Scene 1
Tucker McCall, CEO of Tucker McCall Unlimited, and Ashley Abbott, the new CEO of Jabot Cosmetics, a subsidiary of McCall Unlimited, are meeting for lunch at the Athletic Club. “It seems like I’m paying rent here,” Tucker comments as a joke. “What do you mean?” Ashley asks. “I was just here for breakfast,” Tucker answers, “with Katherine.” “Oh, well, we could have gone somewhere else,” Ashley tells him. “Don’t worry about it,” Tucker assures her, “I don’t mind. As long as I have the company of a beautiful woman, how can I complain?”
Ashley wants to remain professional, so she doesn’t reply to Tucker’s comment. Instead, she directs the conversation towards Jabot. “So, you’ll be happy to know that sales have been steadily increasing since I took over Jabot,” she reports. Tucker nods. “Why don’t we forget about all the business talk?” he suggests. “Then, that would be like a date,” Ashley replies. “So what if it would?” Tucker asks. “Well, I didn’t agree to a date,” Ashley reminds him, making herself very clear, “I agreed to a business meeting…” Tucker smirks.
Scene 2
Nicholas Newman and Sharon Newman have arrived at the Athletic Club basketball court, where their son Noah Newman was playing basketball with his step-brother Daniel Romalotti, Jr. “Um… I’m gonna take off,” Daniel tells Noah, “Take it easy, buddy.” “Thanks,” Noah replies. As Daniel heads inside, he whispers over to Nick, “Go easy on him…”
“Look, I don’t know what you heard…,” Noah begins. Nick cuts him off. “Last night, your mother and I were just talking about what a great kid you are… how grown up you’ve been acting,” Nick says harshly, “and then you go and do something stupid like this.” “Nick, let’s give him a chance to explain,” Sharon suggests, “Noah… what’s your side of the story?”
Scene 3
Roxanne Porter sits in the living room of her Rent House. She stares at the black leather sofa and briefly flashes back to the time last year that she caught her boyfriend Devon Hamilton cheating on her with Tyra Hamilton.
The door bell rings, interrupting Roxanne’s thoughts. She answers the door and is greeted by a delivery man. “Delivery for Roxanne Porter,” he says. “That’s me,” Roxanne informs him. “Sign here, please,” the man instructs her as he hands her a clipboard and pen. Roxanne signs her name. “Thank you…,” the delivery man says as he takes the clipboard from her, “I’ll go bring in your new couch…”
Scene 4
Abby Carlton is working at Fenmore’s Boutique. It’s a busy day at the store since Lauren is holding a large sale that coincides with National Underwear Day. Abby’s cousin, Kyle Abbott, emerges from the fitting room wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. Abby had asked Kyle to act as an ‘underwear model’ in order to draw female customers into the store and impress her boss, Lauren Fenmore.
“I’m ready,” Kyle announces, feeling confident and eager to get started. “I’m so glad you finally came back to Genoa City,” Abby tells him. “You are the perfect person to do this… not many people are so outgoing.” “I like to make an impression,” Kyle states, “wherever I may be. People are gonna know Kyle Abbott was there.” “That’s what I’m counting on,” Abby replies.
“Here, take this sign I made,” Abby instructs, as she hands him a big poster, “Go walk around outside; talk to girls; flirt with them. Do whatever you need to do to get as many people in here as you can.”
Scene 5
Out on the Athletic Club basketball court, Noah prepares to explain to his parents Nick and Sharon why he got into a fight. “I was at the Coffee House, and out of nowhere, this guy… uh, Kyle, came up to me,” he begins. “Wait a second,” Sharon interrupts him, “This was Jack’s son, Kyle Abbott?” “Yeah, I didn’t know who he was at first though,” Noah answers, “All I know is he was being a… a jerk, to put it politely.” “What did he say to you?” Nick asks. “He said stuff about mom,” Noah reveals. “Like what?” Nick demands. Sharon doesn’t say anything. “He pretty much called her a slut,” Noah tells them. Nick is outraged. “He said that?” he demands. “Not in so many words, but that’s exactly what he meant,” Noah clarifies, “He was taunting me on purpose, saying she did all the Newman and Abbott guys, and stuff like that.” Sharon finally speaks. “It sounds like he was just looking for a fight, and you gave him one,” she tells her son. “Still, that punk had no reason to say those things about you,” Nick defends her.
