Scene 1
It’s almost midnight in Genoa City. In Kevin and Jana Fisher’s Apartment, Scott Grainger, Jr. sits on the couch, reading a novel. He’s wearing a muscle shirt and boxer shorts. Jana Hawkes Fisher comes out of her bedroom wearing a nightgown. Scott puts the book down. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Jana apologizes. “Oh no, that’s okay,” Scott tells her, “Did I wake you when I came out here? I was just looking for a peaceful place to read…” “No, I was already up,” Jana answers. She moves closer to him, standing by the couch, and looking down at him. “What are you reading?” she asks. Scott holds up the book for her: a new John Grisham novel called The Confession. “Some very interesting stuff,” he says. “I’m sure it is,” Jana replies, noticing the thickness of the book, “Looks intense…” “Yeah, it’s pretty exciting, actually,” Scott tells her. “You want some company?” Jana inquires. Scott puts the book down again. “I would actually love some company,” he responds, “I could use a little break.” Jana takes a seat beside him on the couch.
Scene 2
Billy Abbott sits in his car, which is parked outside of the front gates of the Abbott Manor. The sounds of Kyle Abbott’s pool party can be heard in the background.
Billy flashes back to his earlier [previously unseen] confrontation with his nephew Kyle Abbott, when he had crashed the party. Kyle had been lounging on a floating chair in the middle of the pool when Billy had arrived and told everyone the party was over. Kyle had jumped off the chair into the water, swum over to the edge of the pool, and then got out of the water to face off with Billy. “Leave now,” he had ordered, before turning to all his guests, “Nobody move. You’re not going anywhere.”
Billy takes Kyle off to the side to talk to him, but Kyle ends up doing the talking: “Did you forget about our deal, Uncle Billy?” Kyle says in a threatening manner, “Let me remind you, and actually, let me revise it a bit: The whole town is gonna find out about you and Victoria unless three conditions are met: first, you’re gonna leave right now and forget you ever came here; second, you’re gonna bring a few cases of beer by tomorrow to replace what we’re responsibly consuming right now, and three, some kid’s been taking pictures all day. I want you to publish them on Restless Style’s Web site.” “Well, listen to you, big man,” Billy replies, “Telling me how it’s gonna be. I don’t think so, nephew. This party’s over if I have to drag every one of these kids out of here myself.” “Try it, and I’ll call The Chronicle right now,” Kyle threatens, “I think they’d love to hear all about Genoa City’s own Romeo and Juliet… so I’m the one holding all the cards here.” Billy realizes that Kyle’s serious. “Look, Kyle. I really can’t let you do that,” Billy says. “Well, you know my conditions, so take ‘em or leave ‘em,” Kyle replies. Billy yelps in frustration. “Gah! Jack’s gonna kill me!” he shouts, “Okay, listen – you promise me you guys aren’t gonna get any rowdier than this?” Billy asks. “We’re just tryin’ to have a good time,” Kyle answers, “Not get ourselves arrested.” “Yeah, well, then I’ll accept your conditions if you accept two of mine,” Billy bargains. Kyle nods. “One: you don’t tell anyone what you know about me and Victoria… or Heather, for that matter,” Billy explains, “and two, I’m taking all the alcohol with me. If you’re not trying to get arrested, then you shouldn’t be drinking.” “Fine,” Kyle agrees, “Just as long as you get out of here and don’t come back.”
Scene 3
Meanwhile, at the Abbott Manor, Kyle and Ricky Williams’ pool party is still going strong since Billy allowed it to continue. From across the pool, Abby Carlton is still keeping an eye on Ricky. At the same time, Walnut Grove students Lucas Taylor and “Sully” are socializing with Kyle.
“You missed my photoshoot,” Kyle tells Sully. “I would have loved to watch, but my mom was being a b****,” Sully answers, “as usual.” “Yeah, parents excel at doing that,” Kyle replies, “So anyways… bring me your copy of the magazine and I can autograph it for you.” “You’ve already given me a lot to remember you by,” Sully replies suggestively, referring to the fact that they slept together. Lucas picks up on her hint.
