Are you inviting me out on a second date?”
Scene 22
Lauren returns to the Boutique. Abby is standing behind the cash register. “Sorry, I’m late,” Lauren apologizes, “I ran into my son at the Coffee House.” “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Abby replies, “I had everything under control.” “It looks like it,” Lauren observes. “Um, these girls were just about to pay for their clothes,” Abby tells Lauren, acknowledging the teenage girls waiting in line, “I wasn’t sure how to use the check-out.” “Oh, okay. Let me help you with that,” Lauren offers, as the first girl hands her an outfit. Lauren rings the items through for the girls. “Come back anytime,” Abby tells them as they leave. Lauren turns to Abby. “Wow, look at you! You helped them pick out those outfits?” she asks. “Helped them?” Abby laughs, “I practically picked them for them. Trust me, they had no fashion sense at all.” “Well, you’re a natural,” Lauren compliments Abby, “Who knew?” “I did!” Abby brags, “Lauren, I knew this job would be perfect for me.” “Why don’t you stick around a few minutes, and I’ll show you how to use the register?” Lauren offers, “and I’ll call you later once I place you onto the schedule…”
Scene 23
Gloria arrives at the Coffee House and sees Ryder working at the counter. She approaches him, a devilish smile on her face. “Ryder!” she calls out, “Just the person I was hoping to see…”
Scene 24
Kevin and Katherine continue their conversation in the living room of the Fishers’ Apartment. “Can I offer you anything?” Kevin asks Katherine. “Oh, no, darling. I’m fine, thank you,” she replies. “So what brings you by?” Kevin follows up. “Well, I understand you’ve been working in IT for Tucker McCall,” she begins, “And I’m here to tell you, my dear, I think you can do so much better for yourself. Kevin, you’re a dear friend, a talented computer wizard, and I know you would be a valued employee elsewhere.” “You want me to quit my job?” Kevin asks. “I want you back on my team,” Katherine states, “Come work for me. How does Chief Information Officer at Chancellor Industries sound?”
Scene 25
It’s night time. Ashley is standing at the front door of her current residence, the Carlton Mansion, waiting for Abby to come home. “Abby! It’s about time you got home,” Ashley declares. “Relax; I made curfew,” Abby says with attitude, “…with a few minutes to spare…” “But I’ve had no idea where you were,” Ashley tells her, “although if I had to guess, I’d say, probably with Ryder.” “No, actually, I wasn’t,” Abby defends herself. Ashley is unconvinced. “Do you really expect me to believe that?” she asks. “Yes, because it’s true. I wasn’t even at the Coffee House,” Abby explains, “I went to Fenmore’s Boutique.” “You were downstairs from me the whole time?” Ashley inquires. Abby nods. “So I tell you you’re grounded,” Ashley begins, “and you went shopping?” “No, I got a job,” Abby corrects her. Ashley is shocked. “Excuse me?” she reacts, in disbelief. “Lauren hired me,” Abby states, “I’m the new sales associate at Fenmore’s.” “You’re also grounded, honey,” Ashley reminds her, “What, did you get that job just so you could leave the house?” “I did it so you would start to treat me like a grown-up,” Abby explains. Ashley sighs. “We’re gonna have to talk to your father about this, see if you can keep this job…”
Scene 26
Scott and Jana are nearing the end of their evening together. They’re back at Kevin and Jana’s apartment complex now, walking down a corridor. Jana clarifies her earlier comment about being invited on a second date. “I heard Kevin say that to you, as a joke, about this being a date,” she explains, “I know this isn’t a date. I’m married to Kevin. Even though I don’t remember him. But that won’t be for much longer. I mean, my amnesia. Not the marriage. I’m gonna get my memory back soon. I am.” She’s rambling, and not sounding entirely convinced of what she’s saying. “Of course you will,” Scott encourages her.
They reach the front door of Kevin and Jana’s apartment. “Um, I’d offer to let you come inside, but you know…,” Jana pauses. Scott finishes her thought. “Kevin’s in there,” he realizes. “Yeah,” Jana says softly. “And if this were a date, I’d kiss you good night,” Scott begins, “but then again…” “It’s not a date,” Jana remarks, this time completing his sentence. “No, definitely not a date,” Scott repeats. “Well, maybe a hug then,” Jana suggests all-of-a-sudden. “Yeah, I can do that. Come here,” Scott agrees, pulling her close to him and embracing her. “Kevin’s a lucky guy. You know that, right?” he says as they are hugging. “And when you find the right lass for you, she’ll be very lucky too,” Jana tells him. “Thanks,” Scott says with a smile. “Good night,” Jana whispers as she goes inside the apartment. “Good night,” Scott responds. He lingers outside the door for a few moments.
“Kevin’s a very lucky guy,” Scott says aloud to himself as he walks towards the elevator, a big smirk on his face.