“Noah, people are not always gonna have nice things to say about others. That’s life,” Sharon explains. “You come from a family that is constantly in the spotlight,” Nick adds, “Rumors are gonna start… that’s normal, but just because you don’t like what you hear, that doesn’t give you the right to hit someone.” “I was just defending Mom,” Noah repeats, “Just like all the times you fought Adam, ‘cause you were defending her.” Nick realizes that he sounds like a hypocrite. “Just do as I say, and not as I do,” he says out of frustration, “I don’t wanna hear about you getting into any more fights…”
Scene 6
Daniel Romalotti, Jr. is leaving the Athletic Club when he encounters Scott Grainger, Jr. who is heading up to his room. “Hey, man!” Daniel greets him. “Daniel… hey, what’s up?” Scott replies. “Nothin’ much,” Daniel answers, “Just coming from a game of b-ball.” “That’s right… I still owe you a game,” Scott recalls. “Yeah, just let me know when,” Daniel agrees.
“Hey -- you have any luck in finding yourself a girl?” Daniel asks him. “Still single…,” Scott replies, clearly disappointed. “But there’s a few prospects, or what?” Daniel follows up. “I’m keeping my options open,” Scott says evasively. “Well, I hear you’ve been spending a lot of time with Jana lately,” Daniel reveals. “Oh, um… yeah, I think, ‘cause I was new in town, she felt like we should help each other out,” Scott replies, “You know, getting reacquainted with everyone and finding our way around town… Stuff like that.” “And how do you think she’s getting reacquainted with Kevin?” Daniel asks, “He hasn’t really talked to me about it, but I’d like to know how he’s doing.” “Um, it’s up and down,” Scott answers, “They have their good days and bad days, but I think, once they get used to each other again, they’ll be fine.” “That’s good to hear,” Daniel responds, “I really hope it works out for them.” “Me too,” Scott agrees. “Alright, I’ll catch you later, man,” Daniel says. He gives Scott a pat on the shoulder. “See ya,” Scot replies. He heads upstairs.
Scene 7
Victor Newman is at the Athletic Club bar reading the business section of the newspaper. There is a story headlined ‘Tucker McCall Acquires Castle Properties.’ Victor does not look pleased. He puts the paper down and glances around the room. He sees Tucker and Ashley having lunch together.
Tucker tries to convince Ashley to remain with him for lunch even though he wants their meeting to be a ‘date’ instead of a business meeting. “Are you willing to stay and discuss something other than business?” Tucker asks, “You choose the topic.” Ashley pauses for a moment. “I never know what to expect with you,” she informs him, “You’re very shady sometimes, Tucker, and it’s unnerving to think that I’ve taken a job with you where we have to work closely together, because I can’t trust you completely.” “Have I ever been anything but supportive and professional with you at the office?” Tucker inquires. “No,” Ashley admits.
“Then, if I’ve gotten you here under false pretences, darlin’, I apologize,” Tucker tells her, “I just thought… all we ever talk about is business. I’d like to get to know you outside the office. I want to see Ashley Abbott, the woman, not just Ashley Abbott, the businesswoman.” “Let’s talk about that… how people can have different sides to them,” Ashley begins, “because I’ve seen Tucker McCall the businessman, the one who plotted and schemed for years in order to steal his own mother’s company away from her, and then I’ve seen the man who was amazingly sweet and wonderful to me when I was about to lose Faith. So what I want to know is, which is the real Tucker McCall?” “They’re both me. They’re two sides of a very complex individual,” Tucker answers, “But I want you to realize something. Your initial impressions of me, darlin’, were wrong… I didn’t take over Chancellor to be vindictive, and I returned it to Katherine to make amends for my poor judgment. So to answer your question, I can be that nice guy who stood by your side when you needed a friend… but I also am the kind of guy who likes to take charge. I know what I want, and I know how to go after it, and people are sometimes offended by that. I hope you won’t be one of them…”
Scene 8
Out on the Athletic Club basketball court, Nick and Sharon continue to speak to their son Noah. “Noah, I appreciate you defending me, but I don’t need you to do that, especially with your fist,” Sharon says, “and I don’t need your father to defend me either.”