“Oh, so you two are an item now?” he asks, a hint of jealousy in his voice. “No, we’re not ‘an item,’ Lucas,” Sully answers, “but even if we were, it’s none of your business.” “So I guess that means you two were together, huh?” Kyle asks. “Not anymore,” Lucas answers, “We were a long time ago.” “Yeah, he’s still possessive of me though,” Sully adds, “He doesn’t like me being with other guys… now that he realizes what he’s missing.” “Actually, you’re the one that’s missing out, Honey!” Lucas replies. “Don’t ever call me that again, jerk!” Sully fires back. She walks away.
“Stay away from that one,” Lucas warns Kyle. “A little late for that,” Kyle responds, “I think I’ll take my chances.” “That’s what I said too,” Lucas continues, “Until I started finding out about all her baggage.”
Scene 4
Ashley Abbott is sleeping in her bedroom at the former Carlton Mansion. She’s tossing and turning in her sleep.
Ashley dreams of a date that she had with Tom Fisher many years ago. She and Tom are having a picnic. Suddenly, Tom’s face turns into his son, Ryder Callahan’s, and Ashley’s own face turns into her daughter Abby Carlton’s. Ashley wakes up, springing up out of bed. She’s panting heavily and frightened out of her mind.
Scene 5
At the Main House on the Newman Ranch, Noah Newman and his girlfriend Eden Gerick enter Noah’s bedroom. “Thanks for helping clean everything up,” Noah tells his girlfriend, “You didn’t have to stay.” “I like spending time with you,” Eden replies, “whether we’re exploring cemeteries in France, or swimming in your pool, or packing food away in your freezer.” “Still, we haven’t really done anything fun together lately,” Noah realizes. “Well, maybe you can make up for that now,” Eden suggests as she wraps her arms around him and kisses him. They lay down on Noah’s bed, with Eden on top of Noah. “Just watch my arms,” Noah tells Eden, speaking of the scars he still has from the time that Kyle Abbott pushed him through a window. They continue kissing.
“Ahem,” Sharon Newman clears her throat to alert Noah and Eden to her presence. Noah’s step-brother Daniel Romalotti, Jr. is with her. Noah and Eden get up off the bed. “Mom, geez, do you not know how to knock?” Noah asks, embarrassed. “Your door was wide open,” Sharon answers, “That’s the way it should be.” “I better go,” Eden says, “It’s getting late.” “Nick’ll drive you home,” Sharon offers. “Oh, that’s okay,” Eden politely declines, “I’ll just call a cab.” “Are you sure?” Sharon asks, “Because it’s no trouble, and Michael and Lauren would probably rather we take you home.” “I appreciate it, but you don’t have to do that,” Eden insists. She gives Noah another kiss. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Noah tells her before she leaves.
“Hey, Noah… buddy. Why don’t we play some video games?” Daniel suggests, “That is… if it’s okay with your mom.” “That’s fine, but not for too long, okay?” Sharon tells them. “Sure,” Noah replies.
Scene 6
Scott and Jana continue to keep each other company. “You look tired,” Jana observes. “Well, I haven’t been able to fall asleep,” Scott tells her, “That’s why I’m out here trying to read.” “It’s the bed, isn’t it?” Jana asks knowingly. “Yeah,” Scott admits, “How did you know?” “Kevin said the same thing about it,” Jana confesses, “We’ve been meaning to replace the mattress forever. I’m sorry. We should have done that before we invited you.” “No, it’s fine,” Scott assures her, “I don’t wanna be an inconvenience… I was thinking I’d just crash on the couch for tonight, though. “Oh, well, you’ve got barely enough room to move around,” Jana realizes, “What if you roll off and hit your head on the coffee table, or something?” “I’ll move it for tonight,” Scott replies, “Then you don’t have to worry.” “But you’re my guest. And the least I can get you is a proper bed… How ‘bout a compromise? We could alternate nights,” Jana suggests, “You sleep here tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll sleep here and you take my bed.” “Thanks, but there’s really no need,” Scott insists, “I don’t mind the couch, really… and I’m not gonna displace you so that I can have a bed.” “There is one other alternative,” Jana informs him. “What’s that?” Scott inquires. “Why don’t you sleep with me tonight?” Jana suggests.