Next Time on The Young and The Restless
At the Athletic Club, Tucker McCall tells Katherine Chancellor Murphy, “I’ve realized what we could accomplish if we were united, mother and son, working together instead of against one another.”
Outside of Trumble’s Book Store, Victoria Newman and her ex-husband JT Hellstrom argue about their son Reed Hellstrom. “Are you trying to manipulate our son?” JT asks harshly. Victoria looks over at Mackenzie Browning, JT’s new girlfriend, holding Reed’s hand. “The way I see it, by allowing Reed to spend so much time with her, you are the one who is manipulating our son!”
Alex Perez returns to her former fiancé Malcolm Winters’s room at the Athletic Club. She knocks on the door and this time, she gets an answer. For the first time in eight years, Alex and Malcolm come face to face. “Alex…,” Malcolm finally mutters. “Hi Malcolm,” Alex responds shyly.
DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
Episode 7 – Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Scene 1
It’s evening time in Genoa City. At the Fishers’ Apartment, Kevin Fisher and his amnesiac wife Jana Hawkes Fisher are discussing Jana’s past. Jana reacts after the revelation that she is a murderer. “I still can’t believe it… that I took someone’s life,” Jana confesses, her face full of horror. “Jana, listen to me. You had a brain tumor at the time,” Kevin tries to reassure her, “It made you act in certain ways, do things that you wouldn’t have normally done.” Jana isn’t listening. “Who was it? How did it happen?” she demands, “I need to know what I did, and why…” Kevin takes a deep breath. “Her name was Carmen Mesta,” he begins, “She worked at Jabot and then Newman. She was some PR consultant, or something.” “Why did I… um, you know… kill her?” Jana asks. “She was… a regular at the Coffee House,” Kevin states, “Your father, he was looking for a piece of art work. You stole Victoria Newman’s art portfolio, thinking it might hold some clues for you… you know, about how to find the artefact. It was called the Grugeon Reliquary. Does that name ring a bell?” “No,” Jana says softly. She changes the subject.
“You mentioned something… about a brain tumor…,” Jana says as a statement, although she means it as a question. “The tumor is what caused you to act that way,” Kevin assures her, “It’s the only reason you killed Carmen. You had no self-control because of it.” “How -- how did they know it was the tumor?” Jana stutters, “What if I really was a… I can’t even say it… a killer?” “You see! I told you you didn’t wanna know about that part of your life,” Kevin says, “This is what I was trying to protect you from. Damn it! Why did I tell you?” “Because I asked you to,” Jana tell, “I just didn’t expect… I couldn’t prepare myself for what you would tell me.” “Believe me, you have beaten yourself up over it enough. It’s all you could think about when you were in jail, how you killed an innocent person,” Kevin recalls, “You did everything you could to make up for it. You even, you wrote a letter to Carmen’s family apologizing for what you did.” “What I did. That’s right - I still did it. And an apology, that didn’t bring their daughter back,” Jana states, “Why am I even out of prison? My God, I should have been locked up for life.”
Scene 2
At Devon Hamilton’s Rent House, Devon and his girlfriend Roxanne Porter are lying in bed in Devon’s room. Devon plays with her hair. “You don’t have any regrets about staying in Genoa City, do you?” he asks. “None,” Roxanne answers confidently, “I’m right where I need to be. This is where I feel at home… I mean, the job at the Boutique, I know it wasn’t the most ideal choice. But it’ll help keep me occupied for now, and more importantly, earning some money. Then I’ll find something else close by.” “I could ask my dad if there’s anything open at Chancellor Industries,” Devon suggests, “You could be a personal assistant or… or something. “Thanks, but I do wanna feel like I earned whatever job I get,” Roxanne admits, “For now, I’m happy with Fenmore’s… because it means I get to spend every night here with you… I mean, next week’s our anniversary. Can you imagine if we had to spend the day apart?” “Well, thankfully, we don’t have to think about that, do we?” Devon replies, giving her a quick kiss. Suddenly, his cell phone rings. Devon reaches over to the night stand and picks it up. “I’ll take this out in the hall,” he tells Roxanne, as he hops out of bed, “Be right back.”
Scene 3
In the CEO’s Office at the Jabot Cosmetics Headquarters, Ashley Abbott and her former step-mother Gloria Bardwell continue their conversation. Gloria is confused by Ashley’s sudden interest in her former husband Tom Fisher and his son Ryder Callahan. “Why are you so curious about Tom and Ryder anyway?” she asks Ashley. “Let’s just say, I have a vested interest,” Ashley replies coyly, not answering the question. “Abby,” Gloria realizes, “I saw them together at the Newmans’ pool party. I think everyone did.” “And did you think it was appropriate for a 17 year-old girl to be pursuing someone who’s already out of college?” Ashley asks harshly, in a tone that suggests she would have wanted Gloria to stop Abby. “Relax, Ashley,” Gloria says, “I’m sure it’s just a meaningless crush… It’ll pass.” “I wish I could be that calm about it, Gloria,” Ashley expresses, “But you know as well as I do – better, actually – that Tom Fisher was a horrible, dangerous man. He terrorized my family and he’s the reason my father is dead.” “You don’t have to remind me of that, Ashley,” Gloria snaps, some anger in her voice, “But just because Tom was a horrible, abusive man doesn’t mean that Ryder is too. Look at Jack. He’s nothing like my kind and generous and loving John was. And Kevin, he may be Tom’s son, but he’s grown into a very handsome, very successful young man. Nothing like Tom.” Ashley is irritated at Gloria’ dig at Jack, but decides to ignore it.