“It’s not like you’re gonna prove that you’re better by trying to beat him up,” Sharon insists. “Yeah, that’s what Daniel said too,” Noah replies. “Well, he’s right,” Sharon says, “You show that you’re the bigger person by walking away.” “I’m sorry, alright?” Noah apologizes, speaking in an agitated tone, “I gotta take a shower. Can I go now?” Sharon nods. “For now,” she says, “Your father and I need to discuss this some more, so we’ll finish this conversation later.”
As he’s heading inside, Noah takes out his cell phone, checks his messages, and sees one unread message from Abby.
Scene 9
Noah arrives at the Boutique to find out why Abby left him a message. “I still can’t get over this,” Noah says, “You haven’t worked a day in your life, and now here you are… selling… underwear.” “It’s National Underwear Day,” Abby explains, “but we’re having a big sale all month… not just today.”
Noah makes a face. “Who comes up with this stuff?” he asks. “Apparently people who want to sell a lot of underwear,” Abby answers, “and that’s where you come in… I have a modeling gig for you.” She reveals a pair of boxer shorts similar to the pair she gave Kyle. “Oh, no…,” Noah protests immediately. “Oh, yes,” Abby insists, handing him the pair of shorts again, “Put these on… Please…” “Um, hello? Eden,” Noah reminds her, inferring that his girlfriend wouldn’t want him to do it. “Um, hello, you’d be helping Lauren out,” Abby counters, trying to convince him to go along with it. Noah scoffs. He takes the shorts from her. “You are so spoiled. You know that?” “Yes,” Abby admits, with a devilish smile…
Scene 10
A special montage of Kyle and Noah [separately] promoting the underwear sale around town:
-Noah emerges from the fitting room and Abby hands him a sign to hold;
-Kyle approaching a few teen girls and telling them about the sale;
-A few girls snapping pictures of Noah as he stands outside of the Jabot Building.
-Kyle having the details of the sale written across his chest;
-Noah on a street corner holding up the sign;
-Kyle having the details of the sale written across his back;
-Noah at a nearby park holding up the sign;
-Kyle getting his picture taken with a young woman…
Scene 11
Ashley and Tucker continue their “business meeting” (i.e. date) at the Athletic Club. Suddenly, Ashley’s cell phone rings. She looks at the Caller ID. “You know what? This is Lauren. I should take it in case it’s about Abby,” Ashley says. “Can you excuse me?” “Of course, darlin’,” Tucker replies. Ashley leaves the table to take the call.
Victor approaches Tucker and Ashley’s table. “I heard about your purchasing of Castle Properties,” he begins. He towers over Tucker, who is remaining seated. “It’s a great company,” Tucker replies, “I’m sure it’ll perform remarkably under the McCall Umbrella. Now, if that’s all you came to say…” Victor cuts him off. “You know damn well that company was being looked at as an acquisition by Newman Enterprises,” Victor states in an intimidating manner. “Do I?” Tucker acts surprised. He takes off his glasses. “When my son Adam came to work with you, he was to give you a list of acquisitions being considered by the company, as a gesture of good will,” Victor admits, “Castle Properties was not approved on that list, but obviously Adam told you about it as one last way to screw over his father.”
Tucker flashes back to the day that Adam Newman came to him looking for a job. “I can't help but be a little suspicious,” Tucker had told Adam. “About?” Adam had questioned. “Well, it's well-known that your father is very unhappy with my acquisition of Chancellor Industries,” Tucker had clarified, “and suddenly, his son arrives on my doorstep looking for a job.” “I knew you might say that, which is why I brought you this,” Adam had said as he handed Tucker a folder, “It is a breakdown of potential acquisitions Newman Enterprises is considering. Top of the list is Castle Properties.” Tucker had smirked. “Well, this goes a long way towards proving your sincerity,” he had replied…
Tucker doesn’t admit anything to Victor. “That’s an intriguing theory, Victor,” he says. Victor cuts him off before he can continue to speak. “You’re starting to annoy me, Tucker McCall,” he says in a threatening tone, “I suggest you think otherwise before you continue to do that.” “Business is business,” Tucker replies, “Companies get outbid and outplayed all the time. If you don’t like that, find someone who cares.” Victor smirks and then chuckles. “I’ll do that,” he says, avoiding any further confrontation, “You have a nice day…” “I always do,” Tucker remarks.