Scene 7
Sharon and Daniel are both walking downstairs to the living room of the Main House. “Once again, you come through for my son,” Sharon tells Daniel, who just finished playing video games with Noah. “I think I needed the distraction more than he did,” Daniel comments. Sharon stops Daniel in the living room for a moment. “Daniel, I hate to see something bothering you this much,” she says, “You are always there for Noah; let me help you now.” Daniel remains silent. “You said it was more than just what’s going on between your mom and Nick,” Sharon prompts him to confide in her. “Yeah, it actually has to do with my father,” Daniel admits. “Danny’s back in town?” Sharon asks. “No, not Danny,” Daniel corrects her, “My real father. My biological father… a guy named Brian Hamilton.”
Scene 8
Ashley, disturbed from her nightmare involving herself, Tom Fisher, Abby, and Ryder, has gone downstairs to get a drink of water. Still thinking about Tom, she flashes back to the night when her father, John Abbott, shot him in an alleyway.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Tom had asked when John showed up to the alley. “You hurt my family for the last time, Fisher,” John had warned. “Drop the tough guy act,” Tom had replied. “Stay back. I'm warning you,” John had said as he revealed a handgun. “I didn't kill Lauren. Now if you just let me prove...,” Tom had begun to speak, but he was cut off by John. “Don't take another step,” John had ordered, “Don’t.” “You don't wanna kill me,” Tom had pleaded, “Now give me the gun!” When he stepped forward again, John and Tom had struggled, and a gunshot was fired. Tom had fallen to the ground. Ashley had witnessed the entire thing.
“Why is this happening to me?” Ashley shouts aloud, “Is this some kind of a sign? Is Abby with Ryder right now?”
Scene 9
Abby sees Ricky sitting by the pool. She sees a guy walking around taking pictures, and approaches him to make a request. Subtly pointing at Ricky, she asks, “Hey… do you think you can come snap some pictures of us in a few minutes?” “Sure,” the photographer agrees. “Thanks,” Abby replies with a smile. Then she heads over to join Ricky.
Abby takes a seat beside him at the edge of the pool. “Nice abs,” Abby compliments him in a flirtatious way. Ricky looks over at her, and recognizes her immediately. “Hey – thanks,” he replies, “So we finally meet in person.” “Yeah, I’m officially off the hook,” Abby informs him, “No longer exiled to my bedroom, and I’m so glad. Because that night that I saw you on Kyle’s webcam, I knew there was something about you that I liked.”
Abby sees the photographer approaching. Ricky does not. “Make out with me,” she suddenly tells Ricky, and she pulls him close to her, kissing him passionately on the lips. Ricky stops her after a few moments. “Whoa, are you sure about this?” he double-checks. “Absolutely,” Abby replies and she kisses him again.
Scene 10
In the living room of the Main House, Sharon and Daniel sit on the couch together. “I remember telling Cassie that her biological father had died,” Sharon recalls, “That she would never get the chance to know him…” “But I had a father,” Daniel insists, speaking of Danny Romalotti, Sr. “So did Cassie,” Sharon replies, “She called Nick ‘dad.’ But there’s also certain physical features and personality traits that come biologically, from your parents. And maybe you’d find something in common, that only the two of you share…” “I really don’t care,” Daniel tells Sharon, “If I didn’t know who he was before, why would I suddenly care about him now?” “I’m just saying, I don’t think you should rule it out,” Sharon repeats, “Maybe in the future, you’d wonder about him and regret that you didn’t get some answers to your questions while you had the chance.” “Do you think so?” Daniel asks, realizing that she makes a good point. “I do,” Sharon answers, “I never knew my father. Sometimes, I wonder how my life would have been different if I had grown up with him in my life. So, yeah, I think you should at least talk to him and hear what he has to say. I know… if I knew who my father was, I’d want to meet him and find out his story.”
Scene 11
Billy and Heather Stevens are talking at the Coffee House. Billy called Heather there. “Look, the reason that I convinced you to back off from Kyle and Ricky is because Kyle knows something that he’s holding over me,” Billy admits, “and if we continued to interfere with them, like Jack and Paul wanted us to do, he was gonna reveal it and I couldn’t let that happen.” “So you’re being blackmailed by your 17 year-old nephew?” Heather asks. “I wouldn’t call it blackmail,” Billy answers, “Let’s just say, he’s strongly encouraging me to cooperate with him.”