“Maybe so, but Kevin, at one point, was very angry and destructive,” she says, “And he may have worked through those issues, but that doesn’t mean that Ryder doesn’t have his own problems that we don’t know about. If not from Tom, then from having Sheila as a mother and feeling abandoned. So do you understand why I don’t want him around my daughter?” “You have a point,” Gloria reluctantly admits. “Then, I’ll ask you again, Gloria,” Ashley repeats, “Tell me what you know about Ryder Callahan.”
Scene 4
At the Athletic Club, Alex Perez is stunned by Neil Winters’ revelation that her former fiancé Malcolm Winters is still alive. She doesn’t believe it. “Why would you say something like that?” an upset Alex asks. “Because it’s true.” Neil assures her, “My brother… Malcolm is alive.” “I need to sit down,” Alex announces. Neil helps her to a table. “You’ve actually seen him?” Alex inquires, her voice shaking. Neil remains calm. “Yes, he’s in Genoa City,” Neil tells her, “He survived the accident in Kenya. He came back a few years later after staying in Africa for a while…” Alex is suddenly very angry and confused. “Why didn’t you notify me?” she says loudly, “Why didn’t Malcolm?” “Oh, come on, Alex. It’s not like I knew how to get in touch with you after you left,” Neil defends himself, “You were the one who wanted to get away from here. I tried to convince you to stay, remember?” Alex feels light-headed. “Alex. Alex, are you okay?” Neil asks. “This is the last thing I expected to deal with when I came back to Genoa City,” she admits.
Scene 5
Abby Carlton is watching Fenmore’s Boutique while Lauren speaks to Ryder at the Coffee House. She overhears a trio of teen girls who are shopping for clothes. One girl asks her friends what they think of the top she’s holding. “I can totally help you out with that,” Abby butts in. She picks out a different colored shirt and hands it to the girl. “Try this shirt with those pants,” she says, “I’m telling you. They go perfectly together.”
“Hey, what do you think of this?” another one of the girls asks Abby, modeling an outfit that she tried on in the fitting room. Abby crinkles her nose and shakes her head. “Too old for you,” she decides, “You need to show a little more skin. Try a shorter skirt.” She pulls off a really short skirt from the clothes rack and hands it to the girl. The girl isn’t sure. “Isn’t that a bit too revealing?” she asks. “Definitely. But that’s the whole point,” Abby replies, “Trust me. This is the ‘in’ look right now.”
Then Abby turns to the third girl and looks at the top she’s holding. “And that’s not the right top for you either. Here, try this one,” she suggests, as she grabs a shirt from one of the display racks, “You’ll definitely turn heads in this.” “Thanks!” the girl replies enthusiastically. “No problem,” Abby replies with a smile. She realizes how much she’d enjoy her job at Fenmore’s.
Scene 6
Ryder Callahan is still at Crimson Lights Coffee House, nearing the end of an extra-long shift. He had agreed to watch the coffee house for his half-brother Kevin. Lauren Fenmore Baldwin arrives, hoping to ask Ryder about his twin sister Daisy’s whereabouts. “Lauren, hi,” Ryder greets her. “Ryder, listen. Do you have a minute?” Lauren asks, “I wanna talk to you about something.” “Yeah, sure,” Ryder says. He steps away from the front counter and joins Lauren at one of the side tables. “Have you been in contact with Daisy?” Lauren inquires. “No,” Ryder denies it immediately. “When’s the last time you’ve heard from her?” Lauren follows-up. “Not since that day at the amusement park. She got away, and I have no idea where she went,” Ryder explains. “Do you think it’s possible… do you think she would come back to Genoa City?” Lauren asks. She’s clearly unsettled. “I thought I saw her outside the Boutique. I mean, I saw someone with red hair. I don’t know if it was my mind just playing tricks on me… or if it really was her,” Lauren confesses. “No, there’s no way Daisy would come back here,” Ryder says confidently, “She knows I would turn her in if I saw her. She’s completely on her own. She’s running as far away from here as she can get.” Lauren is not convinced. “You don’t believe me?” Ryder asks. “I want to, but do you know how many times I wanted to believe that same thing about Sheila? About your mother…,” she says, “And Sheila always found a way to come back and wreak more havoc on my life.”