Scene 12
Roxanne arrives at Fenmore’s for her afternoon shift. She approaches Abby, whose shift should be ending now. “Abby, hi… Wow, this place is jumping,” she notices, “I guess the sale has really gone over well, huh?” “Thanks to my genius advertising plan,” Abby brags, “Using my cousin and my nephew as walking billboards.” “Really? You did that?” Roxanne asks. “Yeah. Luckily, they’d do anything for me,” Abby says, “I have that effect on guys.” “Well, whenever you’re ready for me to take over here…,” Roxanne offers. “Actually, the other girl, Lindsay or Lindi or something, called in sick, so I’m taking an extra shift,” Abby informs Roxanne, “and avoiding being locked up in my room at the same time. It’s perfect.”
Suddenly, Lauren returns to the Boutique. “Abby, I’m impressed!” she exclaims, “This is fabulous. Look at all these customers!” “I have a feeling Abby’s promotion idea has something to do with it,” Roxanne states. “Well, I just thought, if Abercrombie and Fitch can use shirtless store greeters, then why can’t we?” Abby explains. “I saw Noah out there,” Lauren says, “Who’s the other guy I passed on my way in here?” she wonders. “My cousin Kyle,” Abby answers. “Jack’s Kyle?” Lauren follows up. Abby nods her head. “Well, having Kyle and Noah out there advertising has really brought in the younger crowd,” Lauren admits, “Who else do you know that we can call?” “Ryder?” Abby suggests. “No… no Ryder,” Lauren decides, “And if that was the only reason you arranged for this…” “It wasn’t,” Abby insists, “I just really wanted to make a splash, and show that I could be a valued employee here.” “Well, you have definitely achieved your goal,” Lauren compliments her.
Roxanne suddenly gets an idea about who else they could call to help promote the sale. “Hey -- what about your son?” she suggests to Lauren, “The one I met on my first day here.” “Scott? I don’t know I feel about using my son in order to make sales,” Lauren admits. “Trust me, it would work,” Roxanne insists. “Do you really think so?” Lauren asks. “Yeah, definitely,” Roxanne insists. “Hmmm… I suppose it’s worth a try,” Lauren decides.
Scene 13
While babysitting Fenmore Baldwin, Eden gets a text from a friend. The message contains a link to a photo of Noah taken only a few minutes ago. Eden immediately calls Noah. He picks up. “Hey. Sorry, I can’t really talk right now,” he tells her. “Wait! Why are there pictures of you parading around town in your boxers circulating on the Internet?” Eden asks her boyfriend. “National Underwear Day,” Noah states. “And you suddenly had the urge to celebrate?” Eden says. “I’m helping Abby,” Noah justifies his decision, “and by helping Abby bring in more customers, I’m helping Lauren. I thought you’d be happy about that.” “I’m not happy about you showing off to all these women and having them take pictures of you,” Eden confesses, “Do you know how many girls from school have retweeted them?” “Why do you care who looks at some stupid photo?” Noah inquires, “You get the real thing, and that should be all that matters.” “Will I get the real thing tonight,” Eden asks, “when I sneak away from dinner?” “Yes,” Noah answers, “I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight.”
Scene 14
Scott is now at Fenmore’s Boutique, and Lauren has requested that he also act as an underwear model to promote the sale. Scott is not enthusiastic about the idea. “Are you seriously asking me to do that?” he asks, “That could kill my teaching career if someone took pictures and they ever got out.” “You’re right, honey,” Lauren realizes, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” Roxanne overhears. “Look, it was my idea,” she tells Scott, “We were trying to think of who else we could ask… I remembered meeting you and thought you might want to help your mother out.” “But I shouldn’t have jumped on board without considering the possible ramifications for you,” Lauren apologizes again. “And I didn’t realize you were in a profession where it would hurt you if you took off your clothes like that.”