“I found out why they didn’t want us around,” Billy announces, “They’re having a pool party at Jack’s right now.” “Okay, so what? We’re just talking about a small gathering of friends, right?” Heather clarifies. “No. We’re talking probably the entire senior class and then some,” Billy tells her, “I already went over there and there was drinking too.” “Well, you stopped it, right?” Heather questions, concerned. “I took the booze away, but Kyle, he wouldn’t let me break up the party,” Billy answers. “It’s not up to Kyle. You’re the adult, Billy,” Heather reminds him, “No, we’re the adults. And I can’t believe I just let Ricky on the loose all day today without checking on him.” “But if we go back to the party…,” Billy protests. “Billy, forget about the consequences,” Heather shouts, “Jack put you in charge of watching Kyle. You have to do the right thing. Now, let’s go break up this party…”
Scene 12
At the Abbott Pool, Kyle and Lucas are both chugging down beer while the crowd watches. They both finish at the same time and high-five each other. “Good thing Billy missed a case,” Kyle laughs.
Sully approaches Ricky, who’s standing up against the wall of the Pool House. He can tell that she’s checking him out. “Um, aren’t you supposed to be with Kyle?” Ricky asks her. “We were never exclusive,” Sully says, “More like friends with benefits.” “Uh huh,” Ricky nods, not sure what else to say. “I saw you with Abby earlier,” Sully counters. “We’re not exclusive either,” Ricky gives her the same line back. “But you kind of like her? Maybe?” Sully wants to know. “I dunno,” Ricky shrugs his shoulders, “We’re just hangin’ out, I guess.” He’s shy around her and definitely a little uncomfortable. “Well, if you ever want the benefit of hanging out with me, we should get together some time,” Sully suggests. “Yeah, sure,” Ricky replies in a non-committal kind of way. She walks away.
Kyle joins Ricky. “Dude, you got girls swarmin’ you like crazy,” he observes. “Yeah, I’m not used to this, bro,” Ricky admits, “I don’t know what to do…” “Take advantage of it, Amigo,” Kyle encourages him, “I saw you with Sully. The whole house is empty. Take her upstairs to one of the spare rooms.” “But weren’t you two [you and Sully] already together?” Ricky tries to make excuses. “We sure were,” Kyle brags, “and I remember every single detail. Because I recorded it in my ‘bang-book.’” Ricky raises an eyebrow. “Your what?” he asks. “I’ve got a notebook in the pool house, where I keep track of every girl I’ve ever been with,” Kyle admits. “Are you serious?” Ricky clarifies. “Yeah, I like to know where I’ve been,” Kyle tells Ricky.
Sully approaches them again, this time to offer a warning: “You two better be careful,” she tells Kyle, “I know Lucas is acting all cool with you, but he doesn’t do too well when he feels threatened…” Kyle brushes it off. “Thanks, babe, but I can handle him no problem,” he replies confidently…
Scene 13
Sharon and Daniel continue to discuss Daniel’s biological father, Brian Hamilton. “Maybe I’m just afraid to hear what he has to say,” Daniel confesses, “I mean, what really gets me is that Brian, my father, said that he wasn’t ready to be a dad. What if I have the same commitment issues because of him?” “No… a lot of young men have difficulties with new responsibilities once they get married and start a family,” Sharon explains, “I mean, look at Nick. You know, Noah was unplanned…” “No, I didn’t know that,” Daniel replies. “Yeah, we were both so young, had just gotten married, and definitely weren’t looking to have a child at the time,” Sharon adds, “but sometimes, things just happen. And then you have to decide how you’re gonna handle it. You know, Nick was hesitant about adopting Cassie at first too. He didn’t think he could love another man’s child as much as his own, but he loved Cassie just as much as Noah.” “Tell me about it,” Daniel says knowingly. After all, Nick had treated him horribly when he thought that Daniel was responsible for Cassie’s death…
Scene 14
Eden arrives at Kyle’s pool party and immediately finds Kyle, intent on telling him off for his behavior against Noah. “Well, look who decided to show her face,” Kyle says, noticing Eden is fully dressed, “Too bad that’s all you’re showing… Are you here for an autograph?” Eden grimaces. “Ew, I don’t want anything from you,” she replies, “except to know why you insist on being such a jerk to Noah.” “What did I do to Noah now?” Kyle asks cluelessly. “You told everyone our party was cancelled and then invited them here,” Eden says in an upset tone. “We couldn’t both have parties on the same night,” Kyle replies nonchalantly. “You only planned your party after you heard about Noah’s,” Eden accuses Kyle. “So…,” Kyle admits it, “What’s your point?” “My point is that you are the most selfish, self-absorbed, self-centred, pig-headed bastard I’ve ever met in my life,” Eden insults Kyle. Kyle laughs. “And you came all this way just to tell me that?” he asks. “No, I’m not finished yet,” Eden says, “I came to tell you that I find you disgusting and I hope I never see you again!”