Scene 7
In the Jabot CEO’s Office, Gloria and Ashley continue talking about Ryder. “There’s not much to tell, really, Ashley,” Gloria begins to tell her, “I had no idea that Tom had another family somewhere else. I mean, he would leave for days at a time and it wouldn’t be unusual. Actually… we would wish sometimes that he wouldn’t come back. But he never mentioned Daisy and Ryder, or Sheila, or threatened that he would leave us for them, or anything like that.” “Maybe Tom never knew that he had these other children,” Ashley speculates. “No,” Gloria disagrees, “When Ryder first met Kevin, he told similar stories about being abused by Tom. That was what originally bonded them together. And he told me that Tom was his primary parent. That his mother had abandoned him… Of course, that was before we learned about Sarah… and Daisy, so I suppose his story about Tom could have been fabricated.”
“Or it could have been a complete lie,” Ashley suggests, “Either way, whatever happened during his upbringing doesn’t excuse what he’s done.” “I didn’t say it did,” Gloria replies, defensively. “It sounds like you’re making excuses for him…,” Ashley retorts, “just like you’ve always done.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Gloria demands. “It means that, except for Lauren, every one of your family members is a felon. He fits in with the Baldwin-Fishers…” Gloria finishes Ashley’s sentence for her: “Oh, so Ryder doesn’t fit in with the ‘perfect’ Abbotts, just like I didn’t fit in with your father. Is that what you’re saying?” she asks. “You said it, not me,” Ashley responds. “You didn’t have to,” Gloria replies, realizing what Ashley meant. Ashley elaborates: “You all use Michael as your personal ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card… to find some loophole to get away with all of your crimes. As far as I’m concerned, Ryder should be locked up right now where he can’t hurt anyone else, especially Abby.”
“Did you ever think that by interfering in her personal life, you’ll just drive your daughter further away?” Gloria asks. “No offense, Gloria, but I’m not gonna be taking parenting advice from you,” Ashley snaps back. “Fine. What do you want from me then?” Gloria asks, growing frustrated. “Obviously, I feel desperate. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be turning to you,” Ashley confesses, “I want you to talk to Ryder. You were married to Tom… It’s only natural that you’d be interested in his other son. I want to know what role Tom had in his upbringing, how involved Sheila Carter was in his life, if he ever got into trouble with the law before, everything there is to know about him.” “And how do you think I’m gonna find out everything there is to know about him?” Gloria asks, “I think you have me mistaken for Paul Williams. Why don’t you get him?” “A private investigator takes time,” Ashley states, “I don’t have time… I have you.” “And what makes you think Ryder would tell me any of this?” Gloria asks. “Well, he better,” Ashley threatens, “Because the minute you stop coming through for me, Gloria, you can say goodbye to your job at Jabot.”
Scene 8
In the Fishers’ Apartment, Jana continues to react to the revelation that she killed Carmen Mesta. Kevin tries to comfort her, but she turns away. “I need some fresh air,” Jana announces abruptly. “We can go for a walk.” Kevin suggests. “No, I can’t be around you right now. I’m sorry,” Jana tells him. “So, what? Now you wanna escape your past?” Kevin asks her. “I’m not escaping my past. I just need time to process it…,” Jana answers, “to understand the person who I was. And I need to talk to someone who doesn’t know me. Who isn’t blinded by some misguided love for me.” “It’s not ‘misguided’ love!” Kevin insists, “When are you gonna realize that I love you for who you are? Jana you are a beautiful, wonderful soul who would never intentionally harm another person.”
Jana picks up the phone in the apartment. “Who are you calling?” Kevin asks. “Scott,” Jana answers. Kevin is taken aback. “Scott? You barely know him,” he replies. “We made friends at the pool party,” Jana explains, “And I feel like I can trust him.” She hangs up the phone. “I just realized… I don’t know his number,” she says, “You have it, right?” “Yeah… in my phone,” Kevin says hesitantly. “Could I see it, please?” Jana asks politely. “The number or my phone?” Kevin inquires. “Your phone,” Jana answers. “Yeah… sure,” Kevin replies, still feeling confused.
Scott Grainger, Jr. answers his cell phone. “Kev, hey, what’s up, man?” he asks. “Actually, this is Jana calling,” Jana tells him. “Oh, Jana. Hey, how’s it goin’?” Scott says. Jana gets right to the point. “You remember what I said to you at the pool, about us maybe exploring Genoa City together. I was wondering, if you’re still up for that.”
Scene 9
Devon re-enters his bedroom after having taken a phone call from an unknown caller. “You’ll never guess who that was on the phone,” Devon tells his girlfriend Roxanne. Roxanne shrugs her shoulders. She’s stumped. “I don’t know,” she admits, “Surprise me.” “Tyra,” Devon reveals. The name strikes a chord with Roxanne. She gets a little uncomfortable. “Oh?” Roxanne replies, “What did she want?” “She wants me to visit Ana,” Devon announces, “Next week, after the long weekend.” “But you’ll miss our anniversary,” Roxanne realizes. “We’ll have all the time in the world to celebrate for that, now that you’ll be staying around,” Devon assures her, “I only have a few days to visit my sister. She’s going away to summer camp in a little over a week, and she wants to see me before she goes.” “So, you said yes?” Roxanne asks. “Of course, I said yes. She’s my sister,” Devon states, “I didn’t think you would have a problem with it.” “I don’t,” Roxanne states, “I just wish it wasn’t so out-of-the-blue.”