“I’m not saying I can’t help you out though,” Scott tells them, “While I’m here, let me call Billy and tell him about this… see if we can feature anything in Restless Style. We could do a survey-type thing, you know, what does your underwear say about you. And we could find a way to work in Fenmore’s.” “And you can use Noah and Kyle in the ads, to thank them for helping us out,” Abby suggests. “Having a Newman and an Abbott supporting our brands would go a long way in promoting Fenmore’s,” Lauren agrees, before turning back to Scott, “And you can advertise the sale on the Restless Style Web site, right? My ads don’t run again until this month’s print edition, so I’d like to get the word out online right away.” “I can ask Billy,” Scott answers. “I’m sure once he realizes it’s an opportunity to promote the Abbott… and Newman names, he’ll be on board,” Lauren speculates.
Scene 15
Nick and Sharon remain out on the basketball court. They continue to discuss their son Noah getting into a fight. “So what do you think we should do, Nick?” Sharon asks, “Ground him? Take away his cell phone? His car?” “I don’t know that we need to do that,” Nick expresses. “What are you saying?” Sharon says. “We’re Newmans; we stick up for each other… that’s what our family does,” Nick defends Noah, “That doesn’t mean I agree with how he handled it. I don’t want him getting in any more fights, but I can understand why he did it.” “So he gets no consequences?” Sharon questions. “I think he learned his lesson,” Nick says, “Let’s just let him off this one time.” “If it happens again…,” Sharon begins, but Nick interrupts her. “It won’t,” he states confidently, “This is Noah we’re talking about. He’s a good kid. He made one mistake, his first mistake in a long time…” Sharon relents. “Okay,” she says hesitantly, “Okay. This is his one free pass.”
“Um… I gotta head home,” Nick announces, “I’m in for it as it is… Phyllis is not too happy with me right now.” “Phyllis can get over it,” Sharon snaps, “Summer is not your only child. Faith and Noah need you too.” “That’s what I keep trying to tell her,” Nick agrees, “But Phyllis is… you know, she’s stubborn, she’s outspoken… she’s… Phyllis,” Nick rambles, “That’s what I admire most and love about her, but it’s also what drives me crazy.” “I don’t mean to criticize your wife, Nick,” Sharon says, “But Phyllis is very possessive.” “Well, she’s going through some… uh, personal things right now,” Nick tries to defend his wife. “No, she’s always been this way,” Sharon corrects him, “and she has to realize that, like it or not, we’re all stuck with each other for the next 18 years.”
Scene 16
As she’s returning from taking the phone call with Lauren. Ashley approaches Victor at the Athletic Club bar. Before she can say anything, Victor demands answers from her. “What are you doing with Tucker McCall?” he asks, “I can see where Abby gets her poor taste in men from.” “Excuse me? Don’t forget, I was married to you… twice,” Ashley says defensively, “and for your information, not that it’s any of your concern, Tucker and I are just having a business meeting.” “Be sure to remind him of that,” Victor suggests, having sensed that Tucker was interested in more than just business. “Believe me, I did,” Ashley remarks. Victor takes a deep breath and decides to change the subject.
“So what did you want to talk to me about?” he asks. “Two things: One, I know it’s the anniversary of Sabrina’s death,” Ashley says, “and I want to let you know that I’m thinking about her today, and the loss that you shared.” “Thank you,” Victor replies, almost in a whisper.
“And… I also thought you might want to know: I talked to Lauren earlier, and she’s been really impressed with Abby’s work at the Boutique so far,” Ashley informs her ex-husband. “Is that right?” Victor responds, “It just proves what we’ve been saying to Abby all along… that she can do whatever she sets her mind to, as long as she stays committed to it. That’s why she doesn’t need distractions like Ryder Callahan in her life.” “I was thinking that, since she’s proven that she can be responsible, maybe we can relent a little?” Ashley suggests, “Give her some of her freedom back.” “I’ll think about it, alright?” Victor replies.
Scene 17
Kyle returns to the Boutique. It’s about two hours since he first started. Abby notices the ad written across Kyle’s chest and back. “Look at you! You really went all out,” she compliments her cousin. “You’re doing great so far! I’ve heard quite a few girls talking about you.” “Tell me somethin’ I don’t know,” Kyle jokes. “You’re so modest, cousin,” Abby replies sarcastically.