Kyle smirks. “And yet, you still want a piece of me,” he says knowingly. “What?” Eden asks. “You want my body,” Kyle tells her. “Ew, I do not,” Eden denies it. “Yes, you do. There is some serious sexual tension between us. Don’t tell me you haven’t felt it. I know you don’t like me, but there’s a part of you that wants something different from your wimpy boyfriend, and finds me very, very attractive.” Eden says nothing, but inside, she realizes it’s true. There is something about him that makes him different from Noah, and that she actually likes.
Scene 15
Scott reacts to Jana’s suggestion for him to ‘sleep with her.’ “What?” he responds. Jana starts laughing. “Okay, I didn’t mean it like that, Silly,” she replies, “We have a king-size bed. A very comfy one, at that. There’s plenty of room. You take one side, I take the other. We both get a good night’s sleep and no one will be any wiser.” Scott isn’t sure what to say. “Come on. It’ll be completely harmless,” Jana pressures him, “I promise, I don’t bite.” “Alright. Okay!” Scott gives in, “But just for tonight. Or until you can change the mattress.” “I’ll get on it first thing tomorrow,” Jana assures him.
Scene 16
Back at the Main House, Sharon realizes that her last comment to Daniel was unintentionally insensitive. “I’m sorry, Daniel,” she apologizes, “I shouldn’t have been talking about being able to love a child that isn’t your own.” This is, of course, part of the reason why Daniel and his wife Amber Moore ended their marriage – Amber wanted Daniel to help raise her cousin’s son, but Daniel wasn’t ready to be a father.
“You know what? It’s fine,” Daniel tells her, “You don’t have to apologize. I know that some people, like Nick… and like Danny, are able to accept someone else’s child as their own, but I just am not ready to be raising a kid, and I’m not gonna apologize for that either.” “Of course not,” Sharon says in an understanding manner. “I mean, is it so wrong to just want to enjoy being young?” Daniel asks, “There’s still a lotta things I want to do before I have to settle down again.” “And there’s nothing wrong with that at all,” Sharon tells him, “You need that time for self-discovery, I think. I mean, I was a teenage mother. And then I married Nick, had Noah. After ten years with Nick, I went from his wife to Jack’s wife, and then to Adam’s wife. I had Faith. So I’ve never been on my own. I’ve always been somebody’s wife or mother. Now, I’m not saying I regret that… I will never regret having any of my children, but in hindsight, I can relate to you, Daniel… because there’s a lot that I never got to experience… that I want to be able to do too…”
Scene 17
Ashley arrives at the Main House and rings the front door bell. Sharon answers the door. “Ashley, hi,” Sharon says, “Please come in.” “Thanks,” Ashley replies as she and Sharon head into the living room, where Daniel is still sitting on the coach. “Hi Daniel,” Ashley greets him, “Is the party over?” “The party never happened,” Daniel replies. “Long story,” Sharon adds, “but the kids heard that it was cancelled when that wasn’t the case.”
Noah comes downstairs. “Who’s at the door?” he calls out as he comes into the living room. He sees that it’s Ashley. “Oh, hey, Ashley,” he says. “Hi, Noah. Sorry to hear about your party,” Ashley tells him, “I know it’s late, but I just came here to see Abby.” “She isn’t here,” Noah informs Ashley. “Well, then, where is she?” Ashley asks. “She’s at a party, alright,” Noah reveals. “When she told me she was at a pool party, I thought she meant yours,” Ashley tells him. “Your nephew’s,” Noah informs her. “Kyle,” Ashley says aloud, realizing that Jack is away and Kyle is throwing this party without permission.