Scene 10
As Lauren is about to leave the Coffee House, her son Scott arrives to meet Jana. “Hey honey! This is a pleasant surprise,” Lauren says. “Mom, hey!” Scott calls, as he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek, “What’re you doing here? I thought you’d be at the Boutique…” “Well, I was, but I needed to run out for a few minutes,” Lauren explains, “and I’m glad I did because now I get to spend some more time with you.” They take a seat at a table.
“How’s the suite?” Lauren asks. “It’s great. I feel like royalty,” Scott tells her, “Really, you didn’t have to pay for something so luxurious. Thank you.” “It’s my pleasure,” Lauren says, “So have you made any definite plans about staying in Genoa City?” She inquires after taking a sip of coffee. “No, I have to figure some things out still,” he admits, “If I want to get a full-time job as a teacher, then I should stay with the board in Toronto, where I at least have some connections. If I move here, I don’t even know if my degree translates. I mean, sure, I’d still have my Undergrad in English to fall back on, but that won’t get me a job in a school.” “No, it won’t,” Lauren agrees.
“You know who you should talk to is Billy Abbott, over at Restless Style,” Lauren suggests, “I’m sure he could use someone with your writing talent on his team.” “Restless Style,” Scott considers the suggestion, “Hmm. I never really thought about getting into the magazine world… if you can even call Restless Style a magazine.” “I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t been a supporter of some of Billy’s headlines and tactics, but honey, this could be a good opportunity for you,” Lauren tells her son, “And if Billy had an opening for you, I’d want you to take it.” “I’ll keep it in mind, Mom, but I think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself here,” Scott reminds her, “I don’t even know for sure that I’m staying.” “A mother can hope, can’t she?” Lauren replies.
Scene 11
At the Athletic Club, Neil continues to update Alex on Malcolm’s return from the dead and to Genoa City. “When he came back, Malcolm, he wanted nothing to do with me,” Neil informs her. “Because of what he thought he heard between us?” Alex asks, “He thought we were betraying him?” Neil nods. “He didn’t hear you telling me that you were committed to him, and only him,” he says, “I told Malcolm the whole thing was a misunderstanding, that he was holding a grudge for years… for no reason. He actually thought I left him for dead so that I could have you…”
“What? That’s crazy,” Alex insists. “I know it is,” Neil agrees, “but Malcolm spent three years in Kenya believing that. It made him so bitter, you have no idea.” “What’s he like now?” Alex inquires. Neil takes a deep breath. “We’ve still got our problems,” he answers without going into specific detail. “I need to see him,” Alex decides, “I need to see my fiancé.” “Did you hear that? You just referred to Malcolm as your fiancé,” Neil notices. Alex hadn’t meant to do so. “Yeah, yeah, I guess I did,” she realizes. She tries to rationalize the situation: “I mean, the only reason we didn’t get married is because he was presumed dead. But if you’re telling me he’s alive…” “Yeah, but a lot has changed in eight years, Alex,” Neil repeats, warning her again, “The man who came back from Africa is not the same man we both knew before the accident. “I guess, that’s for me to decide,” Alex announces, “What’s his room number, Neil?” Neil avoids her question: “Alex, I really think you should think this through a bit more before you…,” he warns. “The room number!” Alex demands. Neil sighs. “Fourteen,” he gives in. “That’s right next to mine,” Alex realizes, “What are the chances?”
Scene 12
After Lauren leaves Crimson Lights, Scott approaches Ryder at the front counter. “Hey, what can I get you?” Ryder asks. “Double espresso,” Scott orders. “Comin’ right up,” Ryder replies. He hands Scott the espresso. “How much do I owe you?” Scott asks. “It’s on me,” Ryder offers, “It’s the least I can do.” Scott thanks him. “You were at the Newmans’,” Ryder recalls, “for the pool party.” “That’s right,” Scott says, “But we never really got a chance to get acquainted… I’m Scott.” Ryder nods. “I know who you are,” he says, “You were Sheila’s first son… That’s how she thought of you anyway.”
“Yeah, she kidnapped me as a newborn,” Scott explains, “She tried to pass me off as her own baby.” “She referred to you as my brother,” Ryder adds. “I’m sure she did,” Scott replies, the tone in his voice suggesting that Sheila was crazy.