A teenaged girl dressed in revealing clothing is looking at one of the clothing racks. Kyle checks her out. “You know her?” he whispers to Abby. “I don’t know her but I know who she is… that’s Sully,” Abby answers, “She’s starting at Walnut Grove next year. Apparently, she’s been kicked out of every other school in the area.” “For what?” Kyle asks. “Just about everything you can think of,” Abby replies vaguely, “It would be easier to list the things she hasn’t done.”
“Give me some idea of what we’re talkin’ about here,” Kyle requests. “Okay. Well, for starters, she slept with like half the guys on the GC High football team,” Abby reveals. “So she’s my kind of girl,” Kyle jokes. “I hope not,” Abby replies. “Thanks for the info,” Kyle tells Abby, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go make a sale to her.” “Just remember what you’re here to sell,” Abby replies. “Still, a little self-promotion can’t hurt,” Kyle tells his cousin.
Kyle approaches ‘Sully’ and stands behind her. “Heard a lot about you,” he states. She turns around. “Everyone has,” Sully replies, “That doesn’t mean you know me.” “I know your type,” Kyle states, “Pretty, but insecure… that’s why you dress like this. You like all the attention you get.” “This coming from a guy standing in front of me practically naked,” Sully replies, “Tell me you’re not doing that for attention.” “I’ve got yours, don’t I?” Kyle replies. Sully gives him a playful smile. “So what exactly have you heard about me?” she asks him. “That you don’t mind havin’ a little fun… hint hint,” Kyle says, “Just like me.” “Oh, I get it, so you’re here looking for a little ‘fun,’ is that it?” Sully asks flirtatiously. “That’s right… I like what I hear about you. I like what I see,” Kyle tells her, “Now the question is: do you like what you see? And what are we gonna do about it?”
Scene 18
Kyle continues to hit on ‘Sully’ at Fenmore’s Boutique. “We could sneak back to that storage room over there,” he suggests, “I’m sure no one would miss us for a few minutes… You could give me a little appetizer and then we could go for the main course tonight… my place.” “You have your own house?” Sully asks. “Sure, I do… it’s a Poolhouse,” Kyle answers, somewhat deceptively, “We can have the place all to ourselves… we can do whatever we want, be as loud as we want…”
Abby interrupts them. “Get a room, you two,” she jokes. “That’s what we’re tryin’ to do,” Kyle replies seriously. “You have some more advertising to do,” Abby reminds him, “You can worry about your love life later.” “You really know how to kill a moment, ‘cuz,” Kyle tells her. He grabs a pair of lingerie from the rack, writes his phone number on them, and hands them to Sully. “Call me tonight,” he instructs, “and make sure you wear that.” He winks at her.
Scene 19
Daniel has gone back out to the Newman Ranch garden to finish his painting. Sharon approaches him from behind. Daniel looks back. “I thought I’d find you out here,” she says softly, as she takes a look at his unfinished work, “That’s coming along really nicely.” “Thanks,” Daniel accepts the compliment. He puts his paint brush down. “So how did it go with Noah?” he asks. “It turns out it was Kyle Abbott that Noah was fighting,” Sharon informs Daniel. “Jack’s son?” Daniel says, surprised, “I didn’t know he was back in town.” “It was very recent,” Sharon explains.
“I’m sure that’s just what you need… another Newman and Abbott goin’ at it with each other,” Daniel says sarcastically. “I remember the way Nick and Jack fought sometimes when we all worked at Restless Style,” Sharon recalls, “and yet, I know they think of each other as family. That’s what I don’t want to happen with Noah and Kyle. They were step-brothers at one time, even though they never knew each other back then. But still, look how close you and Noah have become being step-brothers. I think, Noah and Kyle could at least be good friends too if they gave it a chance.”
“I remember being Noah’s age,” Daniel reminisces, “I thought I was so cool… son of a rock star. And when I was away at boarding school, there were lots of kids there that came from similar backgrounds, and we clashed a lot, even though we had a lot in common and we probably could have bonded if we really got to know each other.” “So you felt threatened by these other kids?” Sharon attempts to understand. “Back then… yes,” Daniel admits, “I wanted to be the ‘big man on campus.’” Sharon gives him a look. “It’s a guy thing,” Daniel clarifies, “Think about it… Noah has always been ‘the rich kid’ here… and then suddenly, Kyle comes back to town. He comes from a rich, powerful, well-known family too… it’s like Noah’s protecting his territory…” Sharon considers what Daniel’s saying. “I’ve never thought of it that way,” she admits, “So you really think that’s what this is all about?” “In my experience, yes,” Daniel repeats. “I guess I have a lot more to learn about my son than I thought,” Sharon confesses. “Well, any time you need the inside scoop on the workings of a teen boy’s brain…,” Daniel offers. “I’ll come to you,” Sharon agrees.