Scene 18
Kyle and Eden go inside the Pool House. Kyle shuts the door and they continue to argue. “You are selfish and delusional,” Eden adds to her previous insult. “I’ve never denied being selfish. There’s nothing wrong with going after what you want,” Kyle tells Eden, “But the delusional one here is you if you’ve actually convinced yourself that goody two-shoes Noah is the kind of guy that you want.” “Why do you say it like that?” Eden asks. “Because, come on… no girl seriously wants to be stuck with a guy like that,” Kyle tries to convince her, “You want someone who’s tough, and strong, and knows how to have a good time… I’m a bad boy, and girls love that about me.” “Not me,” Eden maintains. “Every time you deny it, you make yourself more and more obvious,” Kyle tells her. “I’m not denying anything,” Eden shouts, “I am being fully honest about how I feel about you. And I hate you. I really do.”
“But you still want me,” Kyle instigates some more. “No, I don’t,” Eden maintains. “Yes, you do,” Kyle insists, stepping a little closer to Eden. “No, I don’t!” Eden gets louder this time. “Yes, you do,” Kyle says again, inching closer to her again, this time getting right up in her face. “Yes… I do,” Eden admits softly and she leans in now to kiss him.
Scene 19
In the Abbott Pool House, Kyle and Eden continue to kiss, and Kyle reaches to pull off her top. Eden hesitates. “Here? Right now, with everybody outside?” she asks. “Lock the door,” Kyle replies nonchalantly, “They’ll get the message.” Eden thinks aloud: “Did anyone see me come in here?” she tries to recall. “Who cares?” Kyle says.
Eden locks the door and rejoins Kyle by the bed. “That’s a good girl,” Kyle says. Eden pushes Kyle down onto the foot of the bed and starts kissing him again. She then stops to pull off her top, leaving Kyle mesmerized for a few moments…
Scene 20
Meanwhile. Ashley and Billy and Heather arrive at the Abbott Manor at the same time. The loud sounds of teenage partying can be heard even at the front of the house. “Ash, what are you doing here?” Billy asks, surprised. “Same thing you’re doing here,” Ashley replies, “Let’s go around back.” Ashley, Billy, and Heather rush out to the pool.
Scene 21
Scott comes into Jana’s bedroom holding a pair of track pants. He puts them on. “You know, most people usually get undressed to go to sleep,” Jana jokes. “Well, I normally sleep in just my boxers, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Scott tells her. Jana laughs it off. “Oh, I’m no prude,” she says, “I told you, I want you to be comfortable, so you feel free to sleep in as much… or as little as you want.” “Alright,” Scott agrees as he proceeds to undress himself in front of Jana, who takes a few opportunities to peak.
“So which side do you normally sleep on?” Scott asks Jana. Jana ponders the question. “You know, I don’t remember,” she realizes, “I’ve had the bed to myself, so I’ve just been taking the middle.” “Well, I’ll just this side, then,” Scott decides, referring to the side closest to the door, “Is that cool?” “That’s fine,” Jana agrees. They each get into the bed. “You were right. This bed is a lot more comfortable,” Scott states. “I tell you, once you get in, you never want to leave…,” Jana comments, “Um, if you could just get that lamp there…” “Sure,” Scott says as he reaches over and turns off the lamp, leaving them both in the dark. “Good night,” he tells Jana as he rolls over as far to his side of the bed as possible. “Good night, Scotty,” Jana says, and Scott doesn’t correct her.
Scene 22
Noah sits at his computer. He’s on the Restless Style Web site, which has a poll about which of Kyle or Noah is the ‘hottest.’ Noah checks the results and sees that Kyle is in the lead by a significant margin. Noah clicks himself and then hits ‘vote’. He then goes back and votes for himself repeatedly…
Scene 23
Back at the Abbott Pool Party, Ricky had been thinking about Kyle’s advice. He’s been watching Sully from afar and decides to go talk to her. Abby intercepts him. “Hey, there you are,” she says, “Looking for me?” She pulls Ricky into another kiss, and this time, he doesn’t resist.
Ashley and Heather make their way out to the pool and witness Abby and Ricky kissing.
Scene 24
As a number of party guests bang loudly on the locked door of the Pool House and music blares loudly, Kyle and Eden are in bed together, kissing… As the knocking gets even louder, they pull the covers over them so that they’re completely hidden under the blankets… Now, Billy starts wrapping on the door. “Kyle, are you in there?” he shouts, “Kyle, open the door now! Don’t make me get the key!”
Next Time on The Young and The Restless
New Episodes Return Tuesday, October 5th and Thursday, October 7th!
Click here to watch a video promo of the custody battle between Victoria Newman and JT Hellstrom!

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