“Look, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what happened to your mother,” Ryder offers. “Sheila manipulated me into poisoning my mom,” Scott admits, “I gave her a necklace and I had no idea that Sheila laced it with poison… um, so if your aunt Sarah was anything like her sister, then I understand how you can easily become involved in some twisted scheme against your will… The way I see it, is if it wasn’t for you, my mother… and Jana wouldn’t be here right now.” Ryder feels slightly uneasy. “You’re giving me too much credit,” he says, “If it weren’t for me, she wouldn’t have been kidnapped in the first place.”
Scene 13
Devon and Roxanne continue discussing Devon’s upcoming visit with Ana (and Tyra). “Why don’t I go with you?” Roxanne suggests. “No… you better not,” Devon dismisses the idea. “Why not?” Roxanne inquires, “Because of Tyra?” “Why are we ruining our evening talking about her?” Devon responds. “Because if the only reason you don’t want me to go is because you think I can’t handle being in the same room as Tyra, I can,” Roxanne insists, “I’m over what happened between the two of you…” “I know. Baby, that has nothing to do with it,” Devon insists, “You just got hired at the Boutique. How bad would it look if you go to your boss on your first day and ask for time-off?” “Yeah, that’s a good point…,” Roxanne concedes, “If I don’t have a job here, then I can’t afford to stay.” “And you know how much I want you to stay,” Devon tells her. “How much?” Roxanne asks, with a smile. “This much,” Devon replies, giving her a kiss on the lips.
“I’m gonna go take a quick shower,” Devon informs her, “If you wanna save water, you’re welcome to join me.” Roxanne smiles. “No, um, that’s okay. I think, I’m gonna go downstairs and get something to eat,” she replies. As Devon goes into the bathroom, Roxanne’s expression changes. She’s clearly uneasy about something.
Scene 14
Kevin and Jana arrive at the Coffee House, where Scott is already waiting for them. Jana excuses herself immediately to go “freshen up.” Kevin approaches Scott. “I don’t know how I feel about you taking my wife out on a date,” Kevin says as a joke, but his insecurities show through. Scott laughs a bit. “This is not a date,” he assures Kevin. “Then let me go with you,” Kevin suggests. “I don’t know, man. Three’s a crowd,” Scott jokes back, “Seriously, though, I think Jana just wants a little time away from everything that’s going on.” “Yeah, maybe you’re right,” Kevin agrees, “I don’t want her to feel like I’m suffocating her.” “Don’t worry. Jana is safe with me,” Scott tells Kevin, “And I will have her home by curfew, which is…?” Kevin manages a slight smile. “Just bring her home ready to go back to being my Jana. My wife,” he says. “I’ll do my best,” Scott promises. “Thanks, dude,” Kevin says, giving Scott a pat on the back, “Have I told you how glad I am to have you back in town?”
Scene 15
Neil runs into his boss and good friend Katherine Chancellor Murphy at the Athletic Club. “Katherine, I didn’t see you here,” Neil greets her. “Neil, how are you?” I was in the back, visiting with Gina,” Katherine tells him. She notices he seems frantic. “You seem rattled,” she observes. “I’m going through a bit of an unexpected family crisis,” Neil confides in her. “Nothing to do with Lily, is it?” Katherine asks, concerned. “No, Lily’s fine. She’s great,” Neil answers, “except for the fact that her husband is deported to Australia.” “Oh, I know, Neil, it’s terrible,” Katherine agrees, “But you know, Michael is still working on getting it reversed, and I’m confident he will come through for us all.” “Yeah, unfortunately, not soon enough though,” Neil states, “Every day Cane is away is too many for my Lily.” “Give it time,” Katherine says calmly, “We just have to be patient. Now, why don’t you tell me what else has gotten you so troubled?” “It has to do with my brother,” Neil begins, “Someone Malcolm was once very close to is back in town, and I have a feeling she’s about to get her heart broken. Again.”
Scene 16
At the Athletic Club, Alex knocks on Malcolm’s hotel room door. There’s no answer. A maid walks by. “Excuse me,” Alex calls out to her, “Have you seen the man who’s renting out this room?” “Sorry, I haven’t seen him all day,” the maid replies. “Thanks,” Alex says as the maid continues on her way. Alex goes into her own suite, plops down on the bed, and pulls out an old photo of Malcolm from her drawer. She smiles as she stares at it for a few moments.
Scene 17
Kevin joins Ryder at the front counter of Crimson Lights. “I just wanted to say I appreciate your help with the Coffee House,” Kevin thanks his half-brother, “It’s nice to have someone I can rely on while I need to… stay close to Jana.” “I’m glad you think you can count on me again,” Ryder replies as he wipes down the counter. “You’ve given me every reason to believe that I can,” Kevin responds. “Thanks,” Ryder says softly. “Yeah, no problem… Um, I’m taking off. Can you handle being here the rest of the night on your own?” “Yeah, of course,” Ryder agrees. “By the way, you’re rehired,” Kevin announces, “You can officially start tomorrow morning.” “Cool,” Ryder nods, “I’ll be here.