“Well, I can see you’re busy at work here. I just wanted to say thank you for talking to Noah earlier…,” Sharon says appreciatively, “I know how much Noah looks up to you. I think you really helped.” “I hope so,” Daniel tells her. “So do I,” Sharon whispers.
Scene 20
Noah returns to Fenmore’s. Eden and Abby both approach him. “Lookin’ good,” Eden compliments her boyfriend. Noah suddenly feels a little embarrassed. “What’re you doing here?” he asks Eden, “I thought you were babysitting Fen.” “I dropped him off early at Gloria’s,” Eden answers, “I wanted to be here to support you.” She puts her arm around him. Noah notices Kyle in the store. [They had never encountered one another while out advertising in the streets.] “What’s he doing here?” he asks Abby. Kyle overhears. “I’m bringing all the customers in, and you’re scarin’ ‘em away,” he says rudely. “Oh, get over yourself, Hotshot,” Eden chimes in to defend Noah. “Hotshot? Listen to this, she thinks I’m hot,” Kyle tells the others. “Full of hot air is more like it,” Eden fires back. “Ooh, that stings,” Kyle replies sarcastically, “You really cut me deep.” “That’s not possible, seeing how shallow you are,” Eden insults him again. “Okay, what’s going on here?” Abby demands. “We don’t like each other,” Kyle states. “That’s obvious,” Abby says, “But how do you even know each other?” “We met this morning,” Noah answers, “He went out of his way to piss me off.” “And anyone who comes after Noah is automatically on my hit list,” Eden comments, trying to sound tough.
“Ah, that’s cute. She’s like your own personal guard dog,” Kyle says to Noah before turning to Eden, “Newsflash. You can do a lot better. Don’t waste your time with this loser.” “Oh, I think you better look in the mirror if you wanna see a real loser,” Noah retorts. “That black eye says differently,” Kyle points out, referring to the black eye he gave Noah in their earlier fight, “And if you’re not careful, step-bro, you might end up with another one.” Noah turns to Eden and suggests that they leave. “Come on,” he says to her, “We don’t have to listen to this.” “My point exactly, Loser…,” Kyle continues to taunt Noah, “Walk away…”
“Are you gonna shut your mouth now, or do I have to shut it for you?” Noah asks, getting right up in Kyle’s face. “Okay, guys, this has gone far enough,” Abby tries to stop them. She stands in between them, but they reach around her and give each other a few shoves. She gets out of the way, and they become more aggressive. Kyle tackles Noah, knocking down the row of mannequins at the front window. “You guys, stop it right now!” Eden shouts. All the other customers are watching and Lauren and Roxanne, who were busy with customers at the other end of the store, rush over. “Noah! Kyle!” Lauren calls out. “Stop this! Before somebody gets hurt!” Noah gets up and takes a swing at Kyle. He misses. Kyle pushes him backwards and Noah falls through the front window of Fenmore’s into the lobby of the Jabot building. Both Abby and Eden scream.
Next Time on The Young and The Restless
Heather Stevens meets Billy Abbott at Jimmy’s Bar. “Let me call you a cab,” Heather offers. “No… I got a better idea,” Billy states, “Why don’t you be my designated driver?”
Gloria Bardwell speaks to Ryder Callahan before dinner at the Penthouse. “You need to have someone in your life who can give you guidance, someone who you can rely on,” Gloria tells him. “Someone like you?” Ryder reads between the lines. “Exactly,” Gloria confirms. She has a sly look on her face.
Kyle Abbott returns home. He tries to sneak upstairs, but his father Jack Abbott had been waiting in the living room and sees him. “Okay, you have crossed a line big time,” Jack says harshly, “You are in so much trouble.” Kyle says nothing.
DISCLAIMER: This alternate reality story is intended as a fan fiction and is not affiliated with CBS, Sony, The Young and the Restless or any of their sponsors or affiliates.
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