Scene 18
Scott and Jana are outside, in a park in the city. They stop for a minute to sit on a bench. “Do you like Chinese food?” Scott asks, “I found a great Chinese restaurant not too far from here.” “I… I don’t know,” Jana admits, “I suppose I do, but I can’t be sure. I mean, I haven’t tried any Chinese food since I’ve been out of the hospital. I’ve discovered… or rediscovered that I do like Italian food though. Gina’s lasagna is to die for!” “I know! That’s one of the things I was most looking forward to when I came back here,” Scott shares. “So let’s go then!” Jana decides. “I thought the point of our little excursion was to discover new things and places,” Scott reminds her. “Who says we can’t cheat a bit?” Jana asks, “You don’t have a problem cheating, do you?” Scott smirks. “No, no problem at all,” he tells her.
Scene 19
Roxanne walks downstairs. She stops for a moment at the end of the staircase and stares at the black leather couch in the living room. She flashes back to the night that she had come home to the Rent House and found Devon being unfaithful to her… with Tyra. She had peaked inside and seen them on the couch, kissing and removing each others’ clothing. The image is burned into her mind, and she focuses on it for a few seconds before shaking it off and continuing into the kitchen for a snack.
Scene 20
At his apartment in the city, Kevin talks on the phone to an unknown caller. “I really need you to do something for me…,” he requests. The caller answers, but the response can’t be heard. “You will? Drop everything and come to Genoa City on the first plane out,” Kevin demands, “I’ll explain when you get here.” Kevin hangs up.
Then, there’s a knock on the door. Kevin answers it. It’s Katherine. “Mrs. C, hi,” Kevin greets her. “I apologize for just dropping in like this without calling. I know it’s late,” Katherine says. “Oh, it’s no problem,” Kevin replies, motioning her inside. “Please… come in.” “Is Jana here?” Katherine inquires. Kevin shakes his head. “No, she’s out with Lauren’s son,” he answers. “She’s watching Fen?” Katherine asks. “No, Lauren’s other son,” Kevin clarifies, “Her grown son, Scott. He got back in town a few days ago.”
Scene 21
Scott and Jana are now at the Athletic Club for Gina’s lasagna. Over dinner, Jana confessed what she just learned from Kevin: that she had once killed someone. “This lasagna is delicious,” Scott remarks, ‘Exactly the way I remembered it.” Jana’s mind is elsewhere. She’s barely touched her lasagna. “What’s going on?” Scott inquires, “You’ve hardly eaten and you were the one who wanted to come here…” “Don’t you wanna run for the hills, or something?” Jana asks, “I just told you that I’m a murderer.” Scott stops eating and puts down his fork. “I don’t see a murderer staring back at me,” he reveals, as he puts his hand on top of hers, “I see a very beautiful, fun, unique woman who lives life to the fullest, and who cares too much about life to ever willingly take someone else’s… And the fact that you don’t even remember what happened, but you still feel remorse, that shows me that you’re a good person. You just got caught in a bad situation. One that you had no control over.”
“Well, I appreciate that,” Jana replies softly, “But maybe we should change the subject.” “Sure. You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you…,”Scott begins, “Your accent…” “I’m English,” Jana states the obvious. “No kidding,” Scott laughs, “I mean… where in England are you from? I had classmates from Cardiff and Hartfordshire, and Manchester, so I’m a little familiar with the area.” “I’m originally from Oxfordshire. That’s what my birth certificate says,” Jana answers, “But I grew up all over the world, really, according to Kevin.” “Me too. I went to boarding schools all over Europe, finally came back to North America and settled in Toronto. “And now here you are, back in your hometown of Genoa City,” Jana concludes his thought. “Yep. Here I am,” Scott nods. They spend a few moments lost in each others’ eyes before Jana snaps back to reality. She clears her throat.
“You know, I saw an advertisement for a drive-in a while back. Maybe we could catch a movie,” she suggests. “It’s getting a little late, don’t you think?” Scott replies, “I don’t want Kevin to worry if you’re out that late. Maybe next time, though.” “Next time?” Jana perks up, “Are you inviting me out on a second date?”
Scene 22
Lauren returns to the Boutique. Abby is standing behind the cash register. “Sorry, I’m late,” Lauren apologizes, “I ran into my son at the Coffee House.” “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Abby replies, “I had everything under control.” “It looks like it,” Lauren observes. “Um, these girls were just about to pay for their clothes,” Abby tells Lauren, acknowledging the teenage girls waiting in line, “I wasn’t sure how to use the check-out.” “Oh, okay. Let me help you with that,” Lauren offers, as the first girl hands her an outfit. Lauren rings the items through for the girls. “Come back anytime,” Abby tells them as they leave. Lauren turns to Abby. “Wow, look at you! You helped them pick out those outfits?” she asks. “Helped them?” Abby laughs, “I practically picked them for them. Trust me, they had no fashion sense at all.” “Well, you’re a natural,” Lauren compliments Abby, “Who knew?” “I did!” Abby brags, “Lauren, I knew this job would be perfect for me.” “Why don’t you stick around a few minutes, and I’ll show you how to use the register?” Lauren offers, “and I’ll call you later once I place you onto the schedule…”
Scene 23
Gloria arrives at the Coffee House and sees Ryder working at the counter. She approaches him, a devilish smile on her face. “Ryder!” she calls out, “Just the person I was hoping to see…”
Scene 24
Kevin and Katherine continue their conversation in the living room of the Fishers’ Apartment. “Can I offer you anything?” Kevin asks Katherine. “Oh, no, darling. I’m fine, thank you,” she replies. “So what brings you by?” Kevin follows up. “Well, I understand you’ve been working in IT for Tucker McCall,” she begins, “And I’m here to tell you, my dear, I think you can do so much better for yourself. Kevin, you’re a dear friend, a talented computer wizard, and I know you would be a valued employee elsewhere.” “You want me to quit my job?” Kevin asks. “I want you back on my team,” Katherine states, “Come work for me. How does Chief Information Officer at Chancellor Industries sound?”
Scene 25
It’s night time. Ashley is standing at the front door of her current residence, the Carlton Mansion, waiting for Abby to come home. “Abby! It’s about time you got home,” Ashley declares. “Relax; I made curfew,” Abby says with attitude, “…with a few minutes to spare…” “But I’ve had no idea where you were,” Ashley tells her, “although if I had to guess, I’d say, probably with Ryder.” “No, actually, I wasn’t,” Abby defends herself. Ashley is unconvinced. “Do you really expect me to believe that?” she asks. “Yes, because it’s true. I wasn’t even at the Coffee House,” Abby explains, “I went to Fenmore’s Boutique.” “You were downstairs from me the whole time?” Ashley inquires. Abby nods. “So I tell you you’re grounded,” Ashley begins, “and you went shopping?” “No, I got a job,” Abby corrects her. Ashley is shocked. “Excuse me?” she reacts, in disbelief. “Lauren hired me,” Abby states, “I’m the new sales associate at Fenmore’s.” “You’re also grounded, honey,” Ashley reminds her, “What, did you get that job just so you could leave the house?” “I did it so you would start to treat me like a grown-up,” Abby explains. Ashley sighs. “We’re gonna have to talk to your father about this, see if you can keep this job…”
Scene 26
Scott and Jana are nearing the end of their evening together. They’re back at Kevin and Jana’s apartment complex now, walking down a corridor. Jana clarifies her earlier comment about being invited on a second date. “I heard Kevin say that to you, as a joke, about this being a date,” she explains, “I know this isn’t a date. I’m married to Kevin. Even though I don’t remember him. But that won’t be for much longer. I mean, my amnesia. Not the marriage. I’m gonna get my memory back soon. I am.” She’s rambling, and not sounding entirely convinced of what she’s saying. “Of course you will,” Scott encourages her.
They reach the front door of Kevin and Jana’s apartment. “Um, I’d offer to let you come inside, but you know…,” Jana pauses. Scott finishes her thought. “Kevin’s in there,” he realizes. “Yeah,” Jana says softly. “And if this were a date, I’d kiss you good night,” Scott begins, “but then again…” “It’s not a date,” Jana remarks, this time completing his sentence. “No, definitely not a date,” Scott repeats. “Well, maybe a hug then,” Jana suggests all-of-a-sudden. “Yeah, I can do that. Come here,” Scott agrees, pulling her close to him and embracing her. “Kevin’s a lucky guy. You know that, right?” he says as they are hugging. “And when you find the right lass for you, she’ll be very lucky too,” Jana tells him. “Thanks,” Scott says with a smile. “Good night,” Jana whispers as she goes inside the apartment. “Good night,” Scott responds. He lingers outside the door for a few moments.
“Kevin’s a very lucky guy,” Scott says aloud to himself as he walks towards the elevator, a big smirk on his face.
Next Time on The Young and The Restless
At the Athletic Club, Tucker McCall tells Katherine Chancellor Murphy, “I’ve realized what we could accomplish if we were united, mother and son, working together instead of against one another.”
Outside of Trumble’s Book Store, Victoria Newman and her ex-husband JT Hellstrom argue about their son Reed Hellstrom. “Are you trying to manipulate our son?” JT asks harshly. Victoria looks over at Mackenzie Browning, JT’s new girlfriend, holding Reed’s hand. “The way I see it, by allowing Reed to spend so much time with her, you are the one who is manipulating our son!”
Alex Perez returns to her former fiancé Malcolm Winters’s room at the Athletic Club. She knocks on the door and this time, she gets an answer. For the first time in eight years, Alex and Malcolm come face to face. “Alex…,” Malcolm finally mutters. “Hi Malcolm,” Alex responds shyly.
DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